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Amongst the most loyal servants of the Emperor, regarded as one of the most accomplished Space Marine Chapters of the Imperium, the Dark Angels are feared and respected with equal measure. However, they harbour a terrible secret, a betrayal buried by time and dust that nevertheless indelibly...
2,340 руб
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From the frozen world of Fenris, the Space Wolves sail out across the Sea of Stars. Noble savages who disregard the teachings of the Codex Astartes in favour of the traditions laid down by their Primarch, Leman Russ. Valuing honour, courage and skill in battle above all other concepts, the Space...
2,580 руб
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Masters of warfare and strategy, the Ultramarines embody pure heroism. Conquerors and protectors in equal measure, they stand for everything it means to be a Space Marine through both their bravery and their strict adherence to the Codex Astartes. They fight the Emperor’s wars all across the...
2,580 руб
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Lavishly illustrated in full colour, this book contains an extensive history of the Ultramarines, unit profiles, and an army list as well as rules for the Primarch of the XIII Legion, Roboute Guilliman, so he can lead your army to war along with the elite of his Legion. To represent their part...
10,920 руб
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This Ultramarines Legion Transfer Sheet is perfect for personalising your Ultramarines Legion. It is an A4 sheet packed with a huge number of symbols including Legion honour and rank markings, detailing for breacher shields, squad markings that can be used on vehicles and infantry and full,...
5,850 руб
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6,390 руб
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Среди техножрецов Культа Механикус особенно выделяются Электрожрецы, священная каста воинов, посвятивших свои жизни Движущей силе, которая питает энергией всё во вселенной. Во время посвящения в орден их тела прошиваются электродами, позволяющими проводить огромное количество энергии. Некоторые...
6,600 руб
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В Адептус Механикус есть много каст техножрецов — от создателей и логистов до техноархеологов и генерал-фабрикаторов. Некоторые довольствуются тем, что проводят свою жизнь в обучении и на производстве, тогда как многие другие отправляются по всей галактике с Миссией Познания, управляя...
5,100 руб
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Гораздо крупнее и мощнее, чем сервиторы, используемые остальным Империумом, Kataphron Breachers больше роботы, чем люди. Играя роль живого щита и тарана, они используются техножрецами для разрушения линий обороны и укреплений противника в их ненасытной жажде поиска технологий. Kataphron...
7,690 руб
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Огромный древний робот, построенный десять тысяч лет назад, Kastelan Robot - это прекрасный пример традиций Adeptus Mechanicus. Kastelan Robot неостановим, его единственный недостаток, как у любой машины - машина следует инструкциям, даже если они ведут к ее гибели. Специальный Tech-Priest -...
9,750 руб
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Reliable, resilient and easily repaired, the Rhino APC has been the mainstay transport of the Adeptus Astartes since time immemorial. The Rhinos maintained by the Chaos Space Marines are grotesque shadows of these loyal troop carriers, daubed with terrifying symbols, smeared with the blood of...
6,750 руб
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With an unrivalled knowledge and understanding of the art of war, Autarchs are the supreme commanders of the Eldar warhost. An Eldar army led by an Autarch acts as a perfect war machine, displaying an elegant synchronicity that can outflank and outmanoeuvre any enemy with ease and grace. This...
4,580 руб
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Psykers of unparalleled ability and renown, the Eldar Farseers meticulously plan and execute strategies covering thousands of years and unimaginable distance. Even their smallest actions are capable of effecting enormous change; they are the butterfly’s wings and the hurricane in one. This...
5,100 руб
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PIP 32012
400 руб
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PIP 31098
A professional soldier with more field experience than virtually any other warcaster in the Cygnaran Army, Major Markus Brisbane is famous among Cygnaran troops for his ability to lead from the front and infamous among his enemies for his ability to triumph. It has been said there is no...
2,560 руб
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3,550 руб
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PIP 35038
The cannons used by the heavy rifle teams of the houseguard are deadly effective pieces of Iosan ordnance. The heavy rifle crews are adept at picking apart enemies from well across the battlefield, and the heavy bolts fired by their cannons can penetrate thick armor with appalling ease. The...
1,270 руб
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PIP 33110
It is the law of Khador that all citizens must serve in the military, and the Kossite clans of the far north are no exception. Despite their motley appearance and simple weapons, the Kossite woodsmen are fierce warriors. They wait in ambush with the patience and instincts of a hunter, and strike...
7,810 руб
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PIP Code 33104
Khador’s heavily armored Iron Fang pikemen are charged with hunting down and destroying enemy warjacks, carrying explosive-tipped blasting pikes designed to tear through the thickest armor of man or machine. The most veteran of these pikemen are welcomed into the elite Black Dragon...
8,520 руб
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PIP Code 33104
Khador’s heavily armored Iron Fang pikemen are charged with hunting down and destroying enemy warjacks, carrying explosive-tipped blasting pikes designed to tear through the thickest armor of man or machine. The most veteran of these pikemen are welcomed into the elite Black Dragon kompany,...
3,810 руб
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PIP 33094
For years the Greylords Covenant has plundered crypts and forgotten tombs for ancient secrets and weapons to employ in the name of the Motherland. Aleksandra Zerkova is among the most ambitious and ruthless of these occult researchers. With an unrelenting thirst for knowledge and a willingness...
2,130 руб
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PIP Code 33108
Ruin is a blend of engineering and black magic, an unsettling fusion that has resulted in a malevolently aware machine. Ruin’s scarred chassis is festooned with powerful Orgoth relics that possess a willful hunger to harvest souls and whisper incomprehensibly directly into the warjack’s cortex....
9,230 руб
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PIP Code 33115
Privateer Press Extreme models embody the full-throttle attitude of WARMACHINE and HORDES cranked up another notch. These models represent the ultimate creative vision for the Iron Kingdoms’ most iconic warjacks and warbeasts—taken to the extreme! Designed for the display case, these...
9,370 руб
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PIP Code 33116
Privateer Press Extreme models embody the full-throttle attitude of WARMACHINE and HORDES cranked up another notch. These models represent the ultimate creative vision for the Iron Kingdoms’ most iconic warjacks and warbeasts—taken to the extreme! Designed for the display case, these...
9,230 руб
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PIP Code 32103
Anson Durst is the rock on which the enemies of the Protectorate break, a bulwark to the faithful who weathers tides of violence to keep blameless Menites safe. He earned his epithet fighting alongside the theocracy’s defenders to repel wave after wave of invading soldiers. Countless times he...
3,550 руб
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PIP Code 41123
As a murderous band of mercenaries, Croe’s Cutthroats prefer stealth and guile over confrontations of brute strength. Many of their enemies have fallen to the poisoned weapons utilized by their unseen hands.
8,520 руб
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PIP Code 41122
A crack gun corps from the Rhulic fortress of Hammerfall, this armored phalanx steadily marches forward unleashing volleys of lethal shot. Working in unison, the Hammerfall High Shields form an impenetrable shell that brushes aside enemy fire as they bring their double-barreled war rifles to...
8,800 руб
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PIP 75058
Well versed in the mystic arts of butchery, farrow bone grinders seek out choice organs and marrow-filled bones from slain warbeasts in order to harness the mystical power lingering within. These parts are combined with blood, bile, and lymph to create powders, unguents, and talismans able to...
5,680 руб
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PIP 34102
The bloated bodies of bile thralls are walking vessels for volumes of corrosive digestive and decomposition agents, with hoses and tubes leading from their distended mouths and fabricated orifices to crude firing mechanisms. With a lurching spasm, each bile thrall can force a starting volume of...
7,100 руб
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Будучи продуктом уже утерянных технологий, Onager Dunecrawler основан на Универсальной Марсианской Сухопутной Платформе, появление которой было вдохновлено древними вьючными животными Святой Терры. Но Onager Dunecrawler, вместо того, чтобы просто возить людей, наполнены передовым вооружением,...
10,130 руб
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Являясь больше машиной, чем человеком, Sicarian Infiltrators являются жуткой и устрашающей ударной силой – вершиной пост-человеческой инженерии Адептус Механикус. Враги валятся, оглушенные и ослепленные волнами жестоких разрушительных аудиовизуальных ударов. Судьба сражения зачастую решена еще...
7,130 руб
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PIP 31111
Having been rebuilt nearly from scratch by Sebastian Nemo after serving years on the front lines as a Stormclad, Dynamo represents a tremendous advancement in voltaic warjack technology. Powered by its galvanic generator, Dynamo is outfitted to render electrical destruction via its devastating...
7,100 руб
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Armillus Dynat, the Harrowmaster of the Alpha Legion, has been a feared strike commander since his name came to prominence during the invasion of Paramar. Known to possess strategic genius, his style of warfare is as intricate as it is unorthodox. Using fast moving, heavily armoured vehicles...
9,430 руб
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A set of 10 shoulder pads for MkIV power armour featuring Alpha Legion iconography.
3,800 руб
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With unparalleled speed and manoeuvrability, the Xiphon pattern Interceptor saw increasing service in the Legiones Astartes during the dark days of the Horus Heresy. Based on ancient designs, the void and atmospheric craft carried heavy armaments into battle, allowing it to destroy both air and...
25,350 руб
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The armies of the Solar Auxilia make extensive use of the Rapier weapons carrier, employing its rugged track assembly to transport support weaponry too heavy for infantry. The Rapier's sheer versatility sees it deployed on battlefields across the galaxy alongside all manner of forces, from...
9,560 руб
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The Rapier weapons platform is used extensively by the Solar Auxilia. Its hard-wearing armoured track system and high load capacity make it ideal for carrying powerful weapons that are too heavy for an auxiliary to carry into battle. The long-range firepower of the quad mortar is used to...
10,530 руб
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Building on the already massive frame of an Ogryn, Solar Auxilia Charonite squads have been biochemically and cybernetically altered using ancient technologies, possibly of xenos origin, that have been deemed unholy by the Mechanicum. The result is a creature that will blindly follow orders, but...
19,700 руб
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This set contains 10 resin shoulder pads for MkII Space Marine Armour featuring Ultramarines Legion iconography
1,850 руб
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The Ultramarines Legion stood as one of the most powerful military forces in the Imperium as the Great Crusade drew to a close and the Heresy was unveiled. Their discipline and training was revered but the sheer scale of their might made them a prime target for the Traitors. This set contains...
3,800 руб
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С характерной формой двуногого шагающего танка, артиллерийская платформа, известная как Ironstrider Balistarius, действительно обладает грозным видом. Обладая гироскопической балансировкой и отличными линиями связи, которые предоставляют информацию о противнике, Ironstrider Ballistarius стала...
7,690 руб
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2,400 руб
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2,400 руб
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2,400 руб
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4,950 руб
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6,600 руб
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16,500 руб
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3,300 руб
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Используя разрушительные энергии миров-кузниц в своем оружии, Vanguard так пропитаны вредными излучениями, что даже приблизиться к ним – означает подписать себе смертный приговор. Победа для них всегда оказывается “пирровой”, так как это излучение проникает даже через плиты тяжелой брони,...
6,600 руб
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2,400 руб
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In battle, Skarr Bloodwrath is a terrifying maelstrom of carnage. Blades whipping about him like extensions of his fury manifest, he carves a gory path through the ranks of the foe. Even should an enemy best him, Skarr will rise again from the spilled blood of his enemies, axes held ready...
5,460 руб
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Following the Gutbusters into battle are their beasts and slaves, all eager to snatch scraps from the ogors’ tables. Gorgers – starved, ravenous horrors with distensible jaws that are drawn to battle by the scent of spilled blood – lope forth from the shadows. This pack contains one...
4,490 руб
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Yhetees inhabit the very highest mountain ranges, living amongst the towering peaks of the Ancient Giant Holds. There, high above the world, the Yhetees survive by preying on the beast herds of the highlands. It is not uncommon for an Ogre tribe to include some Yhetees amongst its ranks. How or...
9,260 руб
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Massive felines with jutting, sword-like fangs, Frost Sabres form an unbreakable bond with their ogor pack master – enough for them to give up their lives in battle. Their blood, when drained and distilled, forms a powerful elixir that allows an ogor to breathe a magical blizzard over his...
3,610 руб
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Not merely a terrifying, imposing brute, the Icebrow Hunter is surprisingly adept at laying traps and using his surroundings to launch ambushes with the aid of his Frost Sabres. As swift as the encroachment of winter, the Icebrow Hunter holds the place of finder and seeker of hunting grounds,...
8,000 руб
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In the midst of the Gutbuster armies are the Butchers; magicians of meat and blood who concoct foul arcane brews and meals for their kin. This box contains one Butcher - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes as 16 components (including a choice of three different heads) and is...
8,000 руб
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Worshippers of ash and flame, volcano and magma, the Firebellies revere Gorkamorka as the Sun‑eater. Firebellies consume burning combustibles in sorcerous rituals so that they might honour their god by belching fire over their enemies. This box contains one Firebelly armed with a Basalt...
8,000 руб
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Slaughtermasters have entirely lost themselves to their cravings, hacking off their limbs and replacing them with rusty hooks and blades. They drag a cookpot into battle behind them so that they may boil up a tasty broth even as they slice up their prey. Does your army need a little extra...
12,190 руб
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Warplock Jezzails are long-barrelled rifles that fire a high-velocity bullet made of refined warpstone. Due to their length, Jezzails can fire an incredible distance and still strike with enough force to punch clean through even the toughest armour. If the target does not die from their...
9,750 руб
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The Doom-Flayer is a motorised ball of whirling blades powered by warpstone and steered by two Skaven hell-bent on destruction. While it lacks the range of the other Skaven weapons, the Doom-Flayer more than makes up for it by slicing, tearing and shredding the enemy in close combat before...
5,270 руб
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Dragon Ogor Shaggoths are the same creatures that bartered with the Chaos Gods before the dawn of man; beings that have bargained with divinity, and not only survived, but also been granted immortality in return. A Shaggoth is a towering mountain of muscle and rage. In appearance it resembles a...
11,700 руб
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While Clan Skryre perfects the art of firing incandescent balls of warp lightning, the Plague Monks of Clan Pestilens are busy launching toxic sludge from their Plagueclaws, which bring long-range death to their arsenal. The Plagueclaw model comprises of a huge timber frame and several...
6,630 руб
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Take your battles to the stars with X-Wing™ Playmats , available via Fantasy Flight Games’ In-House Manufacturing! Each X-Wing Playmat takes the form of an easily portable, 3’ by 3’ neoprene playmat, complete with a slip-resistant bottom that helps to ensure your valuable miniatures stay safe...
6,600 руб
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Within every Vampire lurks a predatory creature, driven to feed on blood time and again. There are a few Vampires who embrace their thirst, who allow the bestial hunter within to take over. These are the Varghulfs - blood-mad killers that exist only to feed. A Varghulf's main weapon is a wide...
6,830 руб
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