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Unleash the full might of your firepower and strive for the Greater Good with a set of themed dice for your T'au Empire. A set of 16 six-sided dice for games of Warhammer 40,000, themed around the T'au Empire. These dice are cast in a crisp frosted white, with pale blue markings. The 1-5...
3,530 руб
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When the T'au Empire goes to war, they bring advanced battlesuits, faithful drones, potent energy weapons, and a host of allied races to shore up their weak spots, making their armies some of the toughest to tackle. This set of 44 cards will help you keep track of your T'au Empire army in your...
3,900 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 22.07.2024

The T'au Empire employs advanced firepower and complex metastrategies in its quest to enlighten the galaxy, each suited to different environments, objectives, and enemies. The Sudden Dawn Cadre specialise in the philosophy known as Mont'ka – the Killing Blow. Skilled Pathfinder scouts mark vital...
19,500 руб
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Kroot Hounds are predatory kin-beasts, kept as hunting animals by Kroot kindreds. Once set loose in packs, they lope swiftly across the battlefield in search of prey. Kroot Hounds are driven into a feeding frenzy by the scent of blood, and pounce upon their victims with frightening swiftness,...
5,100 руб
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Kroot Carnivores are swift and vicious warriors, employed by the T'au Empire as skirmishers and shock troops. These alien mercenaries harness fieldcraft and predatory instinct to close rapidly with their foes, for what they lack in heavy armour, they more than make up for in stealthy skill and...
6,600 руб
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Krootox Rampagers are terrifying skirmish cavalry, combining the aggression and agility of juvenile Krootox mounts with the vicious skill and cunning of a Kroot rider. Rampager packs strike fast at their foes from unexpected quarters, launching a heavyweight ambush that breaks their battle lines...
7,690 руб
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Krootox Riders are living gun platforms, loaded with armaments that would be far too bulky for light-footed Kroot infantry. Though the Krootox are not naturally aggressive, these powerful beasts regard their fellow Kroot as packmates, and will lash out with fearsome strength to defend their kin....
5,250 руб
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Kroot Lone-spears are grizzled mercenaries who range far ahead of their kindreds, or solitary wanderers who prefer the wilds and the company of beasts to their fellow Kroot. Mounted upon colour-shifting Kalamandras, they make for effective long-range scouts – and when armed with suitably potent...
6,600 руб
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Kroot Trail Shapers are more than simply masters of fieldcraft – through sheer skill, they shape the very battlefield upon which the Kroot will meet their prey, defining the guiding routes along which the hunt will progress and the nature of the engagements in which their kindreds will fight. A...
4,200 руб
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Kroot Flesh Shapers are masters of their kindred's genetic development, guiding hunting packs to the finest specimens in order to devour and claim their strength for the Kroot. These revered gene-shamans employ gruesome talismans and ritualised butchery to take the art of consumption to sacred...
4,200 руб
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Kroot War Shapers are experienced battle leaders, responsible for both the composition and disposition of Kroot hunting packs in the field. They are also exemplary warriors in their own right, striding into battle armed with traditional weaponry that is no less deadly for its symbolic,...
4,730 руб
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The T'au Empire is amongst the most dynamic and determined powers in the 41st Millenium. Their technology is advanced and ever-improving, from grav-skimming gunships and artificial intelligence, to potent energy weapons and formidable battlesuits. Their territories expand with every victory, be...
7,130 руб
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Black Orcs are the biggest, meanest and strongest of all Orcs. Few in number compared to their weedier kin, Black Orcs tend to group together into elite and disciplined warrior cadres that accompany only the toughest of Warbosses to battle. This multipart plastic kit builds 20 Black Orcs,...
10,130 руб
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Аny Goblin tribes are nomadic in nature, traversing the wilderness in huge, ramshackle caravans. These nomadic Goblins breed giant wolves as mounts, riding atop fast and agile hunters that can cover vast distances with ease. Roaming packs of Wolf Riders scout out the land, encircle the enemy,...
8,250 руб
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The Night Goblins are descended from Goblin tribes who long ago ventured into the deep caves and caverns beneath the World's Edge Mountains. Cruel, cowardly, and cunning, these tribes wage war against subterranean Dwarf holds and hated surface-dwellers alike, emerging at night and covering...
10,130 руб
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While individual Goblins may be cowardly creatures, these diminutive raiders draw courage from numbers. When gathered in large mobs, they are emboldened to a frightening degree, each Goblin believing that harm is more likely to befall someone else, instead of them – and that it'll be hilarious...
10,130 руб
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The magic wielded by Goblin Shamans is no less destructive than that of their larger Orcish peers, but while Orc Shamans chant and gyrate around the battlefield, Goblin Oddnobs and Oddgits skulk close by their kin, working spells and spitting curses far from the eyes of the enemy. It is...
3,380 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 22.07.2024

By lashing together roughly-hewn planks and bolting round(ish) wheels to a sturdy axle, Orcs can build formidable chariots drawn by pairs of boars. Keen to make the most of their status in the eyes of others, Orc charioteers will constantly mess with their vehicle, adding extra ornamentation and...
10,130 руб
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Some Orcs have adopted ill-tempered boars as their mounts. Once up to speed, boars can be almost unstoppable, their powerfully churning legs propelling them into the enemy where their goring tusks and stamping hooves can do untold damage. From atop their precarious perch, an Orc can set about...
8,250 руб
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Peasant Bowmen are called up from the lowborn serfs of Bretonnia's dukedoms, expected to take up their own longbows and engage enemies unworthy of the attention of a knight's attention from afar. Most peasants have trained with the bow from a young age, but to make their numbers count on the...
10,130 руб
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