
Miniature Type
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The Thanatar Siege-automata is a mobile artillery platform rather than a general battle unit, with a heavy frame built to accommodate its huge weaponry and requisite power systems. The Thanatar-Cavas configuration is armed with a Hellex pattern plasma mortar, a terrifying weapon that launches...
12,380 руб

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Tech-thralls are a source of expendable labour on many forge worlds, typically created from those poor souls who transgress against their Tech-Priest masters. In times of war, this same fate befalls many in order to quickly raise a form of disposable militia, known as the adsecularis. The...
9,380 руб

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The Castellax Battle-automata are general purpose combat robots, developed from older designs during the Great Crusade. Primarily intended for siege work and shock assaults, these terrifying, humanoid machines stand three times the height of a man, with notoriously aggressive and responsive...
9,380 руб

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Having declared its secession from Imperial rule at the very dawn of the Horus Heresy, Mars sat like a viper upon the doorstep of the Loyalist Throneworld – a locus of industry which toiled ceaselessly in preparation for the inevitable Traitor assault upon Terra. Loyalist incursions throughout...
7,130 руб

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The Warriors of Chaos are merciless killers possessing brute strength and skill in fearsome measure. These indomitable killers have been charged by their dark masters to lay waste to the Old World. This boxed set gives you the solid core of a mighty Warriors of Chaos army. At its centre are the...
21,750 руб

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Chaos Sorcerers wield the wild energies of Chaos itself, reshaping reality to serve the whims of their dark masters. Where others glean their arcane skill through diligent study, a Chaos Sorcerer’s understanding of the Winds of Magic is instant and innate. This multipart plastic kit builds a...
3,530 руб

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The Chaos Warriors who torment the Old World are no longer truly human. Rather, they are living weapons of the Ruinous Powers, honed to perfection upon the anvil of hardship and tempered in the fires of battle. They have no family other than the fellow warriors who trample the land at their side...
10,130 руб

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hampions of Chaos are powerful warriors who have walked a long road of bloodshed and accursed ambition, combining the strength of a Troll with the speed of a striking snake. Each Champion’s abilities are enhanced further by gifts from the Dark Gods – to stand against one of their number is to...
3,530 руб

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Manticores are huge, leonine beasts that soar through the skies of the Old World on leathery wings. They are amongst the most powerful of all the predators that inhabit the bleak mountain ranges of the frozen north, and they are often ridden into battle by the most powerful Chaos Lords, or bound...
9,380 руб

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Who can say when Chaos first cast its darkness upon the world? Only the most ancient scrolls of the High Elves, locked deep within the twisting and labyrinthine libraries of the Tower of Hoeth, dimly recall the coming of Chaos. But even these records are incomplete, for too much knowledge has...
3,230 руб

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Leman Russ battle tanks are incredibly versatile armoured assets, their turrets mounted with a variety of powerful weapons to overwhelm any foe that dares to oppose the Solar Auxilia. Exterminator autocannons produce a withering hail of fire to obliterate entire formations of enemy infantry,...
6,150 руб

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ermite Assault Drills are deployed against the most stubborn and intractable positions. These subterranean transports use a potent rock drill to pass swiftly below a planetary surface, employing a melta array to annihilate even the most resilient obstacles. When the Termites emerge, they deploy...
6,150 руб

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The Sabre is a light, fast-moving tank that mounts devastating weaponry for its size, developed by the Legiones Astartes to deploy heavy firepower at speed. The bulk of its chassis is occupied by a primary weapon, such as an Anvilus autocannon for destroying stubborn heavy infantry, or a potent...
6,150 руб

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Deployed as shock troops, the Death Company are shepherded into battle by Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost, and Astorath the Grim, whose task it is to ensure the battle-brothers of the Death Company are redeemed with a glorious death in battle. With Lemartes' litanies ringing in their ears,...
27,000 руб

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Hive Secundus was once Necromunda’s shining jewel. Until over a century ago, something insidious was discovered lurking at its heart, and it was razed to the ground – the ruins declared quarantine extremis. Now, Tek-hunters, nomads, and others risk their lives in search of the untold riches said...
2,360 руб

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Gyrocopters are flying machines whose rotor blades are propelled by an ingenious lightweight steam engine. Having proven their effectiveness across many battlefields of the Old World, even smaller dwarf strongholds have an airborne fleet. When more firepower is required, Gyrobombers, armed with...
9,380 руб

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Dwarf Cannons are one of their most potent war machines, able to shatter the most heavily armoured foe, pour shots into massed enemy formations, level cities or fortifications and topple the largest of monsters. Taking this even further, the Dwarf Engineers Guild invented the Organ Gun – with...
6,600 руб

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Dwarf Miners often join their brethren when they march to war. As a point of pride, they wield the same heavy, two-handed mining picks and mattocks they use to carve out tunnels, rather than the axes and hammers typically favoured by other Dwarfs. They are accompanied into battle by sturdy...
7,690 руб

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Dwarfs who have suffered what they perceive to be a serious loss of honour might take the solemn and binding vows of the Slayer Cult, forsaking their home and kin in self-imposed exile. Taking only their axe, they venture into the wilderness to seek a great doom in battle at the hands of a...
3,450 руб

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Dwarf Kings are warriors with vast experience in battle who have been tutored in the art of war by the elders of their clans. When battle is joined, they seek out the enemy’s most powerful combatants, matching bestial fury or dark magic with courage, honour and honest steel. By standing atop a...
3,450 руб

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