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Termagants are scuttling predators that attack in huge swarms, spitting living ammunition from their symbiotic weapons. Ripper Swarms squirm alongside them as living carpets of teeth and flesh, devouring whatever they come across. This box is the perfect way to start your collection of...
4,500 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 16.07.2024

Infernus Marines are close assault specialists, sending jets of burning promethium into enemy trench lines and bunkers with their pyreblasters, ensuring no foe escapes their fiery wrath. This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Primaris Space Marines. You’ll get three plastic...
4,500 руб
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Barbgaunts are little more than living weapons, their bodies and biological cannons slaved to the will of a pulsating ganglio-parasite that piggybacks them into battle. Once there, they unleash volleys of chitinous barbs that detonate with the fury of violent muscle-spasms, transfixing nearby...
5,250 руб
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Librarians are the battle-psykers and lore-keepers of the Space Marines, and when clad in Terminator armour lend a lethal psychic edge to their elite infantry spearheads. Whether in gruelling boarding actions, ferocious urban combat, or a stand against overwhelming enemy numbers, these psychic...
4,880 руб
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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Across the far-flung worlds of the Imperium of Mankind, in a galaxy riven by warp storms and unceasing conflict, the armies of Humanity battle for survival. With the Imperium already standing upon the brink of annihilation, the...
8,250 руб
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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Across the far-flung worlds of the Imperium of Mankind, in a galaxy riven by warp storms and unceasing conflict, the armies of Humanity battle for survival. With the Imperium already standing upon the brink of annihilation, the...
25,500 руб
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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Across the far-flung worlds of the Imperium of Mankind, in a galaxy riven by warp storms and unceasing conflict, the armies of Humanity battle for survival. With the Imperium already standing upon the brink of annihilation, the...
13,130 руб
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Заказы формируются по мере вскрытия коробок. Лимитированные датакарты из набора leviathan. Основываясь на успехе Chapter Approved наборов миссий для больших турниров и черпая вдохновение из выпущенных в прошлом году карт Tempest of War, эта колода полезна для быстрого и умного создания...
2,000 руб
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Заказы формируются по мере вскрытия коробок. Лимитированный кодекс из набора leviathan. В наборе "Левиафане" вы получите только одну книгу, но, как следует из названия, это громадина библейских масштабов. Это роскошное 392-страничное издание, настоящий magnum opus в твердом переплете с...
3,000 руб
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Заказы формируются по мере вскрытия коробок. Половина стартера Leviathan, с базами, на литниках, без коробки. 25 моделей космических десатников : Капитан в доспехах терминатора Лидером этого ударного соединения является капитан, блистающий богато украшенными терминаторскими...
16,000 руб
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Заказы формируются по мере вскрытия коробок. Половина стартера Leviathan, с базами, на литниках, без коробки. 47 моделей тиранидов : Крикун-убийца Крикун-убийца имеет долгую историю, начав свою жизнь как металлическая миниатюра в 1992 году. Хотя это лишь одна из многих биоформ...
14,000 руб
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Product Description 1/18 Scale Size: 4.17 inches Fabricated from plastic Articulated determine With attached gear Box Contents: Marauders Ranger Unit 4: Extra hands Pistol Rifle Knife Detachable shields Thigh holster Binocular
6,750 руб
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Product Description 1/18 Scale Size: 4.17 inches Fabricated from plastic Articulated determine With attached gear Box Contents: Marauders Ranger Unit 3: Extra hands Pistol 2 Rifles Knife Detachable shields Thigh holster Binocular
6,750 руб
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Product Description 1/18 Scale Size: 4.17 inches Fabricated from plastic Articulated determine With attached gear Box Contents: Marauders Ranger Unit 2: Extra hands Pistol Rifle Knife Detachable shields Thigh holster
6,750 руб
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Product Description 1/18 Scale Size: 4.17 inches Fabricated from plastic Articulated determine With attached gear Box Contents: Marauders Ranger Unit 1: Extra hands Pistol Rifle Knife Detachable shield Thigh holster
6,750 руб
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Aggressive and rebellious, Commander O'Shovah is an undisputed master of Mont'ka, the T'au metastrategy of the Killing Blow. Piloting his crimson battlesuit, he carves a bloody path into the enemy, leading his separatist Fire Caste forces from the front as he wields the enigmatic Dawn Blade with...
8,250 руб
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