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These units of fast skirmishers are notorious for the low survivability of their troops. This is the Eshin way to ensure that only the worthy make it to the ranks of Gutter Runners. This boxed set contains 20 multipart plastic Night Runners, and is packaged with 20x 25mm round bases and 20x...
6,630 руб
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The Stormvermin are the fighting elite of the Skaven Clans Verminus. They are distinguishable from lesser Skaven by their thick muscular necks and powerful build. Largest and most aggressive of the Skaven, Stormvermin regiments are outfitted with the best gear of war in the clan's armoury and...
9,750 руб
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Countless numbers of ravenous rats are attracted by Skaven armies and pose a dire threat for any enemy unlucky enough to cross their path. This set contains 2 Rat Swarms.
4,100 руб
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The Ratling Gun has the potential to wipe out a complete enemy regiment, but be careful there is always the risk of it blowing up! The Ratling Gun set makes 1 metal model. Note that a variety of designs are available and are supplied at random. This model is supplied with 1x 60mm oval base and...
3,070 руб
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The Warpfire Thrower is a truly horrific and highly unstable weapon that fires jetting sheets of sticky warpstone-infused oils. These ignite upon contact with air and burn furiously through flesh, stone, metal and bone.  This set allows you to build one metal Warpfire Thrower, and comes...
4,100 руб
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Poisoned wind globes are glass or crystal orbs filled with deadly warpstone gas. When thrown, the sphere shatters, releasing billowing clouds so lethal that mere skin contact can cause severe pain or even death. On the battlefield Skryre Acolytes lurk between Skaven formations and await an...
3,070 руб
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Gutter Runners are skilled at infiltrating behind enemy lines, scouting ahead of the main Skaven force and hiding in a position that will allow them to jump out at the right moment to ambush the crews of enemy war machines, or to cut down wizards and officers. This set contains 3 metal...
3,070 руб
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Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon / Prince Vhordrai / Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist Dragons are a proud and noble race that ruled the skies long before the coming of Chaos. However, like all mortal creatures, they will eventually succumb to old age or injury, and...
11,700 руб
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Necromancers are widely regarded as twisted and corrupt individuals who are obsessed with death and the avoidance of it at all costs. They are used (for they are rarely their own master) by Vampires to animate the broken corpses of their servants and return them to battle. To learn such dark...
2,210 руб
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Scuttling, repugnant creatures whose insanity pushes them over the brink of madness into the belief that they are glorious, stout soldiers of a magnificent empire, Crypt Ghouls seek out fresh, raw meat – usually by killing anything in their path. Dangerous even as individual enemies, they tend...
5,250 руб
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Armed and armoured with the kingdom’s finest equipment, the Grave Guard are the elite warriors of tomb and barrow. They carry cursed blades woven through with the magic of darkness and despair. This multi-part plastic boxed set contains the components needed to make 10 Grave Guard, and includes...
6,600 руб
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Cairn Wraiths are amongst the most powerful of the Undead. Though they lack physical form, their touch drains the life of a mortal. Their very presence fills the air with dread, and most who face them are driven mad with fear long before they are killed. Filled with rage, these vengeful spirits...
2,210 руб
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Tomb Banshees are apparitions of revenge and retribution. For countless lifetimes, these fell spirits have dwelt upon the dark deed that robbed them of vitality, love or contentment, becoming bitter and hate-filled. A single piercing scream from a Tomb Banshee is enough to freeze the life from...
2,210 руб
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PIP 1019
Retribution is at hand!Hidden behind their impenetrable borders, a sect within the long-secluded nation of Ios is preparing for war. Once outlawed as dangerous and radical, the Retribution of Scyrah has come from the shadows to offer the elves of Ios a chance at salvation. The Retribution is...
4,970 руб
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PIP 35001
Лорд Рассвета Вирос (Dawnlord Vyros - Retribution Warcaster) – опасный военачальник, который рассматривает движение Возмездия как еще одну силу, способную вернуть эльфам Иос (Ios) утраченное величие. Ему лично верны многие Дома Иос (Ios), а в войсках его репутаци я крайне высока...
2,130 руб
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PIP 35008
Побеждающие Стражей Рассвета (Dawnguard Invictors - Retribution unit) – легендарные отряды, охраняющие Иос (Ios) от любых угроз сотни лет. Инвикторы носят тяжелую броню и отлично вооружены. Их ручные пушки с устрашающими клинками бьют сильно и точно, а навыки сражения в строю позволяют в любой...
6,390 руб
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