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Имея настоящий арсенал тяжелого оружия, Voidweaver’ы оставляют пылающие обломки на своем пути. Каждый их залп валит врагов с ног целой бурей кричащих на ветру сюрикенов, а вражеские танки испаряются от смертельной призматической пушки. Starweavers проносятся по полю боя, как буря мерцающего...
5,250 руб
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PIP 72029
1,080 руб
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The MkIII power weapon resin set comprises of ten melta-bombs, five pairs of arms, three Phobos-pattern bolt pistols, three power fists, two lightning claws, two power axes, two power swords, two power gladius, one sheathed gladius, two chainswords, two hand-flamers, two plasma pistols, two...
7,410 руб
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The Imperial Fists MkIII Veteran Head Upgrade Set is a set of ten helmets to personalise your sets of MkIII Iron armour.
3,900 руб
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Тяжеловооруженные и невероятно быстрые, отряды Skyweavers переигрывают своих врагов быстрым маневрированием прежде, чем разобрать их на куски концентрированной огневой мощью. Нескончаемые потоки огня сюрикеновых пушек и трещащие разряды электромагнитной энергии устраивают бойню для пехоты...
6,600 руб
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PIP 73078
Moving as a single mass of beating wings, scything claws, and pulsing stingers, swarms of blight wasps sow panic and death across the battlefield as they inject enemies with the poison of dragon blight itself. A single dose of blight wasp toxin is enough to kill a man, but the creatures...
3,550 руб
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PIP 41104
Wild-eyed sailors tell a tale of the nefarious pirate ship Devil’s Shadow and its mysterious disappearance. Of the ship’s crew, only three souls ever returned, now guided by some unseen evil. This trio disperses as quickly as an ill wind, staying only long enough to form contracts with desperate...
3,980 руб
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PIP 36028
A weapon of unrivaled sophistication, the transfinite emergence projector delivers tremendous but precise destruction. In concert with its orbiting permutation servitors, it can modulate its weaponry for pinpoint accuracy, destructive intensity, or area saturation. The servitors also function as...
9,940 руб
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PIP Code: 35065
Commissioned for Garryth, Blade of Retribution, Moros is a quick and agile myrmidon that strikes using its dual curved blades with the deadliness of an assassin. Its unique power field renders Moros invisible to the naked eye and can be manipulated to lash out and stun potential victims. For...
3,690 руб
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В бою, труппы Арлекинов передвигаются быстро и атакуют мощно, пользуясь своей скоростью и мастерством для уничтожения врагов прежде, чем они смогут даже поднять свое оружие. Оказавшись в бою, Арлекины попадают в свою стихию, исполняя смертельную пляску смерти, а их маски переливаются...
5,250 руб
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Никто, даже сами Арлекины, не знает пределы способностей Solitaire. Существуют рассказы, что эти сверхъестественные убийцы могут взбираться на отвесные стены крепости, выходить из тени внутри закрытых бункеров, и даже замедлять само время. Любому, кто встанет на пути Solitaire, суждено...
4,580 руб
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Arrogant, ruthless and utterly lethal in all aspects of close combat, Sevatar, First Captain of the Night Lords, is a supreme warrior. Before the dark times of the Horus Heresy, his talents garnered him respect throughout the Legiones Astartes, but his murderous will and litany of crimes kindled...
9,360 руб
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The commanders of the VIIth Legion are among the most stoic and skilled of the Legiones Astartes, engendering the highest levels of loyalty and discipline within their troops. Having survived countless ferocious battles against the enemies of Mankind, each is an expert on battlefield tactics and...
8,780 руб
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Many Solar Auxilia Cohorts maintain their own mobile artillery batteries, favouring a class ideally suited to their particular battle doctrines. Two of the most common types used by the Solar Auxilia are the Basilisk and Medusa, each of which is substantially different to those utilised in the...
18,820 руб
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Mounted onto the carapace of the Deredeo pattern Dreadnought, the Aiolos missile launcher which, with its sophisticated targeting system, can track targets independently of the primary weapons system and regardless of intervening terrain. A multi-part resin upgrade kit for the Deredeo pattern...
4,970 руб
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One of the primary weapon systems the Deredeo can mount is the twin-linked Anvilus autocannon battery, a fearsome development of the autocannon that can engage and destroy armoured targets with a punishing salvo of fire. A multi-part resin upgrade kit for the Deredeo pattern dreadnought.
5,850 руб
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