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Towering over its foes, the Wraith lord is controlled by the essence of one of the craftworld's mightiest warriors. Able to be equipped with a wide variety of Heavy Weapons, Assault Weapons and even a close combat weapon the Wraithlord is an extremely versatile component in the Eldar battleplan....
7,690 руб
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With its potent armament and ability to carry a small squad of fighters, the Falcon is designed to take the fight to the enemy, or to extricate the warriors should resistance prove too fierce. This boxed set cointanis 1 multi-part plastic Eldar Falcon and includes options for a bright...
9,990 руб
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The arcane technologies of the Eldar race make the Fire Prism one of the most daunting battle tanks in the 41st Millennium. Armed with a formidable prism cannon that can blast smoking holes into enemy vehicles or vaporise infantry, the Fire Prism is a versatile and deadly addition to any Eldar...
10,630 руб
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С телом и психическими установками разрушителя Повелитель некрон стновится еще опаснее. Сверкающие разряды энергии окружают повелителя и бездушный огонь безумия горит в его глазницах.
1,760 руб
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Гаргулии зачастую первое что видят обитатели планеты осажденной Тиранидами. Всем атакам Тиранидов предшествуют хлопки тысяч перепончатых крыльев Гаргулий. Небо окутывается роем тысяч тел летающих охотников, закрывающих собой солнце, пока оружейные симбиоты «бурильщики» изрыгают на противника...
5,250 руб
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Равенеры были созданы для внезапных атак и преследований убегающих или особо важных противников. Благодаря высокоразвитым сенсорным органам, Равенеры могут выслеживать свою цель с большого расстояния, замечая малейшие вибрации почвы, затем Равенер использует свою мощную мускулатуру и развивает...
8,580 руб
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The Biovore nurtures a clutch of Spore Mines inside its own body and launches them by a powerful muscle spasm. Each Spore Mine is bio-engineered as a specific piece of ammo. This set contains 1 Biovore and 3 Spore Mines.
6,440 руб
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Хормагаунты как и Гормагаунты — особая форма жизни Тиранидов. Каждый Хормагаунт имеет четыре острых как бритва когтя, созданных для рассечения плоти и брони, а мощные задние ноги позволяют созданию бегать с невероятной для живого существа скоростью. Набор содержит 12 мультикомпонентных...
5,250 руб
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Генокрады ака Генестилеры — легендарные чудовища, одни из самых опасных противников в рукопашной схватке. Генокрад обладает молниеносными рефлексами и когтями такой остроты, что с равной легкостью режет плоть и терминаторский доспех. Все Генокрады обладают телепатическими способностями,...
4,880 руб
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The Thunderfire Cannon is a colossal multi-barrelled weapon. Mounted on rugged tracks it provides long range support for a Space Marine advance. The Techmarine manning a Thunderfire Cannon can set its shells to detonate in a variety of different ways, depending on the tactical situation. Surface...
10,730 руб
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Land Speeders use a repulsion plate to skim a planet's gravitational field, simulating the effect of flight, and enabling them to perform low-altitude manoeuvres. With their versatile weapons loadout, Land Speeders can be tasked to a variety of battlefield objectives. These can range from...
6,340 руб
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Terminators are amongst the greatest heroes of Mankind, bold warriors in whom the indefatigable heroism of a Space Marine is combined with the terrible weaponry and indomitable mass of Tactical Dreadnought armour. No foe is safe from a Terminator assault -they are unstoppable and they never...
7,500 руб
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Space Marine Bike squads carry out fast-moving assault missions. Attacking at incredible speeds, they use surprise and momentum to punch holes in the enemy formation, accelerating away as the enemy recovers his wits. Bike squad tactical strikes are often likened to thunderbolts - by the time a...
4,500 руб
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Scout squads are the vanguard of a Space Marine army. Infiltrating behind enemy lines they sow disruption and secure vital strongpoints. Only once a Scout has proven his courage and skill at arms in a Chapter's Scout Company is he elevated to the rank of battle brother, and inducted into one of...
4,500 руб
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Scout squads are the vanguard of a Space Marine army. Infiltrating behind enemy lines they sow disruption and secure vital strongpoints. Only once a Scout has proven his courage and skill at arms in a Chapter's Scout Company is he elevated to the rank of battle brother, and inducted into one of...
4,500 руб
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Dark Angels Bike Squadrons give the Chapter Master a fast-moving, hard-hitting force that can be used to scout out the enemy positions and harry their opponents in a pursuit. This box set contains three multi-part plastic Ravenwing Bikers, including: options for a sergeant and a host of...
8,580 руб
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The Vindicator is a Rhino-based siege tank that boasts the most devastating weapon in the Space Marines' armoury - the demolisher cannon. The demolisher cannon is the weapon of choice amongst the Imperium's armies when faced with dug-in enemy infantry in a dense environment such as a cityfight...
9,000 руб
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The Predator is the main battle tank of the Space Marines. Based upon the Rhino chassis, the Predator sacrifices transport capacity for improved frontal armour and heavy turret-mounted armament. The result is a well-armed and mobile tank, equally capable of holding ground or spearheading...
9,000 руб
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The Whirlwind is an adaptation of the Rhino design, a lightly armoured tank chassis armed with a multiple rocket launcher system capable of raining precision fire down upon enemy positions. Thanks to its target acquisition system, the Whirlwind is able to bombard hidden or entrenched targets...
10,730 руб
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The Vespid provide auxiliaries to Tau armies, who value them for their skill at negotiating dangerous ground at speed. They make ideal mobile reserve or flanking troops, though the Tau rely on the communion helm issued to the Strain Leaders to communicate with the Stingwings and coordinate their...
8,580 руб
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