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Swinging a spiked metal ball in devastating arcs, dragging unfortunate foes into its path with a massive, notched blade, this Slaughterpriest is so dedicated to the howling devotion to the Blood God that even his enemies begin to fall to blind, berserker rage – that is, as long as they are not...
5,460 руб
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Merciless hunters who stalk the weak, these Aspiring Deathbringers stride through the battlefield exuding pure menace with every step. Any foes who display even the slightest fear or hesitation are immediately smashed apart with rage and fury, left to fall and rot where they land. This...
5,460 руб
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Bellowing forth a mighty, blood-curdling roar, the Exalted Deathbringer pierces his enemy with his enormous spear, lifting him high with a single, muscular heave. The weight of the unfortunate victim drives them further down onto the polearm, each agonised, twisting convulsion pushing the...
5,460 руб
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Sylvaneth Treelord / Sylvaneth Treelord Ancient / Spirit of Durthu Shaking the very earth itself with each of their determined, purposeful strides, Treelords are mighty defenders of the forest. Their roots burrow through the earth as quickly as arrows fly through the air, bursting...
12,190 руб
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Sacred priestesses of the sylvaneth, the Branchwraiths are imbued with the power of Ghyran that flows through each of their lithe limbs. Magic users of renown, they are capable of calling upon the Wyldwoods, rousing Dryads from their slumbers to answer the call of war. This is one finecast...
2,830 руб
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The Sylvaneth Dryads are a howling, screaming manifestation of the forest’s wrath, falling upon those who defile their sacred glades with a malign violence that borders on glee. Dancing lithely between their opponents with a grace that belies their nature, they stab and choke foes with vicious...
8,580 руб
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Legends are told all across the mortal realms of the Great Drake, Dracothion. An immense creature, ruler of the night sky, his form has been picked out in stars across the firmament for countless generations, inspiring awe and wonder in all who gaze at the heavens. His offspring, the Stardrakes,...
21,750 руб
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Born into the Stormcast Eternals as a natural leader, extraordinarily gifted with the talent of leadership, the Lord-Celestants are notable for their stoic tenacity and fighting ability. On foot, they are virtually unmatched – atop a vicious Dracoth, they become capable of dealing absolutely...
9,380 руб
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Forged over centuries of battle and strife, a Saurus Sunblood is merely steps away from being a pure manifestation of the power of Azyr. Instinctual warriors who perceive an enemies’ weaknesses as other might perceive the blood of the wounded, they are rare amongst the seraphon - living relics,...
3,900 руб
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Salamanders are large, predatory creatures that dwell in swamps and estuaries. They are swift-moving on both land and water, with strong, slender bodies, viciously sharp talons and a long, powerful tail that propels them quickly through water. They have a ravenous appetite and are able to hunt...
4,680 руб
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Few creatures have mastered the secrets of pure magic like the slann. Their aeons of travel amongst the stars have saturated their minds and bodies with the shimmering power of Azyr - as they glide into battle atop their graven thrones, incredible, crackling energies thrum around their...
8,290 руб
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The Starseers - greatest among the skink spellcasters, attuned to their ancient masters like no other - are uniquely capable understanding a measure of the great plan that the slann follow, and the war they wage against the Dark Gods. Thus motivated, and unclouded by the memories of the aeons...
7,800 руб
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Circling above the battlefield like sinister reptilian vultures, the Terradon Riders rely on their pinpoint accuracy to hurl down utterly deadly weapons, bringing death from above. This is not their only purpose, however - these riders make excellent scouts, relaying information to the warriors...
9,990 руб
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Description An enormous creature covered entirely in impregnable armoured scales, the Bastiladon shrugs off all but the strongest attacks, all the while smashing down enemy lines with all the unstoppable force of a landslide. Stamping down anything able to move out of range of its terrible maw,...
9,990 руб
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In times of great need, a slann might summon a Stegadon carrying a mysterious Engine of the Gods. Only Stegadons have the brute strength required to transport this terrifying device which, whilst wildly unpredictable, can summon raging celestial infernos and even restore fallen seraphon. Its...
10,730 руб
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Saurus Oldblood On Carnosaur / Skink Oracle on Troglodon / Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur A mass of corded muscle and thick, scaled hide, covered in an intimidating latticework of scars new and ancient, the Saurus Oldbloods are mighty war leaders of the seraphon. Striding into battle with...
14,140 руб
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