
Miniature Type
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Centurion warsuits turn Space Marines into walking tanks and are commonly split into one of two types of squad. Centurion Devastator Squads are long-range specialists who pound enemy positions with salvos of heavy weapons fire, whilst Centurion Assault Squads excel at storming enemy...
9,750 руб
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Tactical Squads are the backbone of any Space Marine army. They hold ground; provide fire support and charge into bloody melees, as the ever-changing theatre of war dictates. This box contains everything you need to make a highly personalised 10 man Tactical Squad, including Sergeant and Special...
7,130 руб
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Sternguard Veterans are drawn from a Chapter's prestigious 1st Company. Deploying wherever the battle is fiercest, they particularly excel in the use of ranged weaponry. The 5 man Sternguard Veteran Squad comes with a massive amount of variety and options, providing every opportunity to...
7,500 руб
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GW_ 99120101134
Deployed as fast-moving rapid-response forces, Space Marine Vanguard Veterans are close-combat specialists. These veterans of the 1st Company take to war propelled by jump packs and armed with the Chapter's most ancient and revered melee weapons. The 5 man Space Marine Vanguard Veteran...
7,130 руб
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Space Marine Librarians are some of the greatest warrior-mystics in the galaxy. On the battlefield they combine the martial prowess of a Space Marine with their own powerful psychic abilities. They are capable of using their minds to throw powerful energy bolts, project force-shields, or even...
4,500 руб
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Some believe that being born only half-elven is a curse carried over from a former life. The Death Seekers, all of them half-elves, also believe that they can be redeemed from such an existence. Yearning for a supreme act of heroism and sacrifice, they wade fearlessly into the thickest of the...
1,500 руб
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PIP 36001
2,410 руб
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PIP 36016
Having achieved the first step in their greater journey among the Convergence by having their souls installed in intricate clockwork vessels, obstructors know neither fatigue nor pain. In battle their shields interlock through an intricate mechanism of gears to present an unbreakable steel wall...
7,100 руб
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PIP 36011
Ready to repel any threats to the Great Work, reciprocators stand firm, shields interlocking with engineered perfection as they brace to absorb enemy assaults. After blunting a charge against their heavy shields and spears, the reciprocators spring into an immediate counterassault, converting...
6,390 руб
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PIP 36006
Reductors march to war accompanied by an eerie buzz that heralds death. These clockwork soldiers carry swarm projectors designed to launch thousands of pernicious clockwork devices. Once released, this deadly payload seeks the foe in a violent metallic cloud that sweeps around their Convergence...
6,390 руб
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Resin weapon arm for the Decimator Daemon Engine, can be used on either the left or the right hand side.
3,900 руб
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Resin close combat arm for the Decimator Daemon Engine, can be used on either the left or the right hand side.
3,900 руб
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10 man resin multi-part Death Korps of Krieg infantry squad with Sergeant and Flamer.
13,650 руб
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Skink Priests are wizards who can channel the forces of nature to aid Lizardmen armies in the thick of battle. This multi-part plastic kit contains 10 components with which to make a Lizardmen Skink Priest armed with staff and sacrificial blade.
4,880 руб
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9,230 руб
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The Dire Avengers are first amongst the Aspect Warriors of the Eldar. They represent the War God's unending thirst for vengeance upon a galaxy of woe, and as such they are merciless to their foes and unstinting in their devotion to their people. The Dire Avengers in this kit are all armed with...
5,250 руб
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Warpgnaw Verminlords are the pathfinders and half-insane guides of the great horde of verminkind, dwelling within the folds of reality as wanderers of the vast network of gnawholes and dimensional passages used by the Skaven to infest all of creation, never wholly within any realm at one time....
13,850 руб
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When greenskins gather for war, their Shamans build mighty idols of Gorkamorka. Some are formed from the rubble of the Orruks’ recent conquests, mortared with noxious Squiggoth dung. Others are built using strange stone quarried in the deep places of the realms, or even incorporate volatile...
13,500 руб
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Gargants whose sheer size, stupidity and propensity for drunken, ill-tempered violence makes others of their kind seem positively mundane by comparison, Bonegrinder Giants are walking catastrophes capable of levelling an entire town without breaking a sweat—assuming they can stay on...
27,300 руб
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This massive Daemon Engine of Khorne is built in hell forges with the sole purpose of killing, maiming and burning its enemies until they are no more than a sticky paste under its mighty tracks. Measuring almost 6" tall, and just over 7" in length, this huge kit comes with a number of assembly...
29,250 руб
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