
Miniature Type
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The Castellan-type Battle-automata’s modular chassis allows it to carry a variety of different weapons configurations, one of which provides the armour penetrating firepower of a multi-melta and replaces the Castellan’s standard shock chargers with Battle-automata power blades. The Castellax...
12,870 руб
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Three times the height of a man and formidably powerful, the Castellax class Battle-automata is a mainstay of the Legio Cybernetica and many Mechanicum armies. Capable of wielding an array of armaments, in addition to its powerful close combat weapons and boltguns, it can also be equipped with...
12,870 руб
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The most common of the widespread Castellan-type battle-automata in service, the Castellax is a general battle unit developed during the Great Crusade from its ancient forebear. Primarily intended for siege work and shock assaults, the Castellax Battle-automata is a hulking humanoid machine with...
12,870 руб
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The devastation wrought by Knights-Acheron is terrifying to behold. Armed with a fearsome reaper chainfist, twin-linked heavy bolters and an Acheron pattern flame cannon, they are employed as weapons of extermination and to inspire fear in their foes. Nothing will sway their attack until the...
53,630 руб
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The Cerastus Knight-Lancer is a first strike weapon, attuned to rapid assault tactics and lethal outflanking charges against a foe. It is justly renowned for its speed and its power, as well as for the temperamental and restive nature of the machine-spirits which dwell as anima within its...
53,630 руб
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Once a devout believer in all that the Imperium stood for, at the Battle of Calth it was clear to those who witnessed the atrocities he masterminded that Zardu Layak, the Crimson Apostle, had fallen completely into darkness along with the rest of the Word Bearers Legion. Suffused in dark powers...
14,630 руб
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A Daemon Prince of the Ruinstorm, spreading madness and slaughtering all before him in baleful frenzy, Samus is here! A hulking monstrosity, towering over mortals, Samus, a daemon of murder made manifest, was incarnated at the height of his powers as the walls between reality and the Warp were...
21,840 руб
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Armed with the fearsome Castigator pattern bolt cannon, the Cerastus Knight-Castigator is favoured by those households faced with hordes of lesser foes that might otherwise overwhelm even a mighty Knight through sheer numbers. Capable of obliterating infantry formations in a thunderous rain...
53,630 руб
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One of the rarest and most potent Knights, the Knight-Atrapos is a unique variant type of the Cerastus pattern. Bearing particularly rare and potent weaponry of annihilation, the Cerastus Knight-Atrapos was created solely to destroy heretek engines and xenos war machines whose very nature...
53,630 руб
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Darting through even the most hostile environments with ease, Tau Drones are guided by a networked AI of impressive capabilities. Data flows back and forth constantly between them, advising and distributing information on threats, optimal paths and targets instantaneously, creating a blanket of...
2,880 руб
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Swift and deadly, Tau Commanders pilot battlesuits of intimidating size and power. Of course, simply piloting a huge battlesuit doesn’t automatically make a troop into a Commander - more than anything, it’s the strategic nous and ability to adapt to unpredictable situations that stands this...
7,690 руб
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7,100 руб
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3,410 руб
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Not only is the path ahead illuminated by the light of the Greater Good, but also the glow of pulse rifles. The courageous Fire Warriors, with the absolute, zealous belief in the destiny of their race, fight with unstoppable fervour and enviable skill. Benefiting from the astonishing rate of...
7,130 руб
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Light reconnaissance units, Pathfinder Teams are the eyes and ears of their Commander in a way no drone can yet emulate. A Pathfinder’s foremost role is not to engage the enemy, but instead to operate ahead of their comrades, close to their foe, to accurately scout the enemy. There are 10...
5,250 руб
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A huge, deadly and nigh-undetectable weapon of impressive killing capacity, the XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit is a formidable display of Tau war technology. Piloted by a single, hand-picked Tau warrior, a lone Ghostkeel is capable of appearing from...
10,880 руб
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An absolute colossus of a machine, piloted by graduates of the Ves’oni’Vash, the KV128 Stormsurge is designed as an extreme heavy-weapons platform. Not as manoeuvrable as a Riptide, instead relying on thick armour and devastating loadouts, these hulking, squat ballistic suits are capable of...
22,500 руб
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Known as one of Khorne’s greatest champions, Skarbrand’s own lust for blood ultimately proved to be his downfall. He slew innumerable mortals in the name of the Blood God, and was spoken of only in hushed whispers by those remaining. However, his ambition far outstripped his power when he...
18,750 руб
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PIP 35024
The elite cavalry of the Dawnguard, destors thunder across the battlefield to smash apart enemy lines or bring down heavily armored foes. Armed with lance cannons designed specifically for their order, the destors can soften an enemy from afar with unerring blasts from their weapons and then...
5,500 руб
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PIP 41064
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