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By the time a Genestealer Cult launches its insurrection, its Neophyte Hybrids make up a horde of thousands. Weathered and toughened by a life of hard labour, each cultist features the inhuman reactions and strength their alien genes gift them. These third and fourth generation hybrids can pass...
6,600 руб
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Grombrindal – The White Dwarf himself, namesake of the Ultimate Warhammer Magazine – comes to the Mortal Realms! Some say Grombrindal is the living incarnation of Snorri Longbeard himself; others that he was betrothed to the goddess Valaya. None truly know the origins of this most ancient and...
4,390 руб
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The Piranha is a lightly armoured vehicle used by the Tau in a range of capacities, including rapid response, support of pathfinder teams and even as battlefield transport for high-ranking dignitaries. By Upgrading the vehicle to carry a fusion blaster or a pair of seeker missiles it becomes an...
5,100 руб
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A demonstration of immense power and aggressions, Blood Angels Assault Squads strike suddenly and without mercy. Theirs is the mastery of flanking attacks, low-orbit drops and line-breaker charges; their aggressive fighting style suiting the violence of hand-to-hand combat. Roaring into battle...
6,750 руб
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Kill! Maim! Burn! This is Kh?rn the Betrayer’s mantra, and it has become infamous across the Imperium as a harbinger of carnage to follow. Kh?rn embodies the eightfold path of Khorne; friend and foe alike are left broken, twitching and torn apart in his wake. As he sprints into battle, his...
5,100 руб
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A brooding tower of pipes, cables and forgotten technology, the Void Shield Generator is the epitome of Mechanicus architecture. Able to project up to three void shields, it is an impressive defence system, aiding the warriors of the Imperium when hunkering down against alien assaults. The...
19,110 руб
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Roaring praise to the Emperor, a Chaplain of the Deathwatch excels in inspiring the already-elite Space Marines around him to ever-greater feats of heroism. Few have greater faith in the Emperor and Mankind’s inalienable right to rule the stars than the Deathwatch, and a Kill Team cannot fail to...
5,850 руб
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Secretive and mysterious, Watch Masters are revealed on the battlefield as incomparable leaders. With their innate understanding of tactics and strategy, they assess the unclean enemy hordes in an instant, picking out weaknesses and directing their Kill Teams with clipped, precise orders. Not...
4,730 руб
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Far, far more advanced than the other Imperial craft which it resembles, the Corvus Blackstar is truly worthy of ferrying a Deathwatch Kill Team to their brutal mission. Optimised for alien hunting, surprisingly agile, its heavy weapons scream death from the skies as it descends toward its...
10,880 руб
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Space Marine Captains в ответе только перед капелланами, настолько они доблестны и умелы в бою. Некоторые капитаны доказали, что они достойны носить Terminator armour, высеченную из армированного керамита, защищенную силовыми полями и наполненную передовым вооружением. Наиболее выдающиеся из них...
4,680 руб
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Собранный Ortan Cassius, известным капелланом из ордеyа Ultramarine, Kill Team Cassius - отряд, отправленный исследовать горную планету Гхосар Квинта. Созданные, чтобы искоренить и наказать тех, кто будет оспаривать превосходство Империума над галактикой, они отборные, яростные и лояльные воины,...
10,730 руб
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A bloated form, sitting atop a monstrous steed, the Harbinger Of Decay is mighty beyond reckoning. Confident in the approval of his patron, he fights with a sinister pride in the disgusting deeds he carries out - these deeds are rewarded well, with vile blessing rained down aplenty. Of course,...
9,260 руб
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Stonehorn Beastriders / Thundertusk Beastriders / Huskard on Stonehorn / Huskard on Stonehorn / Huskard on Thundertusk / Frostlord on Stonehorn / Frostlord on Thundertusk Riding two abreast on a Stonehorn, Beastriders bring down enemies with their snapping chaintraps and...
11,700 руб
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The core of a Beastclaw Raiders Alfrostun, Ogors mounted on Mournfangs are always at the vanguard of a raid’s assault. Wielding clubs, blades and pistols, they’re very, very good at blocking an enemy’s attack before laying into them with wild abandon. The beasts they ride are equally fearsome,...
12,190 руб
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