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Зловещий лорд ситхов и его приспешники вступают на поле битвы в Star Wars: Shatterpoint!  Некогда уважаемый рыцарь-джедай и падаван самого великого магистра Йоды, граф Дуку выбрал темную сторону и теперь служит учеником самого Дарта Сидиуса.  Этот набор добавляет в Star Wars:...
7,470 руб
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В этом дополнении к игре Star Wars: Shatterpoint легендарный мастер джедаев врывается на вечеринку! Мало кто может бросить вызов мастерству Мейса Винду, и в этом наборе легендарный фехтовальщик представлен в игре Star Wars: Shatterpoint.  Игроки могут использовать этих персонажей...
7,470 руб
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Мудрая хранительница и ее падаван выходят вперед! Мастер-джедай Луминара Ундули, известная своим огромным терпением, дисциплинированностью и умением сохранять спокойствие под давлением, является грозным дуэлянтом со световым мечом.  Мастер боя Соресу, она передала свои навыки...
7,470 руб
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Культовый генерал-джедай и его союзники в этом дополнении присоединяются к Star Wars: Shatterpoint ! Один из самых запоминающихся героев Республики Оби-Ван Кеноби борется за сдерживание угрозы Сепаратистов любой ценой! этот комплект добавляет в игру Star Wars: Shatterpoint...
7,470 руб
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Самые безжалостные охотники за головами в галактике вошли в игру Star Wars: Shatterpoint в этом дополнении! Умный и грозный Кэд Бейн заработал себе репутацию, работая на хаттов и даже на самого Дарта Сидиуса, и этот набор добавляет его в игру в качестве основного юнита. К нему присоединяются...
7,470 руб
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Нет более ожесточенного соперничества, чем противостояние мастера-джедая Оби-Вана Кеноби и Дарта Вейдера, самого страшного форс юзера и ученика императора.    Их поединки проходят с небывалой напряженностью, ведь они оба знают все сильные и слабые стороны другого. Теперь вы...
12,200 руб
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Einhyr Champions wear modified exo-armour fitted with mass drivers. Combined with their formidable close-quarters weaponry and bulky RAM shields, this wargear transforms them into living battering rams whose accelerated charge hits hard enough to smash clean through armoured fortress gates....
4,730 руб
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The Deredeo Dreadnought is a walking heavy weapons platform, designed to combine superior firepower with the flexibility and durability of a Dreadnought chassis. Though highly resource-intensive to produce and maintain, its undoubted survivability and killing power ensures the Deredeo is in high...
9,750 руб
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Tactical squads are the mainstay of the Space Marine Legions and the force by which the Great Crusade has reconquered much of the galaxy. By the fighting power of thousands of superhuman warriors such as these, armed and armoured for battle in the harshest of environments and the deadliest of...
9,000 руб
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The Horus Heresy is the bloodiest conflict humanity has ever known, a galactic civil war in which Space Marines of the Legiones Astartes turn devastating weapons upon those they once called brothers. Always in the thickest of the fighting, Legion Tactical squads are highly flexible infantry...
24,000 руб
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New ways to play your favorite masters! With Master Titles, you can now choose which version of your favorite Master will lead your crew. Each title will alter how your Master and crew plays on the battlefield! Malifaux models are  32mm 'heroic' scale miniature made of...
4,970 руб
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990 руб
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White Dwarf  is Games Workshop's premium Warhammer magazine, packed with amazing monthly content – including new rules and background, short stories, regular columns, special guests, and more. Here’s what you can look forward to in the October issue: Contact! Letters, questions,...
1,350 руб
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Devastating earthquakes have rived the Gnarlwood, and now something stirs deep below the forest’s surface. These tremors have wrought terrible damage across the Sundered Scales. Still, they have also uncovered many strange relics – some of Seraphon origin and others of an even more mysterious...
13,500 руб
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Vulkyn Flameseekers are master beast-tamers who worship the Ur-Salamander, Vulcatrix. These fiery duardin zealots scour the realms for Magmadroth eggs and traces of sacred fire, striking out into the wilderness for months at a time, wielding fyresteel weapons that can excavate hardened rock as...
7,130 руб
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Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz are sadistic, underhanded hunters from the Beast-breaka tribes. Masters of the sudden ambush and the devious ruse, these orruks eagerly employ every kunnin’ trick in the book to capture their quarry and defeat those who would stand in their way. This multipart plastic...
7,130 руб
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The Gnarlwood has been riven by a series of devastating earthquakes, as something stirs deep below the forest’s surface. These tremors have wrought terrible damage across the Sundered Scales, but they have also unearthed many strange relics – and drawn in Gorger Mawpacks of feral ogors, who hope...
16,500 руб
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The ice-coated tunnels of Deathgorge contain untold treasures frozen within their walls. Brave the Everwinter's curse and battle rival warbands to claim them! The ultimate competitive miniatures game brings the action to the frozen continent of Bjarl, in the Warhammer Underworlds: Deathgorge...
12,000 руб
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Orcs are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth. They are evil-hearted monsters that rejoice in slaughter and destruction. The Orc's natural aggression makes them the perfect tool of evil intent, their numberless hordes forming the core of the Mordor army. While they're individually...
8,000 руб
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A stronger strain of Orc has appeared within the armies of the Black Gate and Barad-dûr - the Morannon Orcs. Their armour is thick and strong, providing them additional resilience. This enhanced wargear, coupled with the Morannon Orcs' increased strength, makes them ideal shock troops for...
8,000 руб
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Данная фигурка идет без оружия и базы
250 руб
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Данная фигурка идет без оружия и базы
250 руб
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Данная фигурка идет без оружия
250 руб
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The Adeptus Astartes know no fear, which explains why their armour is painted with bold heraldry and markings. These dice will fit right in with your miniatures, featuring a blue and silver colour scheme. This set includes 16 six-sided dice, measuring 16mm along each squared-off edge. They are...
4,490 руб
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The Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes are Humanity's greatest defenders – genetically enhanced post-human warriors raised to know no fear, armed and armoured with the best wargear the Imperium can provide. This set of 99 cards will help you keep track of your strike force during games of...
5,100 руб
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Desolation Marines specialise in unleashing widespread devastation throughout the enemy ranks. Whether direct-firing warheads into massed infantry and enemy armour, or raining down arcing salvoes with their airbursting castellan launchers, these warriors reap a grievous toll amongst the foe....
7,130 руб
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The Brutalis Dreadnought is a line breaker and a terror weapon – a bipedal combat walker, armed for close combat and piloted by a fallen hero of its Chapter. This hulking war machine lays down a hail of covering fire as it storms towards the enemy lines, but the greatest threat lies in its...
9,750 руб
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Space Marine Lieutenants are experienced tacticians, keen strategists, and highly skilled warriors. Experts in all the lethal weaponry of the Space Marines, they bellow orders and coordinate their brothers’ attacks even as they strike at the foe with their own arsenal of powerful weapons. This...
4,730 руб
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Sternguard Veterans possess an unshakeable calm and are renowned amongst their brothers for their exemplary marksmanship in the fiercest battles. Proficient in all of the Chapter’s ranged weaponry, they can always be found where their pinpoint volleys will best shatter the foe. This multipart...
7,690 руб
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Intercessors equipped with powerful jump packs soar over the battlefield, slamming into the foe like a hammer from the skies. They swiftly cut down all opposition with point-blank pistol fire and furious slashes from their chainswords, before launching off to engage the next target. This...
7,130 руб
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Terminator Squads go to battle clad in Tactical Dreadnought armour – a marvel of technology that enables its wearer to survive almost anything, from the stresses of teleportation to earth-shaking artillery bombardments. These elite Space Marines stride inexorably across the field or simply...
8,250 руб
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The most heroic battle-brothers in a Space Marine company often form an elite retinue, sworn to fight alongside their Captain. These specialists provide vital support as honour guards and aides – Company Champions defend their Chapter's honour with martial excellence, Ancients guard its...
8,250 руб
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