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Even within a Legion whose skills in the arts of orbital strike and shock assault are legendary, the Dawnbreaker Cohorts stand apart. Chosen from amongst the most experience and daring of the Legion's assault squads, they have one purpose in battle, to sunder the enemy's lines and tear the...
15,800 руб
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Rohan has seen much war and turmoil in its relatively brief history, and many watchtowers and small forts have been erected across the Riddermark to warn and protect its people from attack. This modular, multipart plastic terrain kit enables you to build one Rohan Watchtower, 4 Palisades and...
10,130 руб
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Rohan has seen much war and turmoil in its relatively brief history, but more recently, many of its settlements have been coming under attack by roving war parties of Uruk-hai and vengeful Dunlendings. This modular, multipart plastic terrain kit enables you to build one Rohan House. The...
6,150 руб
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Once the leader of the Council of the Wise, and the eponymous head of the White Council, Saruman the White allowed himself to be corrupted by the persuasive powers of the Dark Lord as he gazed jealously into the Palant?r of Orthanc. In so doing he embarked on a road that would see him stripped...
5,250 руб
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Lord Borak the Despoiler returns as guest editor for the 2019 update! This issue combines all the content from four full issues of Spike! Journal, including the full rules for the Champions of Death, Greenfield Grasshuggers, Athelorn Avengers, and Gwaka’moli Crater Gators (that’s issues 4-7 if...
7,800 руб
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Ogre stadia would be ruggedly handsome, nestled as they often are high up in the mountains, were it not for the bloodstains and craters full of picked-over bones. If you're into that sort of thing, it’s extra pretty. If not, they can be a little less than welcoming. One side of this pitch...
5,100 руб
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Ogres are not subtle, but that doesn't mean you don't need a reference for all their special rules, stats and Star Players. This essential deck of 44 cards helps you make the most of your team, ensuring you never forget something in the heat of the game. Contents: – Reference cards for Ogres,...
3,150 руб
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Join editor Christoph Pololio on a journey into the Ogre Kingdoms, as he explores the unique culture of the nomadic tribes – and just why they’re drawn so strongly to Blood Bowl. Whilst Ogres are happy to play with other teams for the pure love of lifestyle of violence, money, and free food that...
2,340 руб
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Ogres are natural Blood Bowl players, with a long tradition of playing for other teams who can afford to feed them (woe betide the coach who fails to account for their appetite). Ogre teams, however, bring a new level of violence to the game, as their rosters feature not just one or two of these...
6,300 руб
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The diminutive Gretchin have long been enthusiastic supporters of Ork aviation, whether gleefully pushing bombs out of open bays, crawling into tight spots to fix engines, or acting as spotters and even gunners on ork planes. It doesn't take long before they become obsessed with flying just like...
7,500 руб
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The mystic leaders of the Splintered Fang lead their people in worship of the Coiling Ones, serpentine daemons who embody cunning and might. Poison is the greatest weapon of the Fangs, and a single cut from their blades can prove fatal. Durable enemies getting you down? The Splintered Fang...
10,730 руб
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It’s time to unleash your inner evil overlord. Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness is the perfect place to start your Chaos collection, giving you the beginnings of a Slaves to Darkness, Khorne, Slaanesh, Nurgle or Tzeentch force all in one box. Designed lovingly for the Mortal Realms, these...
12,750 руб
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Unleash the malevolent magics of the Slaves to Darkness with these extra-evil endless spells! Castable by any Slaves to Darkness sorcerer – including Archaon, Everchosen himself – these summoned sorceries add extra tactical depth to your army, giving you new ways to empower your dark legions or...
8,000 руб
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A figure of awe and reverence among the Blood Angels, Chief Librarian Mephiston carries the will and power of one who has to overcome what no other Blood Angel has. Mephiston has battled through near-death to surmount the Black Rage, the curse that has afflicted the Blood Angels and their...
5,250 руб
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Warlord Battle Titans stride over the battlefields of the Imperium, their thunderous tread heralding the destruction of the enemies of Mankind. A mainstay of the Collegia Titanica, Warlord Battle Titans are among the largest and most powerful war machines ever devised by the Mechanicum. Paired...
4,880 руб
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Warlord Battle Titans stride over the battlefields of the Imperium, their thunderous tread heralding the destruction of the enemies of Mankind. A mainstay of the Collegia Titanica, Warlord Battle Titans are among the largest and most powerful war machines ever devised by the Mechanicum. The...
4,880 руб
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