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A heavily armed bomber that could double as an escort or reconnaissance vessel, the Rebellion’s K-wing was frequently flown on strafing runs against planetary targets and slow-moving capital ships. In X-Wing the K-wing’s surprising acceleration, heavy armor plating, and devastating ordnance make...
3,300 руб
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A development of existing plasma-based weapons technology, the Hellfire Plasma Cannonade was one of a number of weapons first tested using the Deredeo pattern chassis. It sacrifices the range of the Deredeo's standard armaments for increased armour penetration and allows for a higher rate...
5,850 руб
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Dread Princess are the deadliest combatants the Dread Elves must offer. Their lightning quick reflexes grant them unmatched response time to any threat. Because they are well-versed in the art of anatomy, they are able to engage in battle and end it quickly with a well-placed slice or shot....
750 руб
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Born of cruel nobility and guided by their unending hate, the Dread Princes are masters of the blade and incarnations of death. Nurturing a deep grudge against their benevolent counterparts, the Highborn Elves, their lives are an endless routine of rigorous training and ferocious martial...
1,940 руб
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Saurian Warlords are the stronger and fiercer of their kin, trained to lead a tribe of Saurian Warriors into battle. The Dark Elves enslave and train the powerful Saurian Warriors for their armies. These will form into regiments that will crush the enemy by the use of brute force (and quite...
2,020 руб
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The Dark Elves enslave and train the powerful Saurian Warriors for their armies. These will form into regiments that will crush the enemy by the use of brute force (and quite possibly devour them after that!). Saurian Thrall Maulers are the stronger and fiercer of their kin trained to...
2,020 руб
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PIP 61019
The Undercity- кооперативная игра, представляет собой классический данжен-краулер и предлагает игрокам сюжетную кампанию, состоящую из 7 глав-миссий, а также около 40 миниатюр 16 типов, в том числе 4 героя. Героям предстоит зачищать подземелья от полчищ монстров и попутно выполнять задания,...
10,650 руб
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6,390 руб
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3,410 руб
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2,980 руб
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2,980 руб
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4,970 руб
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2,980 руб
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4,970 руб
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Cloaked in rumour and shrouded by deception, what is known of the Alpha Legion is a tattered patchwork of half-truths and conjecture. Even before the dark days of the Horus Heresy, identification of its warriors was proving increasingly difficult as the Legion’s heraldry was constantly...
3,510 руб
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Cloaked in rumour and shrouded by deception, what is known of the Alpha Legion is a tattered patchwork of half-truths and conjecture. Even before the dark days of the Horus Heresy, identification of its warriors was proving increasingly difficult as the Legion’s heraldry was constantly...
2,240 руб
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The colossal Mars pattern Warlord Titan is among the most ancient and feared of the Imperium's war machines. Forged on the Red Planet itself, it is worshipped and venerated as the Omnissiah's will incarnate, and each god-engine is encased in layered armour and powerful void shielding, and...
285,680 руб
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Owing its origins to the ancient days of the Age of Strife and the Mechanicum's domination of the Red Planet, the Mars-Alpha was perhaps the oldest and most widespread pattern of Battle Titan deployed during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. The secrets of this terrifyingly powerful...
19,500 руб
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The triple-barrelled laser blasters mounted on the Warlord Titan's upper carapace form its most common secondary armament - powerful energy weapons designed to destroy entire squadrons of armoured vehicles in each blazing volley. The rules for using the Warlord Battle Titan can be found...
34,130 руб
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Forged by the most malign Warpsmiths and Dark Magos as an act of their devotion to the supreme lord of blood and battles, Kytan Daemon Engines stride across the battlefields of the 41st Millennium eviscerating all who dare oppose them until their hides of brass and blackened iron are bathed in...
28,280 руб
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The Night Lords are a Legion of terrifying killers, forcing entire populations into surrender and compliance through sheer reputation. Erupting from the darkness, the VIII Legion strike with a unexpected brutality that shocks foes into paralysis, each assault a waking nightmare that reminds...
5,850 руб
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Cruel, self-serving and revelling in the slaughter and destruction of the battlefield, Chaos Knights are the antithesis of their loyal kin of the noble Imperial Houses. Allied to the Ruinous Powers, these Knights Paladin, armed with rapid-fire battle cannon, and Knights Errant, mounted...
38,030 руб
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Called forth by the dark rites of the traitorous Word Bearers Legion, the Ruinstorm unleashed a vast horde of the malevolent denizens of the Warp upon the Imperium. Most deadly amongst them were those that came to be known as the Daemon Princes of the Ruinstorm, and counted amongst their...
21,840 руб
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Master of the Iron Warriors Legion, the primarch Perturabo planned battles with exacting precision, ensuring the most expedient path to victory was taken, no matter the toll on his forces. His cold demeanour and adherence to logic won him few friends among the other sons of the Emperor,...
21,840 руб
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PIP 34105
Deneghra, the Soul Weaver takes ?to the skies to terrorize her foes. Atop her nightmarish winged necromechanikal mount she blots out the sun, casting a long shadow over those destined to die by her command. She gathers the souls of those slain in her presence, twisting them to her malevolent...
9,940 руб
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PIP 34123
Drawn to the dying, the soul trapper stalks the front lines with both eagerness and desperation. Its arms continually wrest souls of the recently departed from the air, limbs darting here and there like the workings of a manic threshing machine. It crams its stolen harvest into prepared chambers...
2,840 руб
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PIP 41126
Cyphon is the premier cognifex of the Thornwood cephalyx hive, devoted to the systematic dismantling of intractable minds. Risen from the chthonic tunnels beneath the forest, Cyphon floats silently through the trees, a telepathic predator seeking its quarry. Subjects forced to endure Cyphon’s...
3,980 руб
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Although many gobbers have gained acceptance at the fringes of society, swamp gobbers have always held a particularly unsavory reputation, and those who serve as river raiders among the pirate crews that prey on western Immoren are no exception. With rusted hooks, axes, and swords, they hack...
2,270 руб
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Watching over their Stormcast brothers with the guiding light of their warding lanterns spilling a glorious, warm glow over everything nearby, the Lord-Castellants are masters of defensive warfare. The purifying aura of their golden light shields and heals wounded Stormcast Eternals with...
4,500 руб
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PIP 34058
Дарраг Врейс (Призрак Дарраг, Cryx Light Cavalry Dragoon Character Solo) - жесточайший даже по меркам Cryx колдун и каваллерист, ведущий легионы конных призраков на врага с фанатичным рвением и необычайной бережливостью. Отменно показав себя при покорении материка, Дарраг снискал славу...
4,260 руб
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PIP 33071
Operating independently, Khador’s senior Widowmaker marksmen move unobserved across the battlefield. The expert sharpshooters are equipped with the prized Vanar Liberator rifle. The Liberator weighs a full twenty pounds, nearly twice the weight of the standard hunting rifles issued to Widowmaker...
640 руб
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The leaders of the Stormhosts, exceptionally gifted warriors who ride into battle in blazing fields of azure light, the Lord-Celestants are respected for their tenacity and battle skills even amongst the immortals. Their sigmarite runeblades and warhammers crush and pulverize any enemy...
5,070 руб
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