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1,940 руб
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This is a set of plastic weapon upgrades for use with Tzaangors, Tzaangor Skyfires and Tzaangor Enlightened. It includes 5 arms holding autopistols, and 5 arms holding chainswords which are used to replace the weapons that come with the kits, attaching in the same way with plastic glue.
2,340 руб
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1,940 руб
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1,720 руб
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1,940 руб
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Never ones to squander their Legion’s ranks in bloody attrition or vainglorious frontal assaults, the Thousand Sons Legion, and indeed their Primarch, had long acknowledged the usefulness of the unliving might of Battle-automata as obedient, resilient and ultimately expendable shock assault...
10,530 руб
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Never ones to squander their Legion’s ranks in bloody attrition or vainglorious frontal assaults, the Thousand Sons Legion, and indeed their Primarch, had long acknowledged the usefulness of the unliving might of Battle-automata as obedient, resilient and ultimately expendable shock assault...
10,530 руб
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Custodian Wardens are known amongst their comrades as level-headed and endlessly patient watchmen. Upon accepting the robes that mark their station they swear binding oaths to fight as immovable sentinels, a living fortress of auramite and sinew that no foe will ever breach. Each Warden’s oaths...
7,690 руб
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Squads of Vertus Praetors swoop into battle astride powerful Dawneagle jetbikes. Veteran warriors who have seen conflict on a hundred worlds, these Custodians know the true value of speed: not simply to bring the enemy to bear, but to direct their might precisely where and when it is needed...
7,690 руб
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FW_ 99550999008_mail
Skaven society is highly stratified and bound up in complex rituals, but on the Blood Bowl pitch, all barriers drop away as every player gives their all for their team’s complete and utter victory. The game has become very popular in all fields of Skaven life – the Skaven loving any opportunity...
5,270 руб
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There is one whom the Masters of the Dark Angels seek above all others. He is a being wrapped in shadow, an entity whose motives and methods are an enigma; even the name by which he is known alludes to concealment – though whether it is a metaphor or yet another conundrum is unknown. He is...
6,140 руб
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GW_ 99070108005_mail
Utterly uncompromising, devoid of mercy or remorse, Inquisitor Greyfax acts as the self-appointed executioner of any she names heretic. She is a psyker of some power – a fact that has led more than one of her peers to brand her as a dangerous radical – and her abilities allow her to detect any...
3,750 руб
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Wings spread wide, halo blazing and Ardent Blade in hand, Saint Celestine is a living embodiment of the God-Emperor’s might. She shines like a star amid the smoke and fumes of the battlefield, radiating holy light. The faithful are filled with strength and courage by presence, even as the...
7,690 руб
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Strategist. Hero. Avenging Son. Roboute Guilliman is the Primarch of the Ultramarines, Lord of Ultramar, and a peerless leader of men. Resurrected by the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Ynnari, he seeks to muster the strength of the Imperium and drive back the minions of the Dark Gods. Towering over...
8,250 руб
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The Allarus Custodians deploy with sudden fury to tear the throat from the enemy army. Where a strongpoint must be cracked wide open, a traitor warship boarded or a foul demagogue slain even as he stands amidst his dedicated bodyguards, there are the Allarus Custodians unleashed. These warriors...
7,130 руб
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The office of Captain-General is one of the most powerful military appointments in the Imperium. It confers full responsibility for the overall defence of the Sol System, Terra, the Imperial Palace and, ultimately, the Golden Throne and the Emperor himself. Many claim that Trajann Valoris is the...
6,830 руб
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Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives, and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 66 cards – each featuring artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Adeptus Custodes gamer. Included: - 27 Stratagems available to any...
2,100 руб
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A Lord of Blights is a brutish figure who creates and destroys in equal measure. Swollen with muscle, he lumbers into the midst of the foe swinging his bubotic hammer in thunderous arcs. Every impact shatters bone and ruptures organs, leaving his victims lying like bruised and rotten fruit on...
3,750 руб
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Beasts of Nurgle are slug-like monstrosities whose enormous bodies are weighed down with slime-slick muscle and blubber. Fanged maws yawn wide in their flesh, and an unspeakable reek wafts from their bodies – but for all their horrifying aspect, they are friendly and enthusiastic creatures....
6,380 руб
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While the jokes and songs of Plaguebearers infected by the Chortling Murrain find little purchase amidst the glum Plaguebearers, Nurgle’s other daemons find the antics of the Sloppity Bilepipers hilarious. Unfortunately for their foes, this disease is incredibly infectious, and can cause mortals...
4,500 руб
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Putrid Blightkings that succeed in infecting 77 foes with a vile curse according to the Feast of Maggots are rewarded by becoming Pusgoyle Blightlords. Symbiotically connected to the Rot Fly that he receives, the Blightlord rarely if ever leaves its saddle. Between the powerful blows of the...
12,190 руб
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Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to the god-like Primarchs in martial skill and generalship. These lords of the Imperium hold the power of life and death over whole worlds, with the direct control of entire war fleets and armies in...
7,900 руб
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Box Contains 3 Flying Piglets
3,410 руб
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Box Contains 3 Little Gassers
2,980 руб
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PIP 34142
Striking without warning, the savage and cruel Satyxis are the terror of the Broken Coast. Belonging to an ancient tradition in which sailing is as natural as breathing, these fierce warrior women believe nothing in life to be sweeter than plunder and slaughter. The Satyxis savage their...
8,520 руб
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