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Necromunda is a world of mines, factories, refineries, and processing plants. The planet is a vast powerhouse of industry, making thousands and thousands of different items for use throughout nearby planetary systems. In the darkness of the underhive, fights between the clan houses over the...
21,750 руб
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Gloriel Summerbloom is famously whimsical and carefree, even for a Wood Elf! She revels in the beauty and grace of a well-played game, though she doesn't care for the violence which everyone else seems to enjoy so much. Her fans find this refreshing, whilst her detractors find it hopelessly...
4,680 руб
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There are some poor souls who find themselves wedded to a Blood Bowl fan of such boundless enthusiasm that it encroaches into every aspect of daily life. Important dates and anniversaries are ignored or forgotten, and family functions are avoided. Before long, the unfortunate lover begins to...
4,680 руб
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You might not imagine Ogre culture to be especially egalitarian, but both male and female Ogres play Blood Bowl with equal gusto in the Ogre Kingdoms. Ogre women have a similar build and temperament to Ogre men, including that crucial aptitude for grievous violence. If you're looking to field...
7,410 руб
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The Fire Raptor Gunship is a specialised variant of the Storm Eagle known to have its origins in the Imperium’s dim and distant past. The vehicle is configured to maximise ammunition stowage in order to feed the voracious appetite of its numerous weapons and this is achieved by sacrificing...
34,130 руб
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Orlock Road Captains are, without exception, hard men and women willing to thumb their nose at authority and forge their own path. However, Orlock gangers respect independence as much as strength, and a successful Road Captain needs to be the embodiment of both of these traits. A good Road...
5,270 руб
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As a master endrineer from the famed sky-port of Barak-Zilfin, Drongon Humboldsson is one of the foremost experts in keeping the Kharadron's skyvessels ship-shape and skyworthy. Taking to the field in an ingenious Dirigible Suit with a team of Endrinrigger apprentices in tow, Drongon ensures the...
9,750 руб
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Atra'zan the Immolator seeks to engulf the Mortal Realms in an arcane firestorm. To see this done, he's assembled a troupe of daemonic pyromaniacs who surge into battle like a living inferno, delighting in the agonised screams of burning mortals and the stench of charred flesh. Drown the...
9,750 руб
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Krulghast Cruciators were once mortals that met a gruesome end on the torture rack. In death, their bitter souls have been twisted by Nagash into ghastly manifestations of torment, replete with instruments of excruciation possessed of a wicked animus. Bring terror to the battlefield with deadly...
5,100 руб
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As the revered Lord-Celestant of the Hallowed Knights and a living symbol of hope to all citizens of Order, Gardus Steel Soul shines like a beacon of divine light at the head of his Stormcast Eternals war host. Wielding his faith as surely as he does his runeblade and warhammer, Steel Soul never...
5,100 руб
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While the Mortal Realms rage under the fires of countless wars, one scorned figure looks to take advantage and further his unknowable agenda. Be'lakor, the Dark Master, whose schemes have had their twisted tendrils in many momentous events, begins to enact the final stages of his grand ambition....
5,250 руб
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Be'lakor, the Dark Master, is the first of the Daemon Princes and a consummate champion of Chaos. Wreathed in ethereal shadows and lifted high above the battlefield on monstrous wings, Be'lakor regards the efforts of his foes with a bitter scorn as they struggle in vain against his diabolical...
18,750 руб
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When Titans and their Knight allies march to war, they do so emblazoned with the icons of their Legion, badges of honour and other marks of their fealty to the Omnissiah – or to other, darker, masters. Decorate your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord, Warbringer, Reaver and Warhound Titans with this set...
4,000 руб
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When Titans and their Knight allies march to war, they do so emblazoned with the icons of their Legion, badges of honour and other marks of their fealty to the Omnissiah – or to other, darker, masters.  Decorate your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord, Reaver and Warhound Titans with this set of...
4,000 руб
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When Titans and their Knight allies march to war, they do so emblazoned with the icons of their Legion, badges of honour and other marks of their fealty to the Omnissiah – or to other, darker, masters. Decorate your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord, Warbringer, Reaver and Warhound Titans with this set...
4,000 руб
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When Titans and their Knight allies march to war, they do so emblazoned with the icons of their Legion, badges of honour and other marks of their fealty to the Omnissiah – or to other, darker masters. Decorate your Adeptus Titanicus Warlord, Warbringer, Reaver and Warhound Titans with this set...
3,320 руб
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Blood Bowl referees carry the weighty responsibility of interpreting and enforcing the sacred writings of Nuffle. They're entrusted with the vital duty of upholding the values of the beautiful game and ensuring both teams strictly follow the rules and compete fairly. Good job so many of them are...
2,360 руб
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Amateur games of Blood Bowl are often played on a smaller pitch, with fewer players. A quick game of Sevens is a well-loved way to settle a grudge, pass the time, or take out business and romantic rivals with a convenient 'accident'. Even professional teams occasionally play a game of Sevens to...
6,600 руб
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When the conversation of greatest Orcs to play Nuffle’s sacred game crops up, as it often does in the various taverns in the Badlands, one name is always mentioned. The now legendary Varag Ghoul-Chewer continues to dominate the sport, growing stronger and tougher with time.  Varag is a...
2,360 руб
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Griff Oberwald is amongst the greatest Human players to ever step onto the gridiron. Certainly, whenever the discussion of ‘greatest player ever’ crops up, Griff is one of the players mentioned as a top-ranking candidate. It wouldn't be outrageous to suggest that the golden boy of the Bögenhafen...
2,360 руб
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