
Iron Hands Medusan Immortals

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For those Iron Hands who have been found wanting in the eyes of their Primarch, there remains a final chance at glory and redemption within the ranks of the Medusan Immortals.

The Immortals are always found where the battle is fiercest and the chances of survival, even for an Legiones Astartes, are at its dimmest. Armed and armoured principally as Breacher units and featuring a high level of cybernetic rebuild among them, it is their lot and their pride to fight and to die with steadfast cold fury, never breaking ranks, marching relentlessly into the jaws of Hell.

The Medusan Immortals are a five man multi-part kit fitted out in MkIII Iron Armour that features many details such as cybernetic limbs, and includes optional Lascutter and Graviton gun.  

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