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Период проведения промо-акции: от 21/02/2022 по 28/02/2022

You can never have enough Awakened Wyldwoods! Sure, one is good – but with spells, warscroll battalions and Treelord Ancients allowing you to add more of these mystical glades to your army, it’s always wise to have a spare. This bundle is perfect for Sylvaneth players looking to stock up on...
19,130 руб
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When the Wyldwoods of the Sylvaneth stir, enemies of the natural order must be on their guard. The awakened spirits that dwell within these ancient groves are roused to terrible fury by intrusions into their domain. They seek every chance to prey upon those foolish enough to stray beneath their...
7,690 руб
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Wargs are gigantic, evil wolves - massive and dangerous creatures with a cunning and carnivorous intelligence. Warg Riders scout far ahead of the main armies of Orcs and other evil creatures, spying out the land and picking off stragglers. In battle wargs swarm towards the foe in great packs,...
6,150 руб
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If Orcs are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth then the Uruk-hai are the most dangerous perversion of the breed. Where ordinary Orcs are crook-limbed and timid, the Uruk-hai are strong, muscular, upright warriors of greater skill and courage. Equipped with flame-forged armour and brutal...
6,150 руб
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It is not enough for Saruman that he has unleashed an army of thousands against Helm's Deep -- his plan is to destroy Rohan's greatest defence utterly. To that end, he has fabricated explosive charges which can be detonated with devastating effect. Using these charges, Uruk-hai Siege Troops...
4,290 руб
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The men of Rohan are doughty folk, raised in a harsh land of moors, hills, and endless grassland. The warriors of this land fight for survival against a multitude of foes, from the Trolls and Orcs of the Misty Mountains, to the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron when they cross the Anduin into the...
6,630 руб
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Orcs are the foulest creatures to walk Middle-earth. They are evil-hearted monsters that rejoice in slaughter and destruction. The Orc's natural aggression makes them the perfect tool of evil intent, their numberless hordes forming the core of the Mordor army. While they're individually...
6,150 руб
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A stronger strain of Orc has appeared within the armies of the Black Gate and Barad-d?r - the Morannon Orcs. Their armour is thick and strong, providing them additional resilience. This enhanced wargear, coupled with the Morannon Orcs' increased strength, makes them ideal shock troops for...
6,150 руб
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Easterlings are amongst the most fanatical followers of the Dark Lord and the best equipped of all the warriors at his command. Unlike the rabble of Orcs that spew forth from the Black Gate, the armies of the East are well-trained and disciplined warriors that will fight fiercely for Sauron, who...
6,150 руб
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The Balrog is a mighty creature of great age and power. Awoken by eager Dwarven miners, the Balrog brought destruction to their kingdoms, overwhelming Durin and his doughty warriors in a series of terrible battles. Of all the evil powers in the world, the Balrog is amongst the most terrible and...
8,250 руб
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Designed for use with the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, this is a set of 7 measuring rulers – supplied on silver metallic plastic – in a variety of shapes which tie in thematically to Middle-earth itself. Use them to measure space between models for combat, casting magic and moving your...
4,880 руб
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