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Период проведения промо-акции: от 21/02/2022 по 28/02/2022

Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy, perfect for when a game has you so engrossed you can't tear your eyes off the battlefield for a second. Keep track of the various Psychic Powers available to your army, plus Stratagems, Infernal Pacts, and more. This pack contains the...
3,300 руб
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Clonefather. Primogenitor. Spider. Fabius Bile has laboured under many epithets during his long and wicked life, but none truly convey the unrepentant evil of this heretic crypto-scientist. A twister of flesh and a sculptor of nightmares, Fabius Bile is one of the most abominable renegades to...
5,250 руб
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Sorcerers of Chaos shape the destiny of the galaxy with forbidden rituals and unspeakable pacts. They channel the soul-blasting energies of the warp into potent hexes and blasts of flame, as they mould the material universe with little more than a hate-filled curse. This plastic kit is...
3,750 руб
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A Chaos Lord is a tyrannical warrior king who lives to bathe in the blood of worlds. He strives to bring whole star systems to their knees in the name of his patron deities. Typified by merciless ambition and fierce pride, many of these champions of disorder were once noble Chapter Masters and...
3,750 руб
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Dark Apostles make up the priesthood of the Dark Gods. Just as the Chaplains of the loyalist Space Marines uphold the creeds of their Chapters, the Dark Apostles devote their lives to the propagation of the unholy word, actively spreading the worship of Chaos across the galaxy. Their efforts do...
5,100 руб
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Amidst the thunderous tumult of battle, a Master of Executions strides unflinchingly forwards, his mind focused on the gruesome decapitations he will soon administer. He is a being of singular purpose, a brutal weapon in the arsenal of the Heretic Astartes, and his existence is driven by an...
3,750 руб
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A Lord Discordant is a machine-obsessed heretic who scuttles across the battlefield atop a Helstalker mount, all the while exuding a palpable aura of anarchy. His mere presence short-circuits machinery not already riddled with daemonic entities – actuators and servos whir erratically, and...
9,380 руб
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Havocs provide the Traitor Legions with devastating anti-infantry and anti-armour firepower, dominating large swathes of the battlefield with volley after punishing volley. Such is the blood-pounding thrill of pouring heavy fire into the enemy ranks that many Havocs become obsessed by the power...
7,690 руб
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Havocs provide the Traitor Legions with devastating anti-infantry and anti-armour firepower, dominating large swathes of the battlefield with volley after punishing volley. Such is the blood-pounding thrill of pouring heavy fire into the enemy ranks that many Havocs become obsessed by the power...
7,690 руб
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Noctilith Crowns are brutal edifices raised up by the Chaos Space Marines to weaken the very foundations of reality. Crafted from the mysterious material known as blackstone, these vast psychic resonators thin the veil to deadly effect. The...
7,500 руб
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Not even the Space Marines are safe from the lure of Chaos. Whether they hail from the dark days of the Horus Heresy or turned traitor more recently, these baleful warriors combine their gene-given gifts with dark blessings and malefic sorceries,...
8,250 руб
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Striding onto the battlefield like a demigod of war, the Despoiler scowls at the mortal chattel before him. He is an ender of worlds, a destroyer of hope, a bane unto the galaxy itself. Yet he is not beyond the siren call of battle, and leads his Black Legion to acts of pitiless slaughter...
8,250 руб
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Haarken Worldclaimer takes a heinous joy in his role as the mouthpiece of Abaddon, for it is he who proclaims the death of worlds. He does so not with some quotidian threat or hollow boast, but by...
5,100 руб
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Scarab Occult Terminators were once the finest psykers in the Thousand Sons Legion, bodyguards to Magnus the Red himself. Reduced to dust along with their brethren, they now possess only an echo of their previous intellect. They stride into battle at the behest of their sorcerous masters,...
7,690 руб
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Stepping out from the fog of war come the Rubricae. Many of these undying warriors were psykers in their own right, before an ancient curse damned them to an eternity as living husks – their baroque power armour now contains nothing but sparkling dust. In battle, a malevolent witch-light...
7,690 руб
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The air screams as Magnus the Red descends from the skies, and stone runs molten beneath his shadow. Cyclopean son of the Emperor of Mankind, his very presence is anathema to logic. To look upon him is to surrender sanity, and when the Crimson King gazes back, destruction is loosed in...
20,250 руб
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Warlords of incredible power and menace in their own right, the Varanguard have grown into creatures of immense cruelty over many lifetimes of merciless slaughter and conquest. Each individual Varanguard has led countless campaigns across numberless centuries, having risen through the ranks...
12,750 руб
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Reliable, resilient and easily repaired, the Rhino APC has been the mainstay transport of the Adeptus Astartes since time immemorial. The Rhinos maintained by the Chaos Space Marines are grotesque shadows of these loyal troop carriers, daubed with terrifying symbols, smeared with the blood of...
6,750 руб
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This box is the most cost effective way to buy three multi-part plastic Chaos Space Marine Bikes. The bikes can be armed with twin-linked bolters, whilst there are bolt pistols for the Bikers, and a Chaos Space Marine Transfer Sheet.
5,550 руб
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Heldrakes are winged Daemon Engines that plummet out of the skies like living comets, hurtling towards enemy aircraft and crashing claws-first into them from above. A Heldrake takes cruel joy in diving down upon the unsuspecting air support of the enemy in order to shred them to pieces with its...
10,130 руб
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Force Organisation
Miniature Type
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  • 3300руб
  • 20250руб