Вархаммер 20% (Акция завершена)

Период проведения промо-акции: от 21/02/2022 по 28/02/2022

The Deathwatch are a widespread Chapter of Space Marines and the Imperium's greatest weapon against the manifold threats posed by countless xenos races. From their hidden bases in orbiting watch fortresses, the Deathwatch despatch carefully selected operatives to hunt down and exterminate alien...
19,500 руб
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The Deathwatch are a widespread Chapter of Space Marines and the Imperium's greatest weapon against the manifold threats posed by countless xenos races. From their hidden bases in orbiting watch fortresses, the Deathwatch despatch carefully selected operatives to hunt down and exterminate alien...
3,680 руб
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Far, far more advanced than the other Imperial craft which it resembles, the Corvus Blackstar is truly worthy of ferrying a Deathwatch Kill Team to their brutal mission. Optimised for alien hunting, surprisingly agile, its heavy weapons scream death from the skies as it descends toward its...
10,880 руб
В наличии
Space Marine Captains в ответе только перед капелланами, настолько они доблестны и умелы в бою. Некоторые капитаны доказали, что они достойны носить Terminator armour, высеченную из армированного керамита, защищенную силовыми полями и наполненную передовым вооружением. Наиболее выдающиеся из них...
4,680 руб
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