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Период проведения промо-акции: от 21/02/2022 по 28/02/2022

The rotting bowels of the Great Unclean Ones swell with pus and contagion, and within each such swelling there grows a tiny and malevolent Daemon called a Nurgling. As the Nurgling matures it feeds upon the filth of the Great Unclean One and pops out; the very personification of a boil or...
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Clanrats mass into huge clawpacks, their vast numbers bolstering their courage and allowing them to surge across the battlefield and overwhelm the enemy, regardless of the hideous casualties they suffer along the way. Clanrats are the main front-line unit in a skaven army. They’re great for...
5,250 руб
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Bounding in a disturbing fashion, Flamers of Tzeentch spring toward the foe spouting wyrdflame, the warpfire of Chaos itself. The supernatural flames writhe and leer, but most of all they burn, scorching the foe’s flesh, bones and soul. Yet the Changer of Ways is fickle, and fires that have...
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The Bloodletters form the core of the vast legions of the Lord of Battle. Believed to have been foremost amongst the Blood God's followers in mortal life, their will is as implacable and blood-hungry as Khorne himself. Festooned with rippling muscles, knotted sinews and driven by an unparallel...
4,880 руб
В наличии
Daemonettes are Slaanesh's Lesser Daemons and the most numerous of all his servants. Possessed of the hypnotic glamour for which all Daemons of Slaanesh are abhorred, they are vicious, merciless fighters who attack with astounding speed and grace. This multi-part plastic boxed set contains the...
4,880 руб
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Khorne Berzerkers are Chaos space Marines dedicated to the worship of Khorne. They are frightening, unrelenting warriors who fight with a manic frenzy to claim skull for the throne of Khorne. The Khorne Berzerkers can be used in any Chaos Space Marine army and as World Eaters in a Khorne World...
6,380 руб
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