
Civitas District War Zone Gamma

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During the darkest days of the Horus Heresy, entire cities were levelled by orbital bombardment or vicious assaults – and in many of them, mighty war engines of the Adeptus Titanicus battled for supremacy amidst the shattered ruins even after the front lines of the war moved elsewhere.

Civitas District War Zone Gamma is dominated by a partially destroyed factorum, still defended by strategically sited emplacements. Next to the factorum are storage bunkers, while the shattered remains of an Imperial Knight and a downed fighter are relics of a previous battle.

This board can be combined with plastic Civitas Imperalis building sets to create a built up hab-zone by placing clusters of buildings in the open areas and on top of the bunkers, which have moulded details such as stairways that will connect to doors on the plastic scenery.

It can also be combined with other Civitas District War Zone boards to create a variety of different set-ups for your games of Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy.

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