Краски и Аксессуары

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Сверхукрывистые краски Vallejo Game Extra Opaque содержат большое количество красящего пигмента и сильно облегчают покраску миниатюр на начальном этапе, покрывая окрашиваемую поверхность базовым слоем практически не оставляя просветов. В палитре 16 расцветок, наиболее часто используемых при...
470 руб
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Transparent Water - это прозрачный гель, идеально подходящий для создания эффекта мелководной поверхности или для формирования волн и пиков. Высыхает до прозрачного и глянцевого покрытия примерно за 24 часа, в зависимости от толщины покрытия. Объем банки - 200 мл.
2,410 руб
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Pacific Blue - это плотный синий гель, цвет которого похож на Тихий океан. Из-за его полупрозрачности - рекомендуется наносить на основу, ранее окрашенную более темным цветом, чтобы усилить эффект глубины. Гель сохнет примерно за 24 часа, в зависимости от толщины покрытия. Объем...
2,410 руб
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Atlantic Blue - это густой синий гель, цвет которого похож на Атлантический океан. Из-за его полупрозрачности - рекомендуется наносить на основу, ранее окрашенную более темным цветом, чтобы усилить эффект глубины. Гель сохнет примерно за 24 часа, в зависимости от толщины покрытия....
2,410 руб
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Still Water - это ровная прозрачная жидкость. Она выравнивается даже на неровных поверхностях, воспроизводя эффект прозрачной стоячей воды. Наносить в несколько тонких слоев не более 3 мм. Это необходимо, чтобы предотвратить образование трещин или пузырей в процессе высыхания.
2,130 руб
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Mediterranean Blue - это густой синий гель, цвет которого похож на цвет Средиземного моря. Из-за полупрозрачности продукта рекомендуется наносить его на основу, ранее окрашенную более темным цветом, чтобы усилить эффект глубины. Гель высыхает прибл. 24 часа, в зависимости от...
2,410 руб
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White Stone - это гладкая, белая, мраморная паста с мелкой текстурой. После высыхания поверхность можно вырезать и отшлифовать. Может использоваться в качестве раствора и шпатлевки на конструкциях и стыках. Объем банки - 200 мл.
2,410 руб
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Rough White Pumice - это плотная паста из смолы, титановой крошки, и натуральной пемзы. Для создания поверхностей и неровностей местности, рельефов и пиков. Объем банки - 200 мл.
1,850 руб
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Rough Grey Pumice - это плотная паста из смолы, титановой крошки, и натуральной пемзы. Для создания поверхностей и неровностей местности, рельефов и пиков. Объем банки - 200 мл.
1,850 руб
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Black Lava-Asphalt имеет густую и плотную консистенцию, подходящую для вулканических пород, а также для асфальта на дорогах и строительных площадках. Объем банки - 200 мл.
2,410 руб
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Grey Sand - это серая шероховатая текстура, воспроизводящая грубый рельеф дюн и скал в засушливом климате. Текстура также идеально подходит для создания поверхностей из ржавого металла. Объем банки - 200 мл.
2,410 руб
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Dark Earth - имеет цвет влажной земли, и густую, плотную консистенцию. Она идеально подходит для создания текстуры земли на базах и диорамах. Объем банки - 200 мл.
2,410 руб
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Brown Earth - имеет цвет глиняны, и густую, плотную консистенцию. Она подходит для воспроизведения текстуры земли на базах и диорамах. Объем банки - 200 мл.
2,410 руб
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This set contains one plastic Large Oval Base and one clear-plastic Flying Stem.
1,760 руб
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This set contains five clear-plastic Flying Bases.
830 руб
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This set contains three clear-plastic Large Flying Bases.
830 руб
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This set contains three plastic round closed bases.
830 руб
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If you're painting rust, Ryza Rust should part of your paint collection. It's a Citadel Dry paint, meaning that you apply it with a drybrush on your miniatures. It's been specifically designed to be used with Typhus Corrosion, and the two should be used together to get the best effects....
540 руб
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What soldier doesn't look better with blood on his sword? Blood for the Blood God allows you to add a level of gore to your miniatures straight from the pot. It's a translucent paint, similar to a wash, but thicker and with vivid colour. It dries with a gloss, wet look finish that allows...
540 руб
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Nihilakh Oxide is a wash that allows any painter to add a verdigris finish to their models. It's an opaque wash that can be applied to the recesses and cracks of a miniature to represent the weathering of brass or bronze. It can be applied straight from the pot, either sparingly for picking...
540 руб
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Have you always wanted your models to look diseased, but struggled to find a paint to do the job? Look no further because Nurgle's Rot is officially the most disgusting paint we've ever made. This nasty looking, bright green, paint can be used as a finishing touch to any model in your...
540 руб
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Typhus Corrosion is a wash that has been specifically designed to add streaks of oily rust to Citadel Miniatures. It can be painted into recesses, around rivets, or between panel lines to give a realistic, time-worn appearance to a model. The paint itself also contains tiny micro-beads which...
540 руб
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540 руб
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200 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Base paints are high quality acrylic paints specially formulated for basecoating your Citadel miniatures quickly and easily. They are designed to give a smooth matte finish over black or white undercoats with a single layer.
540 руб
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Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.
540 руб
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Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.
540 руб
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Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.
540 руб
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Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.
540 руб
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Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.
540 руб
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Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.
540 руб
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Citadel Dry Compounds are of a thicker consistency than other Citadel paints, which makes them perfect for drybrushing - a handy way to pick out the details on a model, or apply highlights swiftly and easily.
540 руб
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