Краски и Аксессуары

По цене
A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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A premium range of acrylic paints and high-cover inks. Their high-quality pigments and formula make them ideal for both novice and professional painters. Valid for brush and airbrush. Premium 20ml smooth acrylic paints Valid for brush and airbruh
680 руб
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Metal ‘n Alchemy paints stand out because of their fine pigment and high covering power. They are formulated for blending with metallic colors or with any other type of acrylic paint. They are highly opaque with very fine pigments that do not separate when thinned. Valid for brush and...
27,900 руб
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Набор представляет собой идеальное введение для новичков в чудесное хобби миниатюрной живописи и содержит 8 цветов, миниатюру Хеллбоя из смолы и пошаговую инструкцию Анхеля Гиральдеса. Content:   + 7 x 17 ml./0.57 fl.oz. Model Color  + 1 x 17 ml./0.57 fl.oz. Game...
5,330 руб
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Набор из 8 эталонных цветов для раскрашивания моделей, фигур и диорам. Содержит флаконы по 17 мл и цветовую таблицу. Content:   70.862 Black Grey  70.872 Chocolate Brown  70.879 Green Brown  70.880 Khaki Grey  70.890 Refractive Green  70.978 Dark...
2,840 руб
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Liquid Mask используется для замазывания участков, которые должны оставаться неокрашенными. Изделие образует защитную пленку на участке, который художники не хотят красить. Когда работа высохнет, жидкую маску стирают ластиком или куском ткани, обнажая неокрашенный участок.
780 руб
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530 руб
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Russian Mud - знакомый оттенок, известный как Чернозем, особенно темный и плотный, найденный на очень плодородных почвах Восточной Европы, Украины и юга России. Русская грязь содержит следы растительности, которые имеют особую плотность и реалистичную текстуру. Объем банки - 200 мл.
2,410 руб
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Light Brown Mud - это цвет грязи, встречающейся на щелочных землях, в засушливом климате пустынь и средиземноморских регионов, которые благодаря своей песчаной природе легко впитывают влагу. Объем банки - 200 мл.
2,410 руб
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Этот набор идеально подходит для раскрашивания миниатюр ваших бойцов и варваров с использованием мечей, кожи и меха. Профессионально подобранный набор из восьми акриловых красок на водной основе, включая пошаговое руководство от RealmSmith. Content: 8 x 8 ml./0.27 fl.oz. 80.034 Bone...
2,150 руб
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Этот набор идеально подходит для рисования всего, что может быть найдено в самых темных подземельях вашего настольного игрового мира! Профессионально подобранный набор из восьми акриловых красок на водной основе, включая пошаговое руководство от RealmSmith. Content: 8 x 8 ml./0.27 fl.oz....
2,150 руб
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Этот набор идеально подходит для раскрашивания ваших паладинов и клириков сияющими доспехами и всеми видами законной добродетели! Профессионально подобранный набор из восьми акриловых красок на водной основе, включая пошаговое руководство от RealmSmith. Content: 8 x 8 ml./0.27 fl.oz....
2,150 руб
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Этот набор техник идеально подходит для рисования всех ваших коварных жуликов и преследуемых чернокнижников в темные задумчивые и скрытные цвета! Профессионально подобранный набор из восьми акриловых красок на водной основе, включая пошаговое руководство от RealmSmith. Content: 8 x...
2,150 руб
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Этот набор идеально подходит для рисования всех лесных существ, включая медведей, волков и многих других! Профессионально подобранный набор из восьми акриловых красок на водной основе, включая пошаговое руководство от RealmSmith. Content: 8 x 8 ml./0.27 fl.oz. 80.101 Off-White ...
2,150 руб
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Этот набор идеально подходит для раскрашивания вашего рейнджера и друида-авантюриста с использованием различных видов кожи и натуральных цветов! Профессионально подобранный набор из восьми акриловых красок на водной основе, включая пошаговое руководство от RealmSmith. Content: 8 x 8...
2,150 руб
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Этот набор идеально подходит для росписи предметов из дерева и стали, таких как щиты, катапульты, мебель, пушки и многое другое! Профессионально подобранный набор из восьми акриловых красок на водной основе, включая пошаговое руководство от RealmSmith. Content: 8 x 8 ml./0.27 fl.oz....
2,150 руб
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Этот набор техник идеально подходит для раскрашивания ваших волшебников и колдунов яркими волшебными красками! Профессионально подобранный набор из восьми акриловых красок на водной основе, включая пошаговое руководство от RealmSmith. Content: 8 x 8 ml./0.27 fl.oz. 80.008 Orange...
2,150 руб
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Этот набор техник идеально подходит для рисования всех оттенков кожи, идеально подходит для ваших авантюристов и не игровых персонажей в ваших настольных RPG-кампаниях! Профессионально подобранный набор из восьми акриловых красок на водной основе, включая пошаговое руководство от RealmSmith....
2,150 руб
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Набор готовых к использованию акриловых аэрографов цвета металлик. Многоцветные пигменты, используемые в составе этих красок, придают им яркий металлический блеск, а их стеклянное покрытие действует как преломляющая призма. Каждая чешуйка имеет различный цвет в зависимости от угла...
2,850 руб
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Набор готовых к использованию акриловых аэрографов цвета металлик. Многоцветные пигменты, используемые в составе этих красок, придают им яркий металлический блеск, а их стеклянное покрытие действует как преломляющая призма. Каждая чешуйка имеет различный цвет в зависимости от угла...
2,850 руб
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850 руб
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Предназначен для того, чтобы воспроизводить влажность на моделях и диорамах. Можно комбинировать с другими погодными эффектами, чтобы усилить впечатление от влажности и сырой погоды.
450 руб
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850 руб
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Chipping Medium - это среда на водной основе для создания отслаивающейся краски, царапин и сколов ржавчины. Chipping Medium можно наносить с помощью аэрографа или кисти для создания эффекта сколов с помощью акриловых красок на водной основе.
850 руб
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Разбавитель используется для увеличения насыщенности цвета, увеличения текучести и уменьшения времени высыхания.
1,140 руб
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Rolling Pin Display Rolling Pin exhibitor made of top quality methacrylate. Parts have been laser cut and adjusted for a simple construction wihout the need of glue. However, parts may be reinforced together with non-whitening glues Measurements:  200x306x60mm Capacity:...
3,150 руб
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MEGA Rolling Pin Plain Plain rolling pins capable of flattenning putties, fimo and other sculpting clays.. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non stick properties. Not toxic.  Length: 32 cm (12’75 inches) Diameter: 3cm (1,25 inches) It will become really useful during...
2,760 руб
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      Rolling Pin Cobblestone 15mm Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-stick properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you can...
2,250 руб
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      Rolling Pin Pavement 15mm Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-stick properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase...
2,250 руб
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      Rolling Pin DUTCH Bricks 15mm Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-stick properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you...
2,250 руб
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Rolling Pin Diamond Plate - Small Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-stick properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your...
2,250 руб
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17ml acrylic ink slightly satin Designed for painters of all levels. Its formula is perfect for easy glazing or achieving completely opaque layers. Optimum results! Valid for brush and airbrush.
640 руб
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17ml acrylic ink slightly satin Designed for painters of all levels. Its formula is perfect for easy glazing or achieving completely opaque layers. Optimum results! Valid for brush and airbrush.
640 руб
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17ml acrylic ink slightly satin Designed for painters of all levels. Its formula is perfect for easy glazing or achieving completely opaque layers. Optimum results! Valid for brush and airbrush.
640 руб
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17ml acrylic ink slightly satin Designed for painters of all levels. Its formula is perfect for easy glazing or achieving completely opaque layers. Optimum results! Valid for brush and airbrush.
640 руб
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17ml acrylic ink slightly satin Designed for painters of all levels. Its formula is perfect for easy glazing or achieving completely opaque layers. Optimum results! Valid for brush and airbrush.
640 руб
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17ml acrylic ink slightly satin Designed for painters of all levels. Its formula is perfect for easy glazing or achieving completely opaque layers. Optimum results! Valid for brush and airbrush.
640 руб
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