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PIP 35076
релиз 14 июня Elara is one of the Retribution’s most skilled killers. She has refined her arcane abilities to suit the ancient traditions of the goddess, Lyliss, patron of assassins, and treats each death she inflicts as a tribute. Elara has mastered the essence of shadow, stepping through one...
2,400 руб
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PIP 35087
релиз 28 июня The warcaster once known as Goreshade was an eldritch, one of a strain of abominations who fed on the spiritual essence of others and consorted with the Nightmare Empire of Cryx. Now, Lord Ghyrrshyld has been restored by the goddess Scyrah and is filled with renewed purpose. While...
3,300 руб
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This is a metal version of the Retribution of Scyrah Mk II Battlegroup Box warcaster Kaelyssa, Night’s Whisper featured in WARMACHINE: Prime. FEATURES: This metal version of the classic battlegroup box warcaster gives Retribution of Scryah players both old and new the chance to bring the...
2,100 руб
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PIP 35064
A master of House Ellowuyr’s unique swordfighting discipline, Thyron matches stillness with blurring speed. He is a tempest of sharpened steel, a paragon of Ellowuyr’s art of war. His command of his army is not unlike his technique with a blade. He stages quick bouts and feints...
3,450 руб
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PIP 35046
Лорд-чародей Оссиан (Lord Arcanist Ossyan – Retribution Warcaster) происходит из Дома Вир, осуждаемого в Иос (Ios) за чудовищные зверства его предыдущего главы. Однако сейчас, в миг Возмездия, именно Лорд-чародей Оссиан был одним из первых приглашенных возглавить армии Retribution of...
2,250 руб
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PIP 35058
Possessing immense arcane ability and a talent for the divinatory arts, Issyria has become one of the greatest military assets of House Nyarr. That she has done so while declining to wield a weapon is all the more remarkable. In combat, Issyria uses her powers to perceive the flow of battle,...
2,400 руб
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PIP 35047
The Retribution of Scyrah has no greater champion than Vyros of House Nyarr. The leader of the Dawnguard rides to war astride his powerful warhorse Solarys, his hunting hawk circling overhead. Through her eyes he sees the battlefield unobstructed, allowing Vyros to direct his army rapidly to...
5,700 руб
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PIP 35001
Лорд Рассвета Вирос (Dawnlord Vyros - Retribution Warcaster) – опасный военачальник, который рассматривает движение Возмездия как еще одну силу, способную вернуть эльфам Иос (Ios) утраченное величие. Ему лично верны многие Дома Иос (Ios), а в войсках его репутаци я крайне высока...
2,250 руб
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PIP 35002
Адептис Рахн (Adeptis Rahn - Retribution Warcaster) – варкастер Retribution of Scyrah и один из наиболее сильных чародеев поколения. Дом Шиел гордится его умениями управлять силой, которое позволяет превратить воздух в обдирающий плоть с костей клинок или отводящий выстрелы щит. Его...
1,800 руб
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