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PIP 31123
With its advanced armament and heavily armored hull, Major Beth Maddox’s personal warjack Brickhouse is a veritable wall of steel. While capable of enduring sustained assaults and holding vital battlefield positions, the warjack is just as eager to wade into enemy ranks to crush opposing...
9,000 руб
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9,000 руб
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PIP 31083
*Players will need a Cygnar Heavy Plastic Warjack kit (PIP 31062) in addition to the upgrade kit in order to build Triumph.
1,500 руб
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PIP 31022
Тяжелый варджек Cygnar Штормклад (Cygnar Stormclad Heavy Warjack) – уникальная машина поддержки тяжелой пехоты Штормблейдов Cygnar (Cygnar Stormblade Unit). Это опасный своей рукопашной атакой воин первой линии, иммунный к электрическому урону. Он недешев, но этого стоят его преимущества,...
2,750 руб
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PIP 31088
Легкий противопехотный варджек Cygnar Сентинел (Cygnar Sentinel Light Warjack) способен справиться с зачисткой местности от слишком уж неприлично наглых двуногих и даже устроить беспокоящий дождик свинца легким варджекам противника. Если вам необходимы мощные юниты, Сентинел явно не в топе...
2,850 руб
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PIP 31085
The Lancer was developed with an emphasis on defense and survivability. The machine’s main weapon is a heavy spear designed to keep adversaries at bay, and its sturdy shield generates a shock field capable of burning out a warjack’s cortex on contact. The Lancer is valued most of...
2,850 руб
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PIP 31091
*The Gallant warjack upgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need a Cygnar heavy warjack plastic kit (PIP 31062) in addition to this kit.
2,100 руб
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PIP 31095
By taking the impressive bulk and chassis of the Ironclad and adding powerful voltaic weaponry, the Stormclad and Reliant were born. The Stormclad is equipped with an accumulator that draws on the galvanic energies of nearby Stormblades to augment its impressive storm-powered generator blade....
5,250 руб
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PIP 31111
Having been rebuilt nearly from scratch by Sebastian Nemo after serving years on the front lines as a Stormclad, Dynamo represents a tremendous advancement in voltaic warjack technology. Powered by its galvanic generator, Dynamo is outfitted to render electrical destruction via its devastating...
7,500 руб
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PIP 31074_c
Caspian engineers developed the hulking Centurion to rival the size and strength of Khador’s warjacks. Its increased armor and heavy shield makes it one of Cygnar’s most durable designs, and its mighty piston spear can easily pierce the hulls of enemy warjacks. The Hammersmith swaps out shield...
5,250 руб
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PIP 31074_h
Caspian engineers developed the hulking Centurion to rival the size and strength of Khador’s warjacks. Its increased armor and heavy shield makes it one of Cygnar’s most durable designs, and its mighty piston spear can easily pierce the hulls of enemy warjacks. The Hammersmith swaps...
5,250 руб
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PIP 31074_a
Caspian engineers developed the hulking Centurion to rival the size and strength of Khador’s warjacks. Its increased armor and heavy shield makes it one of Cygnar’s most durable designs, and its mighty piston spear can easily pierce the hulls of enemy warjacks. The Hammersmith swaps...
5,250 руб
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PIP 31062_c
The Cygnaran Armory takes pride in its innovation and technological superiority, traits seen in all the battle-tested warjacks built on the classic Ironclad chassis. Armed with a powerful quake hammer, the Ironclad effortlessly smashes lesser combatants to scrap. The Defender employs its long,...
5,250 руб
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PIP 31075
3,600 руб
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PIP 31089
Варджек Чарджер (Cygnar Charger Light Warjack) – разумный выбор при действиях против легких соединений противника. Легкая броня, высокая скорость и серьезное дальнобойное вооружение обеспечивают доминирование над тяжелой пехотой противника. В ближнем бою этого шустрого дальнобойщика необходимо...
2,850 руб
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PIP 31062_i
Armed with the mighty Quake Hammer, the Ironclad is the spine of the Cygnar's warjack fighting force. Самый массовый и дешёвый в производстве среди тяжелых варджеков Цигнара, Айронклад (Cygnar Ironclad Heavy Warjack), давно играет роль «рабочей лошадки» в армии. Удачная...
5,250 руб
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PIP 31062_d
Armed with the formidable Shock Hammer and the long range Heavy Barrel, the Defender brings mobile artillery capabilities to your Cygnar army. Дальнобойная звезда тяжелых варджеков Цигнара, Дефендер (Cygnar Defender Heavy Warjack) создан на основании шасси Айронклад (Cygnar Ironclad...
5,250 руб
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PIP 31027
Few military developments have been so disquieting to Cygnar's rivals as the Hunter; simply stated, it is a jack assassin. Equipped with advanced mechanika relays, an inventive boiler design, and a Long Arm cannon specifically designed for penetrating heavily armored opponents over...
2,550 руб
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PIP 31035
Тяжелый варджек Cygnar Тандерхеад (Cygnar Thunderhead Heavy Warjack) является в той же мере прекрасным, сколь и ужасным на поле боя. Будучи творением коммандера Немо (Cygnar Warcaster Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo), этот иммунный к электричеству варджек удивительным образом сочетает мощь...
7,500 руб
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PIP 31044
Using the same undercarriage as the Hunter, the Grenadier exchanges its predecessor's boiler and long gun for heavier armor and weapons designed for trench war. The 'jack's mattock punches cleanly through even heavy armor, and when assisted by Trenchers, it can launch a hail of...
2,550 руб
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