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PIP 31026
При ведении напряженных военных действий возрастает необходимость в мощных юнитах поддержки позиций пехоты. Поэтому взводу Пулеметчиков Траншейной Пехоты Cygnar (Cygnar Trencher Chain Gun) всегда рады «свои» – и очень сильно не рады «чужие». Пулеметчики –...
3,500 руб
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PIP 31114
The earth-shuddering charge of Storm Lances is a vision of precision in motion. Bound within a corona of crackling energy, the knights pound into the enemy without remorse. The rippling surge of hooves and weaponry advances like a living thing while bolts of electrical power arc into the enemy....
14,880 руб
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PIP 31045
Earning their commissions in bullets and blood, long gunner lieutenants lend tactical expertise to any riflemen lucky enough to serve with them. Able to suppress areas of the field, the lieutenant can control the flow of battle. The accompanying standard bearer ensures that his comrades keep a...
2,280 руб
В наличии
PIP 31046
Cunning and resourceful, Rangers are elite troops trained to blend into the terrain and mark enemy targets for Cygnaran gunners. Equipped with an array of signal gear and detailed maps, Rangers can blaze trails for friendly units and even bring them into the battle far behind the enemy's...
5,430 руб
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PIP 31047
Офицер Траншейной Пехоты Cygnar (Cygnar Trencher Officer) по давней армейской традиции всегда приходит в отделение вместе со своим снайпером (Cygnar Trencher Sniper). Подобный подход позволяет усилить подразделение пехоты (Cygnar Trencher Unit) специалистом дальнего боя, да и в рукопашной...
2,280 руб
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PIP 31057
The Black 13th is a well-honed weapon of war sharpened to a razor’s edge by relentless service to the crown. It serves as the elite strike force of the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest. The exact number of men and women serving in this tight knit organization has waxed and waned since...
2,980 руб
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PIP 31058
Battling their way forward despite incoming mortar and rifle fire, Trencher artillery crews haul their cannons into the fray across any terrain. The crews dig hasty positions on high ground, throw up sandbag barricades, and prepare to fire. These cool, professional gunners, chosen as much for...
5,780 руб
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PIP 31059
Офицер и Знаменосец Рыцарей - мечников Cygnar (Cygnar Sword Knight Office & Standard Bearer) значительно повышают шанс на выживание вверенного подразделения Рыцарей - Мечников Cygnar (Cygnar Sword Knights Unit) в бою. И даже больше – сплоченные под знаменем бойцы благодаря...
3,850 руб
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PIP 31061
Bringing a well rounded arsenal of arcane abilities together with deadly accurate magelock pistol fire, Arcane Tempest captains and their teams are highly prized for their versatile fire support. Research has demonstrated that experienced gun mages can prepare warjack ammunition to transmit...
1,400 руб
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PIP 42013
A Cygnaran order dedicated to the warrior philosophies of the god Morrow, the Precursor Knights are sworn to honorable combat and dedicated to protecting the innocent. The prayers of these righteous soldiers can knit flesh and protect them from malignant magic as they shield the helpless,...
12,250 руб
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