Privateer Press

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В Warmachine , сама земля содрогается во время жестокой схватки, где шеститонные творения из закалённого железа и стали устремляются одно на другое с разрушительной силой локомотива, где извергающие свинец пушки разрывают броню как плоть, и где бури потаённой магии опаляют ратное поле огнем Армагеддона, так что сами боги страшатся ступить на сию изувеченную землю. Победа за смелыми! Вступай в схватку, если в тебе достаточно метала. Возьмите под контроль коварного ворлока и сокрушите врагов могучими ворбистами, движимых необузданной яростью. В HORDES выживут лишь сильнейшие и искуснейшие, все остальные пойдут на корм для ворбистов. HORDES -дикие места в Железных Королевствах. Игрок управляет загадочными Ворлоками и стаями диких Ворбистов, в битве за территорию и выживание.

PIP 32099
Perhaps no man so perfectly expresses the spirit of the Great Crusade as Servath Reznik, a living weapon of his faith. For Reznik the world is a crucible of flame, and humanity stands at the precipice of annihilation. He is a furious legacy of the ancient world, a pitiless instrument of...
10,650 руб
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PIP 33129
In another life, Dragos Dragodovich may have been one of the foremost manhunters to emerge from the forests of Skirov or a barbarian warlord with thousands of warriors sworn to him. Born in a modest trapping village, his youth was spent defending his family’s homestead from wild beasts. Dragos had never even seen a city until his conscription, at which point his size and ferocity let him easily qualify as a Man-O-War. Unlike others of his rank, Dragos does not command a dedicated unit. Instead, he is given special assignments, traveling between Kommands as the war effort demands. TRADE POINTS: Sergeant Dragos is a Command Attachment for the Man-O-War Demolition Corps (PIP 33085) that not only increases the unit’s already impressive offensive capabilities but also provides them with some impressive defensive techniques that will make the Demo Corps harder to defeat in melee combat.
3,550 руб
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PIP 31008
Designed to fill an anti-infantry battlefield role, the Sentinel creates a wall of gunfire with its arm-mounted chain gun. In addition to this blistering attack, the Sentinel can provide invaluable defense for key personnel with its resilient assault shield. Легкий противопехотный варджек...
800 руб
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PIP 31088
Легкий противопехотный варджек Cygnar Сентинел (Cygnar Sentinel Light Warjack) способен справиться с зачисткой местности от слишком уж неприлично наглых двуногих и даже устроить беспокоящий дождик свинца легким варджекам противника. Если вам необходимы мощные юниты, Сентинел явно не в топе...
2,700 руб
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PIP 41049
Any Sea Dog worth his salt can lay claim to an old pistol, but those owning an accurate long rifle are doubly prized for being able to lay down fire at nearly twice the distance. Such shots from atop the crow's nest or the ship's prow have made all the difference by picking off enemy...
850 руб
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PIP 41056
No less devastating on land than at sea, Deck Gun Crews add a deadly punch to Privateer armies. Whether obliterating tightly packed formations or singling lone targets, Deck Guns provide Sea Dogs with the firepower to breach heavy defenses or sweep aside waves of enemies in the field.
2,560 руб
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PIP 41100
Mustered together from disreputable coastal taverns and wharves, the Sea Dogs are motley pirates hungry for spoils. Armed with swords and pistols and barely kept in check by grizzled mates, the Sea Dogs serve any master with sufficient coin. What they lack in training and manners they make up...
7,100 руб
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PIP 32079
*Players will need a Protectorate Heavy Plastic Warjack kit (PIP 32061) in addition to the upgrade kit in order to build Scourge of Heresy.
1,420 руб
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8,520 руб
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PIP 34146
Among those in the Scharde Islands, some humans possess the gift of sorcery, kindled and enhanced by Toruk’s blight. Covens of these women may join the Cryxian pirate fleets, guided by inscrutable omens. Enthralled by the thrumming of blight in their flesh and blood, they indulge in...
3,550 руб
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3,410 руб
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PIP 41132
The Ordsman Savio Montero Acosta is determined to test himself against the finest melee combatants the Iron Kingdoms has to offer in his relentless pursuit of martial transcendence. As an unabashed Thamarite and a master swordsman, Acosta regards perfecting his own abilities to be the highest...
2,560 руб
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PIP 34142
Striking without warning, the savage and cruel Satyxis are the terror of the Broken Coast. Belonging to an ancient tradition in which sailing is as natural as breathing, these fierce warrior women believe nothing in life to be sweeter than plunder and slaughter. The Satyxis savage their...
8,520 руб
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PIP 34099
Море тысячи душ, Море стона, Мёртвая прядь, Плач моряка - по названиям легко определить воды, в которых столетиями безнаказанно царят Отряды Рейдеров Сатиксис (Satyxis Raiders - Cryx Unit). Даже в области, известной своими жуткими пиратами и призрачными галеонами Cryx, рейдеры Сатиксис стоят вне...
8,520 руб
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PIP 34052
Жесточайшие и прекраснейшие, Си Витч, Морские Ведьмы (Satyxis Raider Sea Witch - Cryx Satyxis Raiders Unit Attachment) бесстрашно управляют своими подчиненными, Рейдерами Satyxis (Satyxis Raiders - Cryx Unit), подавая пример беспощадности и презрения к смерти. Особая магия этих...
1,560 руб
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PIP 34074
Капитан Рейдеров Сатиксис (Cryx Solo Satyxis Raider Captain) - это овеяная ореолом жестокости женщина, способная руководить сборищем самых отпетых подонков, насильников и душегубов в известном мире. Варварские наказания провинившихся и поддерживаемая совершенно изуверскими методами...
1,420 руб
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3,550 руб
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PIP 34072
По сравнению с развлечениями Satixys Блуд Витчес (Кровавые Ведьмы Satixys, Satyxis Blood Witches - Cryx Unit) сильно меркнут и кажутся невинными девичьими шалостями даже садисткие наклонности Рейдеров Satyxis (Satyxis Raiders - Cryx Unit). Давно избавившиеся от любой человечности в душе,...
7,100 руб
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PIP 34143
Blood priestesses preserve the ancient traditions of Satyxis blood magic, worshipping the very act of bloodletting itself. Able to harness the arcane force of spilled vitality, these priestesses perform sacred rituals of primal power that predate Toruk's reign. Wetting their sacral...
1,700 руб
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PIP 32070_s
The Reckoner was heralded as the first warjack entirely of Menite design. It lights the way for the faithful with its cannon as it charges across the battlefield and then smashes anything still standing with its club. Based on the same design, the Castigator brings Menoth’s Fury to its...
4,970 руб
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7,810 руб
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PIP Code 33108
Ruin is a blend of engineering and black magic, an unsettling fusion that has resulted in a malevolently aware machine. Ruin’s scarred chassis is festooned with powerful Orgoth relics that possess a willful hunger to harvest souls and whisper incomprehensibly directly into the warjack’s cortex....
9,230 руб
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3,550 руб
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3,550 руб
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2,130 руб
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1,990 руб
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PIP 41092
Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit
2,130 руб
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PIP 41029
650 руб
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PIP 34070
Рипджав (Челюстепил, Ripjaw Cryx Bonejack) - это нечто небольшое, проворное, хилое и оборудованное узлом магической связи (Arc Node). Эдакий бульдог пера некротехов Cryx, для которого даже пришлось придумать подкатегорию "легкий бонеджек" ("light bonejack"). Благодаря...
2,840 руб
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PIP 41015
1,420 руб
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PIP 32004
Wielding a halberd and the impenetrable Repulser shield, the Revenger is also equipped with a spell- channeling arc node, making it effective in close combat or providing magical support across the battlefield.
800 руб
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PIP 32081
The primary function of the Revenger is to channel a warcaster’s divine power, which protects the faithful and consumes heretics in the cleansing fires of Menoth’s wrath. These warjacks are critical to the Lawgiver’s crusades, and their armament is designed to keep the Revenger...
2,700 руб
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PIP 34031
Ревенант Пират Крев (Экипаж Восставших - бойцы, Cryx Revenant Pirate Crew) - дополнительные солдаты для банд Ревенант Пират Крев (Экипаж Восставших, Cryx Revenant Pirate Crew Unit), универсальных расходных солдат Легионов Cryx.
550 руб
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PIP 34119
Ревенант Пират Крев (Экипаж Восставших - бойцы, Cryx Revenant Pirate Crew) - дополнительные солдаты для банд Ревенант Пират Крев (Экипаж Восставших, Cryx Revenant Pirate Crew Unit), универсальных расходных солдат Легионов Cryx.
9,230 руб
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PIP 35053
UNLEASH THE POWER OF ELVEN VENGEANCE! The Retribution of Scyrah has risen out of the secluded elven nation of Ios to eliminate the human sorcery that threatens to destroy their gods. Kaelyssa, Night’s Whisper stalks her enemies with her myrmidons at her side, shrouding them in shadows...
7,100 руб
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4,120 руб
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PIP 32003
700 руб
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PIP 41009
Another of Magnus the Traitor's creations, the Renegade is his idea of the perfect support warjack. With the obliterator rocket able to destroy targets at long range, the shredder's ability to tear enemies apart in melee, and an arc node that allows Magnus the ability of slinging spells...
2,270 руб
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PIP 31095
By taking the impressive bulk and chassis of the Ironclad and adding powerful voltaic weaponry, the Stormclad and Reliant were born. The Stormclad is equipped with an accumulator that draws on the galvanic energies of nearby Stormblades to augment its impressive storm-powered generator blade....
4,970 руб
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PIP 36023
The reflex servitor represents precise function given deadly form. In many respects, its efficiency and lethality perfectly embody the Convergenceт??s basic combat doctrine. Though it is programmed to eliminate enemies through its own detonation, it does not sacrifice itself randomly. Indeed,...
1,560 руб
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PIP 36006
Reductors march to war accompanied by an eerie buzz that heralds death. These clockwork soldiers carry swarm projectors designed to launch thousands of pernicious clockwork devices. Once released, this deadly payload seeks the foe in a violent metallic cloud that sweeps around their Convergence...
6,390 руб
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PIP 32008
800 руб
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PIP 32025
1,260 руб
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PIP 32070_r
The Reckoner was heralded as the first warjack entirely of Menite design. It lights the way for the faithful with its cannon as it charges across the battlefield and then smashes anything still standing with its club. Based on the same design, the Castigator brings Menoth’s Fury to its...
4,970 руб
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PIP 36011
Ready to repel any threats to the Great Work, reciprocators stand firm, shields interlocking with engineered perfection as they brace to absorb enemy assaults. After blunting a charge against their heavy shields and spears, the reciprocators spring into an immediate counterassault, converting...
6,390 руб
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PIP 34066_r
Рипер (Жнец, Reaper Cryx Helljack) - жестокий и эффективный аналог тяжелого варджека, созданный, как всегда, не без несколько жуктоватой логики некротехов - оружейников Cryx. Вместо создания классического некроконструкта, вооруженного чем - то острым и тяжелым, создатели Рипера выделили...
4,970 руб
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PIP 35004
Равин, Вечный Свет (Ravyn, Eternal Light - Retribution Warcaster) – островок спокойствия в среде жаждущих мести и крови неполноценных военачальников Retribution of Scyrah. Тем не менне, она спокойно отдает приказы о уничтожении любого сопротивления и создает разрушительные чары, не...
1,420 руб
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PIP 31046
Cunning and resourceful, Rangers are elite troops trained to blend into the terrain and mark enemy targets for Cygnaran gunners. Equipped with an array of signal gear and detailed maps, Rangers can blaze trails for friendly units and even bring them into the battle far behind the enemy's...
4,400 руб
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PIP 41105
The mechanik known as Raluk Moorclaw has a knack for fixing complex machinery, but his heart hungers for combat. His appetite for violence led him to embrace the life of a mercenary, where he applies his mechanikal talents to maintaining and commanding warjacks and willingly throws himself into...
1,100 руб
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Metal and Resin
17,040 руб
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PIP 41087
Once a Llaelese noble turned to the vile arts of necromancy, the Thamarite called the Ragman has been drawn to the battlefields of western Immoren by the palpable odor of death. As he picks among the dead for his unnatural purposes, his profane magic lets him kill with a glance and animate his...
1,560 руб
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15,620 руб
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PIP 36018
The Prime Axiom inspires awe and fear among the armies of the Iron Kingdoms. The thrum of energy cycling through it is nearly deafening as the machine hovers over the battlefield. Its multiple weapon systems rip through screening troops, dismantle warjacks, and send servitors deep into the heart...
20,590 руб
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Saved from certain death for an uncertain future, Nemo's newfound purpose in life is to save humanity from the threat of the infernals. With his soul encapsulated in a machine designed by the Convergence, he is driven to escape with as many as he can, regardless of where they may find...
13,280 руб
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Saved from certain death for an uncertain future, Nemo’s newfound purpose in life is to save humanity from the threat of the infernals. With his soul encapsulated in a machine designed by the Convergence, he is driven to escape with as many as he can, regardless of where they may find themselves...
15,620 руб
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Embodying the chaos of the natural world, of storm and volcano, of lightning, thunder, and flood, the Devourer Wurm also embodies predation and hunger—the need to kill and consume to survive. Primal archons are thought to be each a minor manifestation of the Wurm, sent from the hellish wilds of...
5,680 руб
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PIP 35085
релиз 14 июня
1,560 руб
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PIP 41106
Mustered together from disreputable coastal taverns and wharves, the Sea Dogs are motley pirates hungry for spoils. Armed with swords and pistols and barely kept in check by grizzled mates, the Sea Dogs serve any master with sufficient coin. What they lack in training and manners they make up...
6,390 руб
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PIP 42009
Офицер и Знаменосец отряда Прекурсор Кнайтс (Cygnar Allies Precursor Knights Officer & Standard Bearer) позволят вашим ударным войскам обрести совершенно необходимые возможности! Под развевающимся знаменем Морроу ваши рыцари-пехотинцы (Cygnar Allies Precursor Knights Unit) не только...
2,840 руб
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PIP 42013
A Cygnaran order dedicated to the warrior philosophies of the god Morrow, the Precursor Knights are sworn to honorable combat and dedicated to protecting the innocent. The prayers of these righteous soldiers can knit flesh and protect them from malignant magic as they shield the helpless,...
9,940 руб
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PIP 74078
Praetorians stand as paragons of the warrior caste, their traditions irrevocably rooted in the hoksune code. These soldiers form the backbone of all house armies as well as the Army of the Western Reaches. Praetorian swordsmen require superlative skill to master their distinctive two-weapon...
7,810 руб
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2,130 руб
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PIP 34024
Наследие повергнутой легионами Cryx нации Llael, Пистол Врейс (Призрак - стрелок, Cryx Solo Pistol Wraith) - лишь слабый слуга смерти. Однако слабый - понятие относительное. Призраки - стрелки могут бестелесными тенями скользить по полю боя, проявляясь в реальном мире лишь для того, чтобы...
1,140 руб
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