Privateer Press

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В Warmachine , сама земля содрогается во время жестокой схватки, где шеститонные творения из закалённого железа и стали устремляются одно на другое с разрушительной силой локомотива, где извергающие свинец пушки разрывают броню как плоть, и где бури потаённой магии опаляют ратное поле огнем Армагеддона, так что сами боги страшатся ступить на сию изувеченную землю. Победа за смелыми! Вступай в схватку, если в тебе достаточно метала. Возьмите под контроль коварного ворлока и сокрушите врагов могучими ворбистами, движимых необузданной яростью. В HORDES выживут лишь сильнейшие и искуснейшие, все остальные пойдут на корм для ворбистов. HORDES -дикие места в Железных Королевствах. Игрок управляет загадочными Ворлоками и стаями диких Ворбистов, в битве за территорию и выживание.

PIP 34056
Найтмар (Кошмар, Nightmare Cryx Character Helljack) - это покрытый рунными письменами Хеллджек Слейер (Slayer Cryx Helljack), еще более жуткий, еще более неотвратимый и кода более опасный. Этот опытный монстр уже давно не сражается в общей линии, он привык выбирать себе жертву (Prey) и...
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PIP 31063
Unleash The Power Of The Storm! Armed with the most advanced mechanika in the Iron Kingdoms, the warjacks of Cygnar provide commanders with the perfect balance of mobility and stopping power. Led by Commander Coleman Stryker, the accurate battle cannon fire of the Charger, magical arc node of...
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PIP 31087
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PIP 31035
Тяжелый варджек Cygnar Тандерхеад (Cygnar Thunderhead Heavy Warjack) является в той же мере прекрасным, сколь и ужасным на поле боя. Будучи творением коммандера Немо (Cygnar Warcaster Commander Adept Sebastian Nemo), этот иммунный к электричеству варджек удивительным образом сочетает мощь...
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PIP 31053
Ol' Rowdy has five decades of service under its chassis. It hails from the first generation of Ironclads hammered together at the Cygnaran Armory from parts manufactured at Engines East. Not until after several years fighting with distinction during the Scharde Invasions did the ornery temper...
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PIP 33064
Crush All Beneath Your Iron Might! Khador’s powerful warjacks epitomize the national ideals of strength and resilience and are as relentless in battle as the frigid winters of their homeland. Under the icy gaze of Kommander Sorscha, the magical ice axe of the Juggernaut chews through iron...
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PIP 33032
Карчев зе Террибл, или Карчев Ужасный (Karchev the Terrible - Khador Warcaster) – грозный воин, у которого в жизни нету страсти превыше наслаждения рукопашным боем… если это можно так назвать. Человек - машина, огромный тяжелый варджек Khador – только вместо кортекса и хитрой машинерии внутри...
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PIP 33098
The kayazy, merchant-princes of the new Khadoran Empire, have long employed bands of skilled and ruthless bladesmen to settle scores. Now these private soldiers go south to protect their masters' investment in the war. With a swift dueling style honed on the pitiless streets, these casual...
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PIP 32062
Да сокрушит ваш гнев еретиков и неверных! Божественная сила в полной мере воплощена в этой беттлгруппе Protectorate of Menoth (Protectorate of Menoth Battlegroup), и возглавляет ее несокрушимую мощь никто иной, как Варкастер Высший Экземплар Креосс (Warcaster High Kreoss Exemplar)....
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PIP 41100
Mustered together from disreputable coastal taverns and wharves, the Sea Dogs are motley pirates hungry for spoils. Armed with swords and pistols and barely kept in check by grizzled mates, the Sea Dogs serve any master with sufficient coin. What they lack in training and manners they make up...
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PIP 31064
Коммандос Cygnar (Cygnar Trencher Commandos) – это очень злые и опытные пехотинцы из окопов, у которых отобрали саперные лопатки. Зато эти ребята таскают с собой разрывные гранаты и умеют отлично прятаться (stealth), кроме того, в рукопашном бою любая пехота с одним хитпоинтом будет...
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PIP 34072
По сравнению с развлечениями Satixys Блуд Витчес (Кровавые Ведьмы Satixys, Satyxis Blood Witches - Cryx Unit) сильно меркнут и кажутся невинными девичьими шалостями даже садисткие наклонности Рейдеров Satyxis (Satyxis Raiders - Cryx Unit). Давно избавившиеся от любой человечности в душе,...
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PIP 41074
contents: this boxed set contains 10x Mercenary Steelhead Riflemen
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PIP 32088
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PIP 32095
In years when the Protectorate pretended not to possess a standing army, no able-bodied Menite would refuse a call to arms, and the faithful continue to join the crusade even now that the need for secrecy has passed. Armed with their unshakable belief and devastating firebombs, these holy...
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PIP 31099
The Stormguard march to war, darkening the air around them with the promise of an electrical reckoning. Each is a master of the Voltaic Halberd, a mechanikal polearm constructed to hack through flesh and steel while torrents of lightning strike deep into the ranks of the enemy. Every halberd...
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PIP 35053
UNLEASH THE POWER OF ELVEN VENGEANCE! The Retribution of Scyrah has risen out of the secluded elven nation of Ios to eliminate the human sorcery that threatens to destroy their gods. Kaelyssa, Night’s Whisper stalks her enemies with her myrmidons at her side, shrouding them in shadows...
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PIP 33086
The Winter Guard make up the majority of the Khadoran military and are found at the core of every garrison and combat force. Their weaponry is practical and places little strain on the Khadoran treasury when produced in bulk. Their short?ranged blunderbusses fire a heavy slug that packs a...
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PIP 35051
Mage hunter infiltrators specialize in hunting and killing enemy arcanists. At home in any environment, they take advantage of their surroundings to close on their target in silence, their blades slicing through arcane wards with practiced ease. From out of the darkness they strike, quickly and...
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PIP 36000
Emerging from their hidden temple workshops, the enigmatic Convergence of Cyriss have unleashed their sophisticated clockwork and mechanika weapons called vectors on the Iron Kingdoms as they begin the final phase of their Great Work. The indomitable Forge Master Syntherion sends his heavy Cipher...
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PIP 36016
Having achieved the first step in their greater journey among the Convergence by having their souls installed in intricate clockwork vessels, obstructors know neither fatigue nor pain. In battle their shields interlock through an intricate mechanism of gears to present an unbreakable steel wall...
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PIP 33096
A number of Winter Guard conscripts have trained to use rifles as part of the ongoing modernization of the Khadoran army. Those selected to join the Rifle Corps receive advanced training with their Blaustavya military firearms. When ordered by their sergeant, a Rifle Corps squad can produce a...
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PIP 34110
Versatile and deadly soldiers among more mindless undead, bane thralls host a darkness that both permeates their being and seeps into the world of the living. This darkness siphons the very light from the air and is utterly inimical to living flesh. The malevolent glimmer in the eyes of these...
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PIP 32100
Brave citizen-soldiers of the Protectorate, deliverers fire their deadly Skyhammer rockets in coordinated volleys. The shrapnel-filled explosions that ensue indiscriminately shred troop formations, punishing non-believers with the hand of judgment.
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PIP 31105
Prepared for anything, Cygnar’s highly trained trenchers are the first on and the last off the battlefield. These combat-hardened soldiers dig in and make life hell for the enemy, with rifles and grenades softening up the opposition before the decisive bayonet charge.
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PIP 41117
Cephalyx specialized in unleashing formidable mental powers to augment the drudges they command or to annihilate foes, mind benders can instill in their enslaved warriors a strength and savagery beyond ordinary fleshly limitations. These drudges sometimes serve as conduits for the mind...
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PIP 31111
Having been rebuilt nearly from scratch by Sebastian Nemo after serving years on the front lines as a Stormclad, Dynamo represents a tremendous advancement in voltaic warjack technology. Powered by its galvanic generator, Dynamo is outfitted to render electrical destruction via its devastating...
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PIP 34102
The bloated bodies of bile thralls are walking vessels for volumes of corrosive digestive and decomposition agents, with hoses and tubes leading from their distended mouths and fabricated orifices to crude firing mechanisms. With a lurching spasm, each bile thrall can force a starting volume of...
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PIP 72099
This is a new character warpwolf featured in Forces of HORDES: Circle Orboros Command. FEATURES: The character warpwolf Loki is at his best when disrupting an enemy’s carefully laid plans. Boasting Drag, Shield Guard, and two new Controlled Warping abilities that grant him the ability to ignore...
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Storm trooper squadrons provide the Crucible Guard with a hard counterpunch. Equipped with pneumatic concussion cannons, storm troopers can engage concentrations of light infantry. Their ammunition is highly explosive, combining a number of catalytic agents to magnify the blasting power of the...
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PIP 38005
Tempted by boons and offers of power, many mortals have chosen of their own free will to serve alien beings from beyond Urcaen. Infernalist cultists are corrupted and manipulated into surrendering their former loyalties to become willing collaborators in the infernal invasion. Wielding...
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Once one of the most feared of Cryx’s generals and hell-bent on the total domination of western Immoren, the Iron Lich Asphyxious now stands against the infernal threat in an effort to protect humanity from the Claiming. His body rebuilt by Convergence engineers, Asphyxious is formed anew and...
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Metal and Resin
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Griever swarms drift swiftly through the air and travel in small packs, disgorging void fire at their chosen prey. Though considered infernals, as they are native to the same realm, they are closer to animals or beasts. Their behavior suggests a strangely uncanny understanding of their...
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PIP 34044
Отряд Соулхантеров (Ловцы Душ, Soulhunters - Cryx Light Cavalry Unit) - это чудовищные паровые кентавры, изрыгающие черный дым и копоть, сотрясающие землю своим весои и размахивающие жуткими орудиями убийства. Эта конница Cryx довольно опасна за счет своих кос, насаженных на длинную рукоять...
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PIP 31031
Encased in his enormous steam-powered armor, Captain Darius strides into battle like a man of iron. The most ingenious element of this walking arsenal is a drone deployment system allowing him to unleash a number of halfjacks to serve as both weapons and battlefield repair assistants. Darius and...
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PIP 33084
Мановары - шоктруперы (Солдаты - Штурмовики, Man-O-War Shocktroopers - Khador Unit) – это элита войск Khador. Самая лучшая броня, которую только смогли придумать в оружейных мастерских, самые прочные щиты с встроенными пушками для сокрушающего выстрела по противнику перед атакой,...
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PIP 33097
Only the most powerful Man-O-War soldiers—gifted with uhlan blood and born and raised in the saddle—may petition to become drakhuns. Each one trains his powerful Karpathan destrier to be as much a weapon as the mechanikal axe and cannon he bears into battle. Uniting the ancient...
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PIP 33057
No Doom Reaver can match the horror of Fenris. He rides to war atop a nightmarish steed wielding a pair of fellblades and spurs other Doom Reavers to even greater acts of savagery. Few men have the courage to stand before this terror, and trophies from those who try now decorate Fenris' belt....
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PIP 32059
Emboldened from the wounds inflicted by the impure, Exemplar Cinerators move ahead of their brothers in arms, the Bastions, to breach enemy ranks with flame and steel. Cinerators channel the agony of their wounds into holy rage and are armed with ancient blades and shields passed down from...
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PIP 33085
Armed with long-hafted ice mauls that can shatter flesh, bone, and steel like glass, the Man-O-War Demolition Corps can deliver destruction to the enemy with devastating ease. Fearless in their heavy steam-powered armor, the Demolition Corps all but ignore incoming fire as they reduce enemy...
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PIP 33067
Each Man-O-War bombardier is a self-contained mobile artillery unit able to devastate an opponent with explosive fire or tear them to pieces with the massive chain blade affixed to his cannon. Girded in steam-powered armor, bombardiers shrug off incoming fire that would cripple or kill a lesser...
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PIP 31097
Stormblades are ready to face insurmountable odds and wield the most advanced mechanika Cygnar has to offer. These heavily armored soldiers are each handpicked to become knights of storm. Supplementing ancient martial tradition with state-of-the-art weaponry, in combat Stormblades are surrounded...
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PIP 36011
Ready to repel any threats to the Great Work, reciprocators stand firm, shields interlocking with engineered perfection as they brace to absorb enemy assaults. After blunting a charge against their heavy shields and spears, the reciprocators spring into an immediate counterassault, converting...
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PIP 36006
Reductors march to war accompanied by an eerie buzz that heralds death. These clockwork soldiers carry swarm projectors designed to launch thousands of pernicious clockwork devices. Once released, this deadly payload seeks the foe in a violent metallic cloud that sweeps around their Convergence...
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PIP 36020
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PIP 32101
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PIP 36022
Frontline shock troopers, eradicators charge into the fray using protean bucklers to protect their advance. In the thick of combat their bucklers transform to release spring-loaded claws. The clockwork shock troopers employ these claws to strike down opponents with surgical precision, using the...
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PIP 41106
Mustered together from disreputable coastal taverns and wharves, the Sea Dogs are motley pirates hungry for spoils. Armed with swords and pistols and barely kept in check by grizzled mates, the Sea Dogs serve any master with sufficient coin. What they lack in training and manners they make up...
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PIP 34106
Unquestionably the most influential Iosan ever to have lived, the eldritch and would-be god slayer Goreshade, Lord of Ruin seeks nothing less than the salvation, restoration, and liberation of his people from the gods themselves. After turning the machinations of the Nightmare Empire to his own...
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PIP 1085
FEATURES: Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command is the first WARMACHINE Force book for the new edition, and it provides the foundation every Protectorate player needs. It features a complete listing of all current warcasters and warjacks released to date, in addition to two new...
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PIP 1083
Privateer Press Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador Command hardcover RULEBOOK   FEATURES: Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador Command provides the foundation every Khador player needs. It features a complete listing of all current warcasters and warjacks released to date, in addition to two new...
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PIP#: Retribution Command
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PIP 33128
Atanas Arcanovich participated in the capture of Northguard and subsequent occupation of the Thornwood Forest. He was one of the few officers who resolutely held his position against the southerners, refusing to give ground. In recognition for his bravery, Arcanovich received the Star of...
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PIP 34150
Smog belchers are black ogrun who wield heavy culverin-style cannons. Smog belcher weapons are crafted by skilled ironmongers, black ogrun metalsmiths who fuse their craft with rituals of bloodletting and dark magic. From the deck of a Cryxian vessel, smog belchers lay down a barrage of...
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The Resolutes are the heavy infantry of the Order of Illumination. Armed with holy blades and blessed Execrator Cannons, the Resolutes are trained to cleave through unholy spirits and the most malevolent denizens of the Outer Abyss. Their mechanika armor protects them from both mundane attacks...
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PIP 41166
The Church of Morrow’s Order of Illumination investigates occult threats and, when force of arms is required, dispatches specialist strike teams to eliminate them and limit harm to the general populace. Among these zealous soldiers are the vigilants, small teams of tireless hunters trained to...
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Menoth is known by many names—the Lawgiver, the Lawbringer, the Creator of Man, the Hunter of the Wurm, Wallmaker, the Masked Giant. In the last few decades, Menoth has returned in force to Immoren, revealing his anger over neglect and igniting the fires of zealotry. Now Menoth has sent...
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PIP 35014
contents: this boxed set contains 6x Retribution of Scyrah Mage Hunters
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PIP 34094
Варкастер Cryx Лорд Эксхуматор Скаверус (Cryx Warcaster Lord Exhumator Scaverous) пополнил ряды элиты Империи Кошмаров благодаря своей любознательности и дотошности. Будучи историком и немного чародеем, Скаверус слишком увлёкся темной стороной магии, и был замечен теми, кому положено наблюдать и...
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PIP 33092
Reclaiming his long-denied birthright, Great Prince Vladimir Tzepesci rides his warhorse Vsada into battle to defend the lands of Umbrey restored to his family. He wields weapons of the ancient Tzepesci horselords, carrying a spear in one hand and the mace Huntsman in the other. Should strength...
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WARMACHINE Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a WARMACHINE Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
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WARMACHINE Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a WARMACHINE Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
5,680 руб
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