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В Warmachine , сама земля содрогается во время жестокой схватки, где шеститонные творения из закалённого железа и стали устремляются одно на другое с разрушительной силой локомотива, где извергающие свинец пушки разрывают броню как плоть, и где бури потаённой магии опаляют ратное поле огнем Армагеддона, так что сами боги страшатся ступить на сию изувеченную землю. Победа за смелыми! Вступай в схватку, если в тебе достаточно метала. Возьмите под контроль коварного ворлока и сокрушите врагов могучими ворбистами, движимых необузданной яростью. В HORDES выживут лишь сильнейшие и искуснейшие, все остальные пойдут на корм для ворбистов. HORDES -дикие места в Железных Королевствах. Игрок управляет загадочными Ворлоками и стаями диких Ворбистов, в битве за территорию и выживание.

PIP 31056
An arcane mechanik of surpassing skill, Arlan Strangewayes has an unshakable confidence in the Cygaran warjacks he commands in battle. He takes each rent in armor, each broken steam pipe, and each severed piston as a personal insult and repairs them in the field with nearly casual ease....
1,990 руб
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PIP 34129
This is the full warcaster version of the character solo Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius, and it is one of the two new warcasters featured in the pages of Forces of WARMACHINE: Cryx Command . A merciless cutthroat of the high seas, Aiakos has risen from humble beginnings among the gangs of...
2,700 руб
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PIP 34057
Канкерворм (Червь, Cankerworm Cryx Character Bonejack) является уникальным прототипом Cryx, обладающим возможностями по адаптации и выживанию на поле боя, значительно превосходящими все ранее известные образцы. Обладая возможностью сбора обломков (Imprint: Salvage), Канкерворм не только...
2,840 руб
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PIP 76009
Shake the cage and rattle the bones! From Defiers’ thoughts the Cage Rager comes! Thunderous and ponderous and ten timbers thick, the Cage Rager stuffs its cells with the bodies of the wicked for its masters’ harvest. Within this confinement their torments mount, and the Cage Rager harnesses...
4,970 руб
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PIP 34051
Брут Тралл (Жестокий раб, Brute Thrall - Cryx Mechanithrall Weapon Attachment) - это боец усиления для безмоглых толп Механитраллов (Mechanithralls Cryx Unit). Собранный из нескольких трупов и обладающий куда более крепкой конструкцией, Брут Тралл все равно остается тупым зомби с огромным...
935 руб
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PIP 31123
With its advanced armament and heavily armored hull, Major Beth Maddox’s personal warjack Brickhouse is a veritable wall of steel. While capable of enduring sustained assaults and holding vital battlefield positions, the warjack is just as eager to wade into enemy ranks to crush opposing...
8,520 руб
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PIP 41046
1,850 руб
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PIP 91030
Enhance your WARMACHINE experience with these beautifully-sculpted Mercenary wreck markers for both light and heavy warjacks. Specifically designed to deliver a stunning visual impact without limiting game play, these specially crafted pieces both gorgeously represent the carnage of battle and...
850 руб
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2,840 руб
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PIP 75057
The fiercely territorial and primitive amphibians known as bog trogs thrive in swampy regions considered undesirable by humans and other more civilized species. Bog trogs are peerless masters of ambush, swimming silently and unseen just below the surface of a stream, river, or shallow pond...
7,100 руб
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PIP 74041
Even the smallest motion or step a master tormentor takes conveys the potential for immediate death. The shadows find her wherever she strides, and those trying to track her motions amid the darkness discover their eyes are deceiving them. The razor lash with its serrated bone blades is the...
1,420 руб
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PIP 34061
The murderous Bloodgorgers hail from a kriel of black-hearted savages brought to violent frenzy by the taste and smell of blood. They are thrown away by their masters as fodder for the carnage of war. By feasting on the butchered, Bloodgorgers become nearly invincible as they move fiendishly...
7,810 руб
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The murderous Bloodgorgers hail from a kriel of black-hearted savages brought to violent frenzy by the taste and smell of blood. They are thrown away by their masters as fodder for the carnage of war. By feasting on the butchered, Bloodgorgers become nearly invincible as they move fiendishly...
12,780 руб
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PIP 34062
2,700 руб
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PIP 32085
The Blood of Martyrs Character Heavy Warjack Upgrade Kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need a Protectorate of Menoth Heavy Plastic Warjack Kit (PIP 32061) in addition to this kit.
1,990 руб
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PIP 34029
Создание, чудовищное даже для Cryx - Блоат Тралл (Вздувшийся Раб, Cryx Solo Bloat Thrall), нетипичный и очень странный боец легионов Нежити. Ходят слухи, что это побочный плод какого - то безумного замысла Некротехов, но некоторые командиры Cryx сочли это неплохо стреляющее нечто полезным....
3,120 руб
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PIP 73043
The hollowness of blighted swordsmen aligned naturally with the meditative discipline of sword mastery, allowing them to evade horror by concentrating solely on their skill. Those who embraced this new philosophy, the abbots, kill as a form of meditation and are the greatest blade masters of...
2,130 руб
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PIP 73009
Everblight s taint has spread with little resistance among the Nyss, shaping and refining their anatomies to bring a twisted reflection of inner darkness. Blighted Archers are deployed to fire a hail of deadly arrows, withering the enemy front lines before allies charge to sweep through the...
4,260 руб
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PIP 73078
Moving as a single mass of beating wings, scything claws, and pulsing stingers, swarms of blight wasps sow panic and death across the battlefield as they inject enemies with the poison of dragon blight itself. A single dose of blight wasp toxin is enough to kill a man, but the creatures...
3,550 руб
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PIP 34046
Блек Огрин Боардинг Пати (Абордажная Команда Черных Огринов, Cryx Black Ogrun Boarding Party) - жуткие задиры, меткие стрелки и пугающие рукопашники. Черные Огрины издавна промышляют пиратством, однако абордаж в их понимании это несколько большее явление, чем просто рукопашная схватка....
5,110 руб
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Barbaric even by the standards of the Scharde Isles, the black ogrun conduct expert, brutal boarding actions. They use harpoon guns to pull targets closer or rip them apart and then set upon any survivors with a variety of cruel blades. The survivors are taken into slavery and bound for the...
7,810 руб
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PIP 33036
Бегемот. Чудище. Исполин. Это все об уникальном тяжелом варджеке Бегемот (Behemoth – Khador Character Heavy Warjack), существование которого вынуждает всех соседей Khador мечтать о каком - нибудь супероружии. Две бомбарды. Два кортекса (основной и артиллерийский). Два кулака с кумулятивными...
8,520 руб
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There are few living things that have accomplished as much as Barnabas, Lord of Blood. Having achieved his goal of transfiguration amid gory carnage, Barnabas has risen from death as a god. Wielding the dark magic of his people, augmented by his own defiance of death, the Lord of Blood goes to...
7,100 руб
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PIP 34079
Bane riders are chosen from among the most vicious and spiteful of bane spirits, their minds intact enough to be given positions of prominence among the armies of the Dragonfather. Astride their undead mounts, these malicious thralls can become wraith-like to move through trees and buildings...
9,230 руб
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PIP 34042
Боне Лорд Тартарус (Проклятый Лорд Тартарус, Cryx Solo Bane Lord Tartarus) - шедевр старой, традиционной школы некромантии Cryx. Никакой некротехники - исключительно традиционные и проверенные временем компоненты: душа проклятого, оскверненные останки, руническая броня и проклятый топор....
2,410 руб
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PIP 72059
While the last tenuous thread of his life was held fast by Megalith, Baldur’s spirit was subsumed within the entirety of Orboros, and the fundamental principles of the world were made clear to him. He has returned to serve as a conduit for a torrent of destructive power. In the midst of battle...
2,130 руб
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PIP 72002
A bastion of strength and resolve, noted for his steadfast loyalty, other druidic leaders describe Baldur Stonecleaver as the Rock of Orboros. Baldur claims he was born in a bear cave near Boarsgate, but there is a Khadoran flavor to his features and hulking frame. The Stonecleaver is a paragon...
1,420 руб
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2,130 руб
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PIP 32074
The attendant priest brings the strength of Menoth to mercenaries who choose to receive the deity’s light and truth. Through his earthly vessel, Menoth blesses the weapons of those who do battle in his name, moves aside obstacles in their path, and wards them from the heathen magic of their...
1,700 руб
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6,960 руб
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PIP 33069
The never ending arms race between nations has led the Khadoran High Kommand to embrace any weapon that may give them an advantage, no matter how inhumane. The flamethrower issued to Kommando squads is the current production model of several generations of prototypes. A huge canister is strapped...
1,560 руб
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PIP 35035
Аспис (Aspis - Retribution Light Myrmidon) – чудесный пример мастерства техномагов Иос (Ios) в сочетании магии и технологии. Этот легкий мирмидонец снабжен могучим самовосстанавливающимся силовым барьером, Аспис великолепно приспособлен для ближнего боя, а его замечательная реакция защищает...
2,980 руб
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PIP 31086
Cygnar’s dashing gun mages are a unique breed of soldier-sorcerers who can weave devastating arcane power into their unerring pistol shots. With highly accurate magelock pistols, gun mages can snipe distant targets, cripple heavily armored foes, or knock enemies off their feet. Отряд...
4,970 руб
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PIP 74051
1,420 руб
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PIP 73021
Шестикрылый ангелиус пронзительно кричит в небо, как провозвестник мощи Всеосквернения. Эта тварь падает как меч на свою добычу, пронзает любую броню шипастым хвостом, и снова подымается ввысь, несмотря на любые попытки остановить ее. Паря первый раз за две тысячи лет, ангелиус насыщает себя...
4,260 руб
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PIP 41061
The master spy Anastasia di Bray fights the Khadoran occupiers of Llael and their collaborators with a fury fueled by loss. Traitors and the invasion took everyone she loved, and now she aids the Resistance in a war that is as much personal as patriotic. The information she steals can spell the...
1,420 руб
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PIP 73113
Speaking in the tongue of a mad seer, the Truthbearer prophesies destruction for the enemies of Everblight. His burden oozes a miasma of blighted energies that corrupts all that it touches. Graven with runes whose true purpose was lost with the fall of the Black Kingdom of Morrdh, this...
2,550 руб
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PIP 75005
Alten Ashley is a truly exceptional hunter of the great beasts stalking the wilds of western Immoren. His incredible skill is almost great enough to match his ego, but Alten's ability to bring down large game for his employers is too valuable to pass up.
1,420 руб
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PIP 34138
The terrifying and ghostly witch Agrimony, more often whispered of as the Crone of the Dying Strands, is herself enslaved to Captain Rengrave, the first citizen of Cryx. She is nearly as old as her master, once having ruled her own island and standing apart from the pirate kings of old,...
1,990 руб
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PIP 35086
релиз 14 июня Aelyth Vyr is one of the most distinguished ryssovass ever to have watched over the mountain passes of the Shard Spires. He is the embodiment of the ryssovass tradition—a steadfast defender of his people and a merciless killer bent on ending the lives of those blighted Nyss who...
2,130 руб
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PIP 35002
Адептис Рахн (Adeptis Rahn - Retribution Warcaster) – варкастер Retribution of Scyrah и один из наиболее сильных чародеев поколения. Дом Шиел гордится его умениями управлять силой, которое позволяет превратить воздух в обдирающий плоть с костей клинок или отводящий выстрелы щит. Его...
1,700 руб
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5 баз
710 руб
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8 баз
710 руб
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PIP 91001
12 баз
710 руб
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4,260 руб
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4,260 руб
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PIP 41037
Modified from a 'jack designed to crack rock walls and render stone to powder, the Wroughthammer Rockram pulverizes opposing warjacks with equal ease. The tempered ammunition of its Sledge Cannon wrecks 'jacks from the inside out, and the concussive power of its Pulverizer hammer shakes...
4,260 руб
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Undeath has amplified Deneghra’s twisted manners of treachery and deceit, her cruelty, and her lust. She can only feel a tempestuous rage and act against those in her path, wantonly seeking victims to crush and kill at the behest of her master. However, it does nothing to ease her worries or...
2,560 руб
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PIP 34037
Варкастер Cryx Призрак-Ведьма (Cryx Warcaster Wraith Witch Deneghra) повелевает тенями даже при ярком свете дня. Она уже даже не нежить, но нечто более жуткое и запредельное, и в то же время притягательное (Action: Seduction). Призрак-Ведьма плетёт паутину теней (Feat: Web of Shadows),...
2,130 руб
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PIP 34080
Чудовищное зло во всем его призрачном величии, Врейс Енджайн (Механизм Призраков, Wraith Engine - Cryx Battle Engine), порождение щедро удобренных смертью полей сражений западной части Immoren и триумф некротехнологии Cryx одновременно. Всегда скрытый под плотной пеленой смерти и боли,...
12,070 руб
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PIP 32024
2,840 руб
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The first in the Formula P3 line of hobby supplies, these three excellent hobby brushes are all a novice or experienced hobbyist needs to tackle any project. The workhorse Heavy brush is ideal for rapid base coating and laying down broad areas of paint. Medium brushes provide masterful control...
440 руб
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PIP 34035
Витч Ковен оф Гарлгаст и Эгрегор (Ковен Ведьм Гарлгаста и Эгрегор, Cryx Warcaster Witch Coven of Garlghast & the Egrogore) - очень специфическое командное подразделение Cryx. Слабые и очень уязвимые, жрицы смерти под молчаливым наблюдением Эгрегора скользят во мгле глубоко в тылу армий...
3,270 руб
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PIP 33096
A number of Winter Guard conscripts have trained to use rifles as part of the ongoing modernization of the Khadoran army. Those selected to join the Rifle Corps receive advanced training with their Blaustavya military firearms. When ordered by their sergeant, a Rifle Corps squad can produce a...
7,100 руб
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1,850 руб
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PIP 33029
2,840 руб
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PIP 33086
The Winter Guard make up the majority of the Khadoran military and are found at the core of every garrison and combat force. Their weaponry is practical and places little strain on the Khadoran treasury when produced in bulk. Their short?ranged blunderbusses fire a heavy slug that packs a...
7,100 руб
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PIP 33051
The field gun is a marvel of modern munitions. Its shells are able to penetrate the thickest armor, and they are capable of wrecking whole sections of a warjack with a single shot. Fielded in numbers, these weapons have proven to be a devastating surprise for more than one enemy commander....
3,550 руб
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PIP 33123
релиз 24 мая The artillery kapitans of the Winter Guard understand the true strength of Khadoran artillery. Under their command, crews lay down fearsome barrages just ahead of their advancing troops, decimating enemy lines while creating a chaotic environment that Khadoran forces can turn to...
1,990 руб
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PIP 33014
2,840 руб
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PIP 33071
Operating independently, Khador’s senior Widowmaker marksmen move unobserved across the battlefield. The expert sharpshooters are equipped with the prized Vanar Liberator rifle. The Liberator weighs a full twenty pounds, nearly twice the weight of the standard hunting rifles issued to Widowmaker...
640 руб
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PIP 92040
2,130 руб
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PIP 34021
Варкастер Cryx Варвитч Денегра (Ведьма Войны Денегра, Cryx Warcaster Warwitch Deneghra) - одна из бесспорных фаворитов армий нежити. Ее сила не в мощи оружия или заклятий прямого действия - она мастер пыток и проклятий. Непосредственно на поле боя ее чары ослабят бойцов врага, подарят бонеджекам...
1,420 руб
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The Swashbuckler takes unique advantage of the adroitness of its underlying chassis, built expressly for the purpose of navigating a ship's deck even when tossed by winds at sea. Engines East employed a cortex custom-built to augment capability in melee as well as superlative situational...
2,900 руб
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