Privateer Press

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В Warmachine , сама земля содрогается во время жестокой схватки, где шеститонные творения из закалённого железа и стали устремляются одно на другое с разрушительной силой локомотива, где извергающие свинец пушки разрывают броню как плоть, и где бури потаённой магии опаляют ратное поле огнем Армагеддона, так что сами боги страшатся ступить на сию изувеченную землю. Победа за смелыми! Вступай в схватку, если в тебе достаточно метала. Возьмите под контроль коварного ворлока и сокрушите врагов могучими ворбистами, движимых необузданной яростью. В HORDES выживут лишь сильнейшие и искуснейшие, все остальные пойдут на корм для ворбистов. HORDES -дикие места в Железных Королевствах. Игрок управляет загадочными Ворлоками и стаями диких Ворбистов, в битве за территорию и выживание.

PIP 35047
The Retribution of Scyrah has no greater champion than Vyros of House Nyarr. The leader of the Dawnguard rides to war astride his powerful warhorse Solarys, his hunting hawk circling overhead. Through her eyes he sees the battlefield unobstructed, allowing Vyros to direct his army rapidly to...
5,400 руб
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PIP 34135
This is the newest incarnation of Master Necrotech Mortenebra, presented in Forces of WARMACHINE: Cryx Command. Mortenebra is the dark mistress of the Cryxian war industry. With her cold and penetrating mind, she has worked behind the scenes to further the development of the Nightmare Empire’s...
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The pattern for Kallus’ mind and body are indelibly imprinted upon his athanc shard, ensuring his restoration no matter what he undergoes. This was proven when Kallus endured the one act that could truly destroy him: being consumed by a dragon. What should have ended his existence instead made...
5,390 руб
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PIP 34124
Privateer Press Warmachine Cryx: Slayer/Erebus Heavy Warjack Kit PLASTIC BOX The Slayer is a swift, hulking beast of bone and black iron that relishes murdering anything in its path. The helljack known as Erebus, built upon a Slayer chassis, serves Lord Exhumator Scaverous, stalking...
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PIP 34125
Privateer Press Warmachine Cryx: Corruptor/Reaper/Malice Heavy Warjack Kit PLASTIC BOX Both the Corruptor and the Reaper demonstrate Cryx’s inventive acumen when it comes to killing. While the Corruptor is the pinnacle of corrosive technology applied to strip away metal and flesh, the...
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PIP 34046
Блек Огрин Боардинг Пати (Абордажная Команда Черных Огринов, Cryx Black Ogrun Boarding Party) - жуткие задиры, меткие стрелки и пугающие рукопашники. Черные Огрины издавна промышляют пиратством, однако абордаж в их понимании это несколько большее явление, чем просто рукопашная схватка....
5,110 руб
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PIP 34077_h
Харровер (Терзатель, Harrower Cryx Helljack) относится к виду "Спайдерджек" ("Spiderjack"), отражая особенности сверхтяжелого устойчивого (Steady) шасси высокой проходимости (Pathfinder, Amphibious), созданного некротехами Cryx. Харровер является причудливой конструкцией чрезвычайно сложной...
4,970 руб
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PIP 74039
Astride his ferocious steed, Tyrant Rhadeim is a bold and unpredictable leader of the Praetorian Ferox of the Army of the Western Reaches. The maneuvers he executes have left enemy commanders bewildered and disordered as ferox and riders flow through their battle lines leaving scattered corpses...
4,970 руб
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PIP 31086
Cygnar’s dashing gun mages are a unique breed of soldier-sorcerers who can weave devastating arcane power into their unerring pistol shots. With highly accurate magelock pistols, gun mages can snipe distant targets, cripple heavily armored foes, or knock enemies off their feet. Отряд...
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PIP 32061_t
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PIP 31107
Victoria Haley has risen through the ranks of the Cygnaran Army to become one of the most potent arcanists in recorded history. Her mastery over the flow of time allows her to conjure echoes of herself from the past and future to fight at her side. By her unprecedented powers, Major Prime...
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Hoarluk Doomshaper has cemented himself by word and deed as an essential pillar of the United Kriels, preaching a violent rhetoric embracing aggression and the annihilation of all foes. He has proven that victory cannot be attained through peace, but instead requires strength and ruthless...
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PIP 76002
Break my toys and scold me not, my anger burns both bright and hot. First of the Defiers, the Child wants nothing more than to play and not be told what to do. Accompanied by her companion, Dolly, woe upon the fool who tries to take her grymkin “toys” away or tries to harm her. Only the Child...
4,970 руб
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PIP 76009
Shake the cage and rattle the bones! From Defiers’ thoughts the Cage Rager comes! Thunderous and ponderous and ten timbers thick, the Cage Rager stuffs its cells with the bodies of the wicked for its masters’ harvest. Within this confinement their torments mount, and the Cage Rager harnesses...
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PIP 71111
Pygs make for particularly effective lookouts. The pygs’ natural hardiness and adaptability to the elements lets them stay in the field for an indefinite period. They have keen eyes and can spot approaching forces from a great distance. When battle begins, their size allows them to sneak about...
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Dire Troll Brawlers go to battle wielding oversized flails made from stout iron chain and scavenged scrap metal. Bellowing primitive war cries, brawlers hurl themselves at any opponent, swinging these chains in sweeping, unpredictable arcs. What these trolls lack in intelligence they...
4,970 руб
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PIP 37020
The Dragon’s Breath Rocket is the long-range artillery of the Crucible Guard. Not only can it fire over the heads of the enemy’s front lines to reach key support models, its rockets contain a gas that makes anything that survives being hit easier for the rest of its allies to destroy. With its...
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As the Steelhead Mercenary Company evolved into a larger outfit, capable of fielding full armies for hire, it saw the need to develop an artillery division. This cannon is the mainstay Steelhead artillery weapon, providing blasts of concussive firepower to complement withering volleys of...
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Engineered as a modified variant of an Ordic weapon first invented by Midfast Munitions, the Steelhead Volley Gun can unload a steady barrage into enemy lines. It utilizes a double-rowed rack of seven barrels firing solid shot in sequence to batter infantry and even light warjacks into oblivion....
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Each piece of artillery employed by the Steelheads has a distinct role, directed by veteran gunners to exploit that artillery’s strengths. Mortars fire in high soaring arcs, directing explosive payloads onto the heads of distant targets, even those otherwise shielded from direct fire by...
4,970 руб
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Don’t ever tell Helga that she’s not fast ’cause then she’s gonna get real busy killin’ and maimin’ to prove to you that she is. Helga is a Scout class Hero who has unmatched mobility. As the only Hero capable of moving twice in one turn, Helga can burn rubber and speed through the Arena to...
4,970 руб
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PIP 73021
Шестикрылый ангелиус пронзительно кричит в небо, как провозвестник мощи Всеосквернения. Эта тварь падает как меч на свою добычу, пронзает любую броню шипастым хвостом, и снова подымается ввысь, несмотря на любые попытки остановить ее. Паря первый раз за две тысячи лет, ангелиус насыщает себя...
4,260 руб
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PIP 34023
Сизер (Кипящий, Seether Cryx Helljack) - мощный и неожиданно удачный тяжелый варджек Cryx (Cryx Heavy Warjack). Будучи стандартно - быстрым тяжелым рукопашным бойцом, Сизер снабжен рядом модификаций. Особенно удачным оказалось сопряжение кортекса Хеллджека с приводом душ, содержащим...
4,260 руб
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PIP 73009
Everblight s taint has spread with little resistance among the Nyss, shaping and refining their anatomies to bring a twisted reflection of inner darkness. Blighted Archers are deployed to fire a hail of deadly arrows, withering the enemy front lines before allies charge to sweep through the...
4,260 руб
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PIP 71107
This is the full warlock version of the character solo Horgle Ironstrike featured in Forces of HORDES: Trollbloods Command. FEATURES: The full warlock version of Horgle Ironstrike, Horgle the Anvil has mastered the fiery elemental powers of the forge. Thanks to spells like Firestarter, which...
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PIP 41113
Rising from an endless complex of tunnels beneath the earth, Exulon Thexus leads the armies of the inscrutable cephalyx in their cruel assaults. A master manipulator, this potent warcaster controls the minds and bodies of his own troops and the enemy alike. With terrifying precision Exulon...
3,980 руб
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Constantly processing and as remote as the disembodied members of the Constellation, Sytherion's mind is occupied with complex equations, energy schematics and the application of engineering principles. Those clockwork soldiers who accompany him in battle know only too well that the forge master...
3,980 руб
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PIP Code: 35065
Commissioned for Garryth, Blade of Retribution, Moros is a quick and agile myrmidon that strikes using its dual curved blades with the deadliness of an assassin. Its unique power field renders Moros invisible to the naked eye and can be manipulated to lash out and stun potential victims. For...
3,690 руб
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The Man-O-War Shocktrooper Officer is a new Khador Command Attachment for the Man-O-War Shocktroopers unit featured in WARMACHINE: Prime. FEATURES: The long awaited command attachment for the Man-O-War Shocktroopers has finally arrived! The Shocktrooper Officer turns his unit into an...
3,690 руб
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PIP 33101
Orsus Zoktavir is a living legend, having earned a place in the company of other almost-mythical heroes from the frozen north. A brutal warrior capable of unbridled savagery, he is feared by his soldiers as much as by his foes. His only companions are his two war argus—two-headed hounds that are...
3,575 руб
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PIP 34060
Витершадоу Комбайн (Синдикат Уитершадоу, Withershadow Combine - Cryx Character Unit) - спецотряд из трёх личей Cryx, специализирующихся на противодействии механизированным соединениям врага. Эта слаженная команда за полтысячелетия войны записала на свой счет огромное количество...
3,550 руб
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PIP 35017
contents: this blister pack contains 4x Retribution of Scyrah Stormfall Archers
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PIP 75031
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PIP 32090
Such is the power of faith in an Exemplar bastion seneschal that his presence allows brother bastions to endure impossible punishment while firmly holding the line against the Creator’s enemies. Exemplar bastion seneschals are uniquely entrusted with the command of the Protectorate’s warjacks in...
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PIP 73078
Moving as a single mass of beating wings, scything claws, and pulsing stingers, swarms of blight wasps sow panic and death across the battlefield as they inject enemies with the poison of dragon blight itself. A single dose of blight wasp toxin is enough to kill a man, but the creatures...
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3,550 руб
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PIP 76020
Make your deal, but be ye warned: There’s nothing worse than a witch that’s scorned. The Twilight Sisters offer grim bargains to those they meet on the perilous roads of the Iron Kingdoms. As these enigmatic witches travel, they offer aid to their grymkin fellows, all while serving their own...
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PIP 76024
Beware the comely maiden ’neath the old and knotty tree—a foul, deceitful witchwood the maid will likely be. Bound together as a witchwood, the woman and the ancient timber seduce victims with lilting song and fruits freely given, turning stouthearted allies against one another in jealousy. Any...
3,550 руб
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PIP 34063
Captured cannons undergo a foul transformation into the Ghost Fleet’s unearth ordnance. Captain Rengrave lays claim to the souls and flesh of any killed by these cannons’ shrieking projectiles. The gleaming spectral glow of Toruk’s flame lingers on every fired shot and dances on the surface of...
3,410 руб
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PIP 31075
3,410 руб
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The Northkin Shaman is a new Trollbloods solo featured in HORDES: Primal. FEATURES: The Northkin Shaman is part wizard, part warrior. Boasting Pathfinder and Battle Wizard, the Northkin Shaman can expect to cast two spells during turns in which he gets into melee. Cold Snap lowers the DEF...
3,410 руб
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PIP 33042
Any who thought time might mellow the rage of Orsus Zoktavir have been disabused of that notion. He is incapable of restraint away from the battlefield, never at peace with himself, and at home only amid the chaos and bloodshed of war. Constant battles against the Motherland's enemies have...
3,270 руб
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PIP 41025
Without a Korune to swear loyalty too, many young Ogrun look towards the battlefields of man to showcase their martial abilities and draw the attention of a worthy lord. Hiring themselves to individuals, those lucky enough to broker a deal and fall under a Bokur's protection soon discover it is...
3,270 руб
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PIP 73063
The ranks of the legionnaires are a weapon wielded by one hand—that of Farilor, Bladeguard of the Prophet. He directs their every strike for the glory of Thagrosh, and the obedient legionnaires follow with unflinching discipline. So great is their devotion to Captain Farilor, legionnaires can...
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House Vyre was once noted for its sinister weapons of war, and the Siren harkens back to those morally dubious inventions. Capable of mystically seizing control of those it slays to turn them against their former allies, the Siren makes use of terrifying technology. Only the dire nature...
3,260 руб
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PIP 34029
Создание, чудовищное даже для Cryx - Блоат Тралл (Вздувшийся Раб, Cryx Solo Bloat Thrall), нетипичный и очень странный боец легионов Нежити. Ходят слухи, что это побочный плод какого - то безумного замысла Некротехов, но некоторые командиры Cryx сочли это неплохо стреляющее нечто полезным....
3,120 руб
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PIP 71013
Brave kriel warriors gather to fight in defense of their lands and form the core of Trollblood armies. More than simple brutes, these trollkin can survive injuries that would kill a human outright, and the war shamans who train and lead them call mighty powers from their goddess to form the...
3,120 руб
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PIP 72075
Ravenous and brutal, warpborn alphas are fearsome combatants that lay low enemies and feast upon them even as they die screaming. Warpborn led by an alpha become filled with similar bloodlust, speed, and ferocity, able to tear through enemies with unhesitating enthusiasm. They attack in a...
3,120 руб
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PIP 76005
If you care not where you roam, every road will take you home. Traveling the unknown parts of Caen, the Wanderer once wished only to go where he pleased —until his confinement within the depths of Urcaen drove him mad. Now freed from that hell, he roams the world seeking those marked by sin...
3,120 руб
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PIP 35035
Аспис (Aspis - Retribution Light Myrmidon) – чудесный пример мастерства техномагов Иос (Ios) в сочетании магии и технологии. Этот легкий мирмидонец снабжен могучим самовосстанавливающимся силовым барьером, Аспис великолепно приспособлен для ближнего боя, а его замечательная реакция защищает...
2,980 руб
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PIP 34057
Канкерворм (Червь, Cankerworm Cryx Character Bonejack) является уникальным прототипом Cryx, обладающим возможностями по адаптации и выживанию на поле боя, значительно превосходящими все ранее известные образцы. Обладая возможностью сбора обломков (Imprint: Salvage), Канкерворм не только...
2,840 руб
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PIP 32026
2,840 руб
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PIP 32047
With their martial prowess honed to a razor edge, the officers of the Flameguard have turned their charges from a defensive bulwark into the core of a disciplined army. These preceptors are capable of increasing their unit’s already formidable attacks and are accompanied by zealous standard...
2,840 руб
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PIP 73023
A long-forgotten monster of prehistory, the raek hunted and terrorized the enemies of the dragon and his servants. Now the Legion calls these sleek and graceful predators forth again to hunt across endless distances. The raek's tracking skills and killing power exemplify Everblight's genius at...
2,840 руб
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PIP 34087
Деазриппер (Смертепотрошитель, Deathripper Cryx Bonejack) - это аналог легкого варджека (Light Warjack) в войсках Cryx. Дешевизна конструкции и массовость обеспечили этому быстрому бойцу ближнего боя возможность учавствовать почти во всех битвах Cryx с момента запуска в производство....
2,840 руб
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PIP 34090
Дефилер (Осквернитель, Defiler Cryx Bonejack) - это основной стрелковый варджек легионов Cryx. Для усиления его неплохого орудия, стреляющего разьедающими боеприпасами (Continuous Effect: Corrosion; Damage Type: Corrosion), Дефилер снабжен узлом магической связи (Arc Node) для максимального...
2,840 руб
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PIP 34123
Drawn to the dying, the soul trapper stalks the front lines with both eagerness and desperation. Its arms continually wrest souls of the recently departed from the air, limbs darting here and there like the workings of a manic threshing machine. It crams its stolen harvest into prepared chambers...
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PIP 71113
Wielding enormous maces made from salvaged scrap metal, the ferocious troll basher is the favored warbeast of many Northkin. Troll Bashers are quick to anger and enjoy crushing enemies before devouring them. Northkin warlocks often let their bashers run at the fore of battle. There,...
2,840 руб
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PIP 33130
The officers of the bombardier corps lead their soldiers to seize victory in the name of the Motherland. Each has spent a lifetime on the battlefield raining fiery death on the heads of the enemy. This wealth of experience lets the officers direct their units in cunning maneuvers, like slashing through thick underbrush with their steam-powered saws to flank an enemy emplacement before unleashing a hail of explosives with unrelenting precision. TRADE POINTS: The Man-O-War Bombardier Officer is a Command Attachment for the Man-O-War Bombardier unit (PIP 33067). It not only increases the offensive output of these already elite troops by allowing them to fire their Grenade Cannons multiple times, but it also provides some unique utility with a new ability that allows the Bombardiers to cut their way through thick terrain with their Chain Blades as they advance into battle.
2,840 руб
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PIP 34030
2,840 руб
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PIP 31022
Тяжелый варджек Cygnar Штормклад (Cygnar Stormclad Heavy Warjack) – уникальная машина поддержки тяжелой пехоты Штормблейдов Cygnar (Cygnar Stormblade Unit). Это опасный своей рукопашной атакой воин первой линии, иммунный к электрическому урону. Он недешев, но этого стоят его преимущества,...
2,750 руб
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