Privateer Press

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В Warmachine , сама земля содрогается во время жестокой схватки, где шеститонные творения из закалённого железа и стали устремляются одно на другое с разрушительной силой локомотива, где извергающие свинец пушки разрывают броню как плоть, и где бури потаённой магии опаляют ратное поле огнем Армагеддона, так что сами боги страшатся ступить на сию изувеченную землю. Победа за смелыми! Вступай в схватку, если в тебе достаточно метала. Возьмите под контроль коварного ворлока и сокрушите врагов могучими ворбистами, движимых необузданной яростью. В HORDES выживут лишь сильнейшие и искуснейшие, все остальные пойдут на корм для ворбистов. HORDES -дикие места в Железных Королевствах. Игрок управляет загадочными Ворлоками и стаями диких Ворбистов, в битве за территорию и выживание.

PIP 34106
Unquestionably the most influential Iosan ever to have lived, the eldritch and would-be god slayer Goreshade, Lord of Ruin seeks nothing less than the salvation, restoration, and liberation of his people from the gods themselves. After turning the machinations of the Nightmare Empire to his own...
6,390 руб
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PIP 34054
Варкастер Cryx Горешейд зе Курсед (Горешейд Проклятый, Cryx Warcaster Goreshade the Cursed) снедаем гордыней и сумасшествием, беспощаден и одержим. Он давно потерял понимание, к которой из реальностей принадлежит - но не зная границ возможного, он действительно способен на удивительные и...
3,270 руб
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PIP 34022
Горешейд Бастрад и Деазволкер (Cryx Warcaster Goreshade the Bastard & Deathwalker), могучий воин и молчаливая тень девушки, Варкастер Cryx и его компаньон на поле боя и вне его… В чем - то даже романтическая история бывшего предводителя легионов, стремившегося к высшей власти,...
1,850 руб
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PIP 37001
An excellent way to start playing the Crucible Guard, the newest WARMACHINE Faction, this box contains a 50-point army built using the Magnum Opus Theme Force. The core of the army is the warcaster Aurum Adeptus Syvestro and his battlegroup of two warjacks. Syvestro is a master of his Faction’s...
32,660 руб
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An agent of Llaelese descent, Glyn Cormier dedicated her life to the Order of Illumination from an early age and has long since put aside national loyalties. During recent wars, she has sometimes struggled to maintain her objectivity, but she has endeavored to take the lessons of her mentors to...
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PIP 35021
Ghost snipers are specialized and secretive hunter-killers employed ostensibly to help patrol the borders by employing powerful rifles to bring death to hapless intruders who wander into their sights. Many were already sympathetic to the Retribution while others seek profit and a chance to...
990 руб
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PIP 41103
When the wealthiest Rhulic clans need to leverage immense power—whether at a construction site or on the battlefield—they mobilize the Ghordson Earthbreaker. This hulking construct, outfitted with drilling torpedoes and massive steam claws, can level opposing soldiers and warjacks as...
22,010 руб
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PIP 41017
4,260 руб
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PIP 41082
3,690 руб
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PIP 41077
While most of the warjacks that accompany Rhulic mercenaries into battle were designed with industrial uses as well as military service in mind, the Avalancher is a dedicated combat machine. The warjack bears the intimidating Avalanche Cannon, a weapon capable of obliterating man and mechanika...
4,970 руб
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PIP 41093
General Ossrum Dhurg’s disdain for traditional tactics and penchant for startling improvisation and bold maneuvers have earned him both admiration and ire from his peers. The men he commands, though, regard him with universal respect and affection, not merely for the victories he brings...
2,130 руб
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PIP 31051
Sebastian Nemo has defended Cygnar for nearly fifty years. Promoted to general, he has learned from recent battles and created new strategies and weapons to throw back his nation's enemies. Nemo takes to battle with surprising aggression and power. His experience thwarts his foe's plans as...
2,270 руб
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2,410 руб
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PIP 35005
Гаррет, Клинок Возмездия (Garryth, Blade of Retribution – Retribution Warcaster) – великолепный боец ближнего боя, предпочитающий своими руками отправлять в ад вражеских предводителей. Ему нет равных в умении парировать удары, да и стрелок он неплохой. Его мирмидонцы обычно...
1,420 руб
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PIP 36024
The oldest vector design still in use, the Galvanizers form the core of the Convergenceт??s vector armory. Galvanizers are equipped with metal saws powerful enough to rip through the thickest armor plating or cause horrific damage to flesh and bone yet precise enough to be used in conjunction...
2,700 руб
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PIP 41094
The raw might of a naval ironhull now walks the lands as the Galleon. The colossal fires a rolling broadside before reaching out with its enormous cargo claw to toss warjacks like rag dolls. It can also use its massive trident to reel in foes and finish them off at close range with a series of...
19,170 руб
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PIP 31091
*The Gallant warjack upgrade kit is NOT a complete model. Players will need a Cygnar heavy warjack plastic kit (PIP 31062) in addition to this kit.
1,990 руб
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3,270 руб
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PIP 41057
Freebooters barrel across heaving decks to obliterate anything in their path. A favorite of sea captains everywhere, the Freebooter has undergone a number of mechanical alterations to turn this former laborjack to military use, and it takes to brawling with frightening enthusiasm. Many crews...
4,970 руб
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PIP 33034
Форвард Коммандер Сорша, или Командир Атаки Сорша (Forward Kommander Sorscha - Khador Epic Warcaster) – сложности в переводе отнюдь не мешают представить себе могучего офицера, пламенным взглядом прожигающего броню варджеков врага и плавящего снег одним своим присутствием на много миль в...
1,560 руб
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This adhesive combines both very high bonding strength and rapid curing speed for an easy and convenient hobby experience. This formula has excellent flow characteristics, a tapered applicator to fill small or inconvenient gaps, and a pin cap to prevent blockages.
440 руб
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This professional-grade epoxy putty (PIP 93118) is perfect for filling gaps or adding details to your models. • No shrinkage • Very easy to smooth & file • Holds sharp edges and fine detail
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Metal and Resin
2,270 руб
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PIP#: Retribution Command
6,390 руб
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4,970 руб
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1,350 руб
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PIP 1084
FEATURES: Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command is the first WARMACHINE Force book for the new edition, and it provides the foundation every Protectorate player needs. It features a complete listing of all current warcasters and warjacks released to date, in addition to two new...
4,970 руб
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PIP 1085
FEATURES: Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command is the first WARMACHINE Force book for the new edition, and it provides the foundation every Protectorate player needs. It features a complete listing of all current warcasters and warjacks released to date, in addition to two new...
6,390 руб
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4,970 руб
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1,350 руб
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4,970 руб
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1,350 руб
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4,970 руб
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1,350 руб
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PIP 1029
From the darkness of their nightmarish isle, the undead legions of Cryx strike forth at the Iron Kingdoms, each battle serving to fuel their unholy factories as necrotechs shape everything that walks, crawls, or slithers out of their dank, macabre workshops. To oppose Cryx is to oppose death...
4,970 руб
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PIP 1030
From the darkness of their nightmarish isle, the undead legions of Cryx strike forth at the Iron Kingdoms, each battle serving to fuel their unholy factories as necrotechs shape everything that walks, crawls, or slithers out of their dank, macabre workshops. To oppose Cryx is to oppose death...
1,350 руб
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PIP 1053
To those who worship Cyriss, no tenet is more sacred than the Fifth Harmonicт??the belief that the Clockwork Goddess will manifest once the perfect machine is created across all of Caen. The key to this vesselт??s completion lies in the geomantic fulcrums of power that cover the world, many in...
4,260 руб
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PIP 32097
Model Count: 10 SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 32097 contains the same Mk II stat card as PIP 32029. The models in this box represent the same figures in the game. PIP 32097 replaces PIP 32029 and PIP 32030 by offering their contents in a complete unit. The replaced PIPs will no longer be available from...
10,650 руб
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PIP 32075
The Flameguard Cleanser officer leads his men into the heart of battle on a tide of scourging flame. Under his command the range and destructive potential of Cleanser purifiers are greatly increased, and they gain the ability to lay down searing curtains of fire that incinerate all who dare...
2,130 руб
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PIP 32071
8,520 руб
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PIP 41045
Captain Shae's first mate Hawk is responsible for keeping her Sea Dogs ready for action, and she suffers neither fools nor sloth among the crew. She wields a pair of cutlasses, and few can boast to have lived after standing toe-to-toe with her. Hawk's example fires up the men who go to great...
1,420 руб
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PIP 31070
The light warjacks commissioned by the Cygnaran Armory set the standard by which all light warjacks are judged. The original Charger chassis has proven an excellent platform for versatile and deadly machines. The Firefly is the most recent variant of the Charger chassis and possesses...
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PIP 32052
Those who have stood before this aureate Crusader say its eyes carry a weight of presence more akin to a zealot than a soulless construct. Those who have fought alongside this peerless machine describe its dedication and loyalty as if speaking of another soldier of the faith. Its fervent wrath...
7,380 руб
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These professional-grade artists' brushes are designed to provide the discriminating painter with the finest painting experience. Used in the Privateer Press studio, these premium brushes are made of natural sable bristles. Both the Standard and Fine brushes deliver all the qualities...
760 руб
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The first in the Formula P3 line of hobby supplies, these three excellent hobby brushes are all a novice or experienced hobbyist needs to tackle any project. The workhorse Heavy brush is ideal for rapid base coating and laying down broad areas of paint. Medium brushes provide masterful control...
440 руб
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PIP 31092
Отделение полевых механиков Cygnar (Cygnar Field Mechaniks) – это отряд совершенно отчаянных ребят, вооруженных гаечными ключами и великой верой в таланты командира и свою звезду. Сложно представить иную причину, которая заставляет полевых механиков под пулями, снарядами и заклинаниями...
3,550 руб
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PIP 32126
This is the newest version of the Protectorate warcaster Feora featured in Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command . FEATURES: The latest incarnation of this player-favorite warcaster, Feora, the Conquering Flame excels at bringing the flames of the Creator straight to her...
4,970 руб
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PIP 32040
Once a woman of naked ambition, Feora has been humbled and exalted by travails in the besieged city of Sul. She has rallied her followers in the defense of sacred sites and leads them to feats of bravery and sacrifice as they fight to forestall Cygnar's invasion. Filled with righteous power,...
2,560 руб
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