Privateer Press

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В Warmachine , сама земля содрогается во время жестокой схватки, где шеститонные творения из закалённого железа и стали устремляются одно на другое с разрушительной силой локомотива, где извергающие свинец пушки разрывают броню как плоть, и где бури потаённой магии опаляют ратное поле огнем Армагеддона, так что сами боги страшатся ступить на сию изувеченную землю. Победа за смелыми! Вступай в схватку, если в тебе достаточно метала. Возьмите под контроль коварного ворлока и сокрушите врагов могучими ворбистами, движимых необузданной яростью. В HORDES выживут лишь сильнейшие и искуснейшие, все остальные пойдут на корм для ворбистов. HORDES -дикие места в Железных Королевствах. Игрок управляет загадочными Ворлоками и стаями диких Ворбистов, в битве за территорию и выживание.

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PIP 41008
The Talon is a black market favorite among mercenaries with enough gold and influence to acquire them. The few moments the Talon's stun lance can provide may be all that is needed to land the critical blow and turn the tide of battle.
2,410 руб
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The first in the Formula P3 line of hobby supplies, these three excellent hobby brushes are all a novice or experienced hobbyist needs to tackle any project. The workhorse Heavy brush is ideal for rapid base coating and laying down broad areas of paint. Medium brushes provide masterful control...
440 руб
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PIP 41140
Caine’s Hellslingers has developed a reputation as one of the toughest and deadliest outfits in western Immoren. Comprised of former Black 13th gun mages Lieutenant Darsey Ryan and Sergeant Samuel Watts as well as the renegade warcaster Allister Caine himself, this trio has gunned down scores of...
4,260 руб
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These professional-grade artists' brushes are designed to provide the discriminating painter with the finest painting experience. Used in the Privateer Press studio, these premium brushes are made of natural sable bristles. Both the Standard and Fine brushes deliver all the qualities...
760 руб
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The first in the Formula P3 line of hobby supplies, these three excellent hobby brushes are all a novice or experienced hobbyist needs to tackle any project. The workhorse Heavy brush is ideal for rapid base coating and laying down broad areas of paint. Medium brushes provide masterful control...
440 руб
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3,120 руб
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PIP 31138
Masters of covert operations, sabotage, and targeted elimination behind enemy lines, the officers of the trencher commandos are the best of the best. These officers lead squads of commandos on the most dangerous and sensitive assignments, where their paramount goal is always simple:...
1,700 руб
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Each 2016 Faction Deck contains updated and redesigned stat cards for every model released before June 1, 2016 for the new edition of the WARMACHINE tabletop miniatures game. FEATURES: The Faction Decks contain cards for all of a player’s faction’s miniatures that were released before June 1,...
2,840 руб
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Storm trooper squadrons provide the Crucible Guard with a hard counterpunch. Equipped with pneumatic concussion cannons, storm troopers can engage concentrations of light infantry. Their ammunition is highly explosive, combining a number of catalytic agents to magnify the blasting power of the...
7,100 руб
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PIP 35028
Офицер и Знаменосец Часовых Стражи Рассвета (Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard Bearer - Retribution of Scyrah Unit Attachment) обычно являются выходцами из Дома Ниар, славного своими традициями чести и нерушимой клятвы. Мужчины Дома Ниар – истинные воины, образцы для подражания...
2,130 руб
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PIP 35081
 релиз 28 июня Designed for Issyria’s exclusive use and fitted with experimental technology that includes a cutting-edge arc node, Hemera magnifies the warcaster’s arcane abilities. The myrmidon wades into the thick of combat to take Issyria’s place, allowing her to guide the flow of...
7,810 руб
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15,620 руб
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2,830 руб
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PIP 1083
Privateer Press Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador Command hardcover RULEBOOK   FEATURES: Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador Command provides the foundation every Khador player needs. It features a complete listing of all current warcasters and warjacks released to date, in addition to two new...
6,390 руб
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PIP 37016
Aurum Lucanum Athanor Locke is a unique warcaster since she can be fielded in either a Crucible Guard or Convergence of Cyriss army. She can be swapped into the Crucible Guard Army Box (PIP 37001) to provide a different play style from the included warcaster. When fielded as the leader of a...
3,550 руб
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PIP 35025
Конники Стражей Рассвета (Dawnguard Destors - Retribution Cavalry Unit), или Десторы Давнгуардов (эльфийск.возвышенн.) – это элитные отряды знатных воинов, служить в которых великая честь. Лучшие отпрыски знатных домов издавна начинают свою службу Иос (Ios) в рядах этих умелых бойцов,...
4,260 руб
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PIP 41065
The larger branches of the Steelhead Mercenary Company often employ hardened horsemen to provide the speed and power of heavy cavalry. Hiring such professionals costs a fair amount, but the crushing impact they deliver makes them a bargain. Their heavy cavalry axes and deadly blunderbusses let...
8,520 руб
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PIP 41044
Packing more pistols than a paranoid gun mage, Mr. Walls is never seen without his pet monkey. Serving as Shae's quartermaster for the Sea Dogs, Mr. Walls knows how to motivate the men and inspire them to ferocity. His aim suffers from an old injury that took his eye, but he makes up for it...
550 руб
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2,270 руб
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Obsessed with finding a way to bring her murdered mother back from the dead, Alexia Ciannor has turned to the life of a mercenary to increase her knowledge of death magic. By wielding the vile and legendary sword the Witchfire, she raises and controls the dead with startling ease, but the...
9,230 руб
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PIP 33125
This is the newest incarnation of Kommander Oleg Strakhov, who now comes to battle as part of a warcaster unit, introduced in Forces of WARMACHINE: Khador Command . Assault Kommander Oleg Strakhov has spent decades carving a bloody trail through the kingdoms of western Immoren, eliminating...
3,550 руб
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PIP 35034_d
multi-part heavy myrmidon plastic model (PIP 35034)
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PIP 93095
2,130 руб
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PIP 34141
Admiral Axiara Wraithblade is one of the most feared women on the Meredius and oversees countless pirate flotillas from her flagship, the Morbid Angel . Wraithblade earned her moniker from the blood-consecrated sword Anathema she wields. The weapon is a relic of Satyx, purified by blood...
1,840 руб
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PIP 31058
Battling their way forward despite incoming mortar and rifle fire, Trencher artillery crews haul their cannons into the fray across any terrain. The crews dig hasty positions on high ground, throw up sandbag barricades, and prepare to fire. These cool, professional gunners, chosen as much for...
4,690 руб
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PIP 32101
6,390 руб
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PIP 35027
Офицер и Знаменосец Побеждающих Стражи Рассвета (Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard Bearer - Retribution of Scyrah Unit Attachment) – это ветераны бесчисленных битв, которые пережили не только ярость врага но и безжалостность своих командиров. Теперь Офицер занимает свою должность...
1,700 руб
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PIP 34142
Striking without warning, the savage and cruel Satyxis are the terror of the Broken Coast. Belonging to an ancient tradition in which sailing is as natural as breathing, these fierce warrior women believe nothing in life to be sweeter than plunder and slaughter. The Satyxis savage their...
8,520 руб
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This is a resculpt of the Cygnar warcaster Captain Victoria Haley featured in WARMACHINE: Prime. FEATURES: Re-imagined and updated for the new edition, this new sculpt of Haley wields her arcane might with stunning efficiency. Able to increase the offensive output of her army thanks to her...
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PIP 41048
The Rhulic pirate Lord Joln Rockbottom is Captain Shae's 'Expedition Financier.' He ensures the pirates are well paid and equipped for the bloody work ahead. Coin is not his only weapon, for Lord Rockbottom enjoys employing a fire-belching firearm that has ended the lives of many who...
1,280 руб
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PIP 31067
Master gunners are survivors of countless battles and have earned expertise that makes them some of the most valued artillerists in all of Cygnar. These men and women are versed in all the skills of the artilleryman from barrage firing patterns to the use of defilades. They are experts in the...
1,420 руб
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2,130 руб
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PIP 31047
Офицер Траншейной Пехоты Cygnar (Cygnar Trencher Officer) по давней армейской традиции всегда приходит в отделение вместе со своим снайпером (Cygnar Trencher Sniper). Подобный подход позволяет усилить подразделение пехоты (Cygnar Trencher Unit) специалистом дальнего боя, да и в рукопашной...
1,850 руб
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PIP 41086
Strong enough to wield handheld battle cannons that fire explosive shells across the battlefield, the ogrun assault corps serve their employers as highly mobile artillery. Their great strength and fearsome axes allow them to effectively deal death in melee as well as at range.
9,940 руб
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The Undercity Black River Irregulars Heroes Expansion contains four new hero characters for players to use with their The Undercity Iron Kingdoms Adventure Board Game, as well as a new stand-alone scenario. FEATURES: Expand the scope of your adventuring party with four new heroes ready to...
4,970 руб
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PIP 34146
Among those in the Scharde Islands, some humans possess the gift of sorcery, kindled and enhanced by Toruk’s blight. Covens of these women may join the Cryxian pirate fleets, guided by inscrutable omens. Enthralled by the thrumming of blight in their flesh and blood, they indulge in...
3,550 руб
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PIP 93101
1,280 руб
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4,970 руб
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PIP 35077
релиз 14 июня The swordsmen of House Ellowuyr practice a unique traditional discipline of fighting that utilizes perfectly balanced blades and fluid movements. Employing great sweeping motions they can cleave an opponent in two and continue to the next without losing momentum, while also...
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PIP 31131
Privateer Press Warmachine Cygnar: Colonel Markus Siege Brisbane (2) Warcaster If there is one warcaster the trenchers would call their own, it is Colonel Markus Brisbane—the most decorated and universally respected of Cygnar’s veteran battle mages. Brisbane is a pure soldier through...
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PIP 33044
Serving as the forward fighting arm of an Iron Fang contingent, Iron Fang Uhlans are often the first to ride into the enemy. These mounted Iron Fangs fluidly ride together and meld classical horselord cavalry tactics with the shoulder-to-shoulder fighting formations customary of Iron Fang...
2,840 руб
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2,270 руб
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PIP 35038
The cannons used by the heavy rifle teams of the houseguard are deadly effective pieces of Iosan ordnance. The heavy rifle crews are adept at picking apart enemies from well across the battlefield, and the heavy bolts fired by their cannons can penetrate thick armor with appalling ease. The...
1,270 руб
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PIP 42010
Masters of the unpredictable and lethal terrain of the Bloodstone Marches, most Idrian tribesmen converted to the Lawgiver but preserved their nomadic ways. They excel at stalking, ambush, and desert warfare and have turned these talents to the service of Menoth. With their ancient, curved...
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PIP 34148
Found in the maelstrom of battle, her laughter punctuated by the crack of her pistols as she sows chaos and death, Severa Blacktide is a legendary Satyxis warrior. Blacktide is the finest Satyxis gunslinger alive and is counted among the premier gun mages in western Immoren. Each bullet...
1,840 руб
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PIP 31095
By taking the impressive bulk and chassis of the Ironclad and adding powerful voltaic weaponry, the Stormclad and Reliant were born. The Stormclad is equipped with an accumulator that draws on the galvanic energies of nearby Stormblades to augment its impressive storm-powered generator blade....
4,970 руб
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