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Deathwing Knights are the ultimate veterans of the Dark Angels Chapter – elite death-dealers, specialised in close combat and deployed to break the enemy's back, secure truly vital objectives, or reclaim secrets forbidden even to their battle-brothers. Clad in baroque Terminator armour and...
8,250 руб
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The Malcador Infernus and Valdor Tank Hunter are both variants of the ubiquitous Malcador tank, using its resilient and mobile chassis to carry specialised heavy weaponry. The raw power of the Malcador Infernus is almost inescapable for its foes, as it shoots terrifying jets of all-consuming...
6,000 руб
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The Solar Auxilia are well equipped to engage in every theatre of battle, against every type of foe. Their adaptability is due in part to their training, but also the advanced wargear they bring to the front. When in need of heavy support from weapons too large for infantry to carry, their...
6,000 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 26.06.2024

Scout Squads are comprised of Space Marines in training, not yet fully elevated to the ranks of battle-brothers. Nonetheless, each operative is physically and mentally strong and robust by an order of magnitude over unaugmented Humans. All are competent killers and infiltrators, wreaking havoc...
8,250 руб
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The Zone of Silence Spreads The Silent King and his Necron legions have expanded the boundaries of the Nephilim Anomaly, raising sinister noctilith pylons upon world after world. Whole systems have vanished beneath this smothering anti-psychic shroud, but the Necrons' efforts to sever...
7,130 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 26.06.2024

Ferciless and unyielding, the Dark Angels are amongst the most ancient and honoured Space Marine Chapters in the Imperium. Their reputation is one of solemn service and martial excellence, and the greatest exemplars of these traits within the entire Chapter are the warriors of the Deathwing....
26,250 руб
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Коробки в наличии ! В коробке нас ждут: 72 новые/обновлённые модели; 25 моделей космических десатников : Капитан в доспехах терминатора Лидером этого ударного соединения является капитан, блистающий богато украшенными терминаторскими доспехами. На его живописной подставке...
32,500 руб
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