Warhammer 40K

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Space Marine Lieutenants are experienced field tacticians and celebrated warriors, trusted to direct the Chapter's warriors in the field. These officers bellow orders and coordinate their battle-brothers’ attacks even as they strike at the foe themselves – they are sometimes gifted powerful...
5,850 руб

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Masters of Possession are Heretic Astartes psykers who specialise in channelling daemons into living hosts, bolstering their possessed brethren with empyric energies that strengthen and reinvigorate such tainted unions. In battle, they unleash daemonic energies upon the foe, ripping apart their...
5,850 руб
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After thousands of years in the warp, the space hulk  Gallowdark  has emerged into realspace. Mortally wounded by scavengers and sabotage, this colossal, moon-sized derelict tumbles toward disaster – for those trapped within its labyrinthine corridors, survival is now the only victory....
7,800 руб

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Inquisitors wield nearly limitless power in the Imperium, and dispatch cells of sanctioned agents across the galaxy to do their bidding. Led by trusted Interrogator apprentices, these secret teams might include customised servitors, soldiers seconded from any and every military branch, dangerous...
6,600 руб
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Archons are the rulers of the Dark City's Kabals, callous Drukhari schemers driven by boundless avarice. When these cartel-masters require precision and certainty, they assemble their Hand – an elite team of Kabalite experts, chosen for their terrifying skills in everything from poison to...
6,600 руб
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Beastmen are an abhuman subspecies, condemned across the Imperium as unclean mutants. Embittered by their persecution, many Beastmen turn to the Ruinous Powers, congregating on the outskirts of civilisation in savage herds dominated by Fellgor Ravagers. These brutal Beastmen are veterans of...
7,690 руб
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After thousands of years adrift in the warp, the space hulk  Gallowdark  has emerged into realspace. A colossal, moon-sized derelict inhabited by mutants, aliens, and things known only by the screams of their victims, the  Gallowdark 's shadowy depths hold prizes beyond...
8,250 руб

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Cerastus Knights are sophisticated and towering war-suits, with speed and agility that far exceeds the lumbering Questoris-class. The Knight Lancer is the most widely-known variant of the Cerastus chassis, held in high esteem by more impetuous House scions. Its protective ion gauntlet and potent...
23,250 руб
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Necromunda. This hive world was founded over 15,000 years ago, as a mining and manufacturing colony. In the millennia since, the planet's mountains have been reduced to rubble for the ore within, its seas turned into oceans of chemical sludge, its very air poisoned with radioactive filth....
8,250 руб
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Minka Lesk. The Last Whiteshield of Kasr Myrak, forged in the fires of the Fall of Cadia, now a Captain in the Cadian 101st Regiment. Lesk owes her meteoric rise through the ranks of the Astra Militarum to her repeated victories in the face of impossible odds, leading her fellow Cadians from...
4,880 руб
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Building and painting Citadel miniatures is a fun and exciting way to engage with the Warhammer hobby, and it only gets more rewarding with time. You’ll need a few tools and a set of paints to get started, and this box includes the basics that will form the core of your Warhammer hobby toolbox....
5,250 руб
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Termagants are scuttling predators that attack in huge swarms, spitting living ammunition from their symbiotic weapons. Ripper Swarms squirm alongside them as living carpets of teeth and flesh, devouring whatever they come across. This box is the perfect way to start your collection of...
4,500 руб

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Infernus Marines are close assault specialists, sending jets of burning promethium into enemy trench lines and bunkers with their pyreblasters, ensuring no foe escapes their fiery wrath. This box is the perfect way to start your collection of Primaris Space Marines. You’ll get three plastic...
4,500 руб
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Barbgaunts are little more than living weapons, their bodies and biological cannons slaved to the will of a pulsating ganglio-parasite that piggybacks them into battle. Once there, they unleash volleys of chitinous barbs that detonate with the fury of violent muscle-spasms, transfixing nearby...
5,250 руб
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Librarians are the battle-psykers and lore-keepers of the Space Marines, and when clad in Terminator armour lend a lethal psychic edge to their elite infantry spearheads. Whether in gruelling boarding actions, ferocious urban combat, or a stand against overwhelming enemy numbers, these psychic...
4,880 руб
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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Across the far-flung worlds of the Imperium of Mankind, in a galaxy riven by warp storms and unceasing conflict, the armies of Humanity battle for survival. With the Imperium already standing upon the brink of annihilation, the...
8,250 руб
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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Across the far-flung worlds of the Imperium of Mankind, in a galaxy riven by warp storms and unceasing conflict, the armies of Humanity battle for survival. With the Imperium already standing upon the brink of annihilation, the...
25,500 руб
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In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. Across the far-flung worlds of the Imperium of Mankind, in a galaxy riven by warp storms and unceasing conflict, the armies of Humanity battle for survival. With the Imperium already standing upon the brink of annihilation, the...
13,130 руб
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Заказы формируются по мере вскрытия коробок. Лимитированные датакарты из набора leviathan. Основываясь на успехе Chapter Approved наборов миссий для больших турниров и черпая вдохновение из выпущенных в прошлом году карт Tempest of War, эта колода полезна для быстрого и умного создания...
2,000 руб
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Заказы формируются по мере вскрытия коробок. Лимитированный кодекс из набора leviathan. В наборе "Левиафане" вы получите только одну книгу, но, как следует из названия, это громадина библейских масштабов. Это роскошное 392-страничное издание, настоящий magnum opus в твердом переплете с...
3,000 руб
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Заказы формируются по мере вскрытия коробок. Половина стартера Leviathan, с базами, на литниках, без коробки. 25 моделей космических десатников : Капитан в доспехах терминатора Лидером этого ударного соединения является капитан, блистающий богато украшенными терминаторскими...
16,000 руб
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Заказы формируются по мере вскрытия коробок. Половина стартера Leviathan, с базами, на литниках, без коробки. 47 моделей тиранидов : Крикун-убийца Крикун-убийца имеет долгую историю, начав свою жизнь как металлическая миниатюра в 1992 году. Хотя это лишь одна из многих биоформ...
14,000 руб
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Aggressive and rebellious, Commander O'Shovah is an undisputed master of Mont'ka, the T'au metastrategy of the Killing Blow. Piloting his crimson battlesuit, he carves a bloody path into the enemy, leading his separatist Fire Caste forces from the front as he wields the enigmatic Dawn Blade with...
8,250 руб
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Boss Snikrot is no mere Ork cutthroat – he is a murderous legend whose obsession with guerilla warfare has seen him hone the kunnin' taktiks of the Blood Axe clan into an almost supernatural mastery of infiltration. Snikrot is an unseen terror, leading his Red Skull Kommandos deep behind enemy...
5,100 руб
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The First. The Son of the Forest. The Master of Caliban. The Primarch of the Dark Angels. Lion El'Jonson stalks from mist-wreathed shadow realms like an ancient questing knight, hunting the galaxy's myriad terrors. With his immense blade, Fealty, the Primarch cleaves apart the most heinous of...
8,250 руб
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3,750 руб
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7,130 руб
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8,250 руб
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Chaos Space Marines are superhuman warriors sworn to the Ruinous Powers of the warp. Engineered long ago by the Emperor, the Traitor Legions turned against the Imperium in a bitter war, and now pursue their own mad ambitions. The Death Guard are the Traitor Legion most favoured by Nurgle, the...
10,530 руб
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The Adeptus Arbites enforce the Imperium's laws without exception or mercy. Exaction Squads are formed of only the most experienced Arbitrators, called into service to hunt down dangerous transgressors for interrogation and punishment, no matter where they hide. They do not hesitate to crush any...
7,690 руб
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Коробки в наличии ! В коробке нас ждут: 72 новые/обновлённые модели; 25 моделей космических десатников : Капитан в доспехах терминатора Лидером этого ударного соединения является капитан, блистающий богато украшенными терминаторскими доспехами. На его живописной подставке...
32,500 руб
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Sanctioners are semi-sentient servo-automata, employed by Palanite Enforcers in times of particular crisis. These hulking cybernetic brutes are controlled by the salvaged cranial remains of particularly merciless Enforcers, psycho-conditioned for utter dedication to the letter of the law. As...
7,800 руб
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Scions of their Primarch Angron, Daemon Prince of Khorne, the World Eaters were amongst the most feared of the Space Marines Legions to turn traitor during the brutal civil war known as the Horus Heresy. The World Eaters long held a reputation for wanton savagery, and as they fell to the powers...
19,500 руб
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The galaxy is in flames. The Emperor’s glorious vision for Humanity is in ruins and His armies are locked in a brutal civil war. The greatest of these bitter combatants are the towering god-engines of the Adeptus Titanicus. Take control of these awe-inspiring war machines in Adeptus Titanicus –...
7,690 руб
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Vashtorr is the Soul Forge King, a daemonic demigod of unrestrained invention and abominable artifice. When the Arkifane takes physical form, it is as a horror of pallid flesh stretched over infernal mechanisms, soaring to battle amidst a cloud of lightning and smog. Vashtorr deals...
12,380 руб
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Commander Dante is among the most storied Space Marines in the Imperium, a beloved son of Sanguinius who has led the Blood Angels Chapter for more than a thousand years. Appointed by Guilliman himself as Lord Regent of the Imperium Nihilus, Dante soars over the battlefield in gleaming golden...
5,250 руб
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Azrael is Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels, defender of his Chapter's honour, and a beacon of inspiration to his battle-brothers. The Keeper of the Truth is renowned for his tactical abilities, a masterful commander who quickly grasps changing battlefield realities and orchestrates his...
5,250 руб
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The First. The Son of the Forest. The Master of Caliban. The Primarch of the Dark Angels. After millennia in stasis, Lion El'Jonson has returned to the waking world – stalking from mist-wreathed shadow realms like an ancient questing knight to hunt down the galaxy's terrors. With his immense...
13,960 руб
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Out in the deadly deserts of the ash wastes, your gang will need all the help it can get. Demonstrate your faith with this House Cawdor-themed dice set, containing all the different types of dice you'll need for your games of Necromunda – including D6s with the icon of House Cawdor on the 6...
2,360 руб
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Way-Brethren are the outriders of the Redemption’s wasteland crusades. Mounted on mechanical Ridge Walkers, these tireless pilgrims range ahead of the teeming masses of the faithful, blazing a trail between the shrines and holy sites of Necromunda's ash wastes for those that follow. Ridge...
6,150 руб
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Cinderak City has fallen, and the rebellious Lady Credo has dealt a significant blow against the Imperial House. Lady Haera Helmawr seeks to consolidate her damaged authority – but even as she sends hundreds of Enforcer patrols flooding into the depths of Hive Primus, a Redemptionist Crusade...
6,150 руб
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Commander Farsight may have his differences with the T'au Empire, but none dispute his status as one of the finest generals and warriors of their kind. Show your loyalty to this maverick with a set of stunning Farsight Enclaves dice, featuring a two-colour icon on the 6 face! This set includes...
4,350 руб
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At the end of a long and bloody road, the armies of the Farsight Enclaves stand poised to secure final victory over the Ork hordes. As Commander Farsight's audacious attack reaches a critical stage, an Ark of Omen and its attendant Balefleet erupt from the warp to shatter the balance of the...
6,750 руб
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Once noble warmachines, the Chaos Knights and their Fallen pilots are now a twisted shadow of their former selves. Sound the horns and unleash these harbingers of dread on the galaxy with this Chaos Knights-themed dice set. This set includes 15 six-sided, square-edged dice that measure 16mm...
4,350 руб
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The Imperial Knights are mighty warmachines, ridden to battle by Noble pilots sworn to defend the Imperium from aliens, traitors, and worse. Now you can proclaim your Noble heritage with this set of Imperial Knights-themed dice. This set includes 15 six-sided, square-edged dice that measure...
4,350 руб
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The hideously warped followers of the Genestealer Cults infest every corner of Imperial space, forever plotting to spread their fervent devotion and genetic taint. Such cults will even hijack spaceborne vessels and ancient, drifting space hulks in an effort to overthrow their oppressors,...
15,000 руб
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The daemonic servants of Khorne spill from the madness of the warp to corrupt and slaughter, seeking worthy prey on which to slake their endless rage. The confines of a voidborne vessel or ancient space hulk are no defence against their depredations – when Geller fields fail, entire hulls...
15,750 руб
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The Adeptus Mechanicus are the undisputed masters of Humanity's technological secrets – many of which date back thousands of years before the birth of the Imperium. The avaricious Tech-Priests will seize any opportunity to recover long-lost archeotech from the depths of a space hulk, assembling...
16,500 руб
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Vashtorr the Arkifane, lord of all soul forges, leads a horde of bloodthirsty Cultists, warpforged Chaos Space Marines, and arcane Daemon Engines in a grand assault against the Rock – the voidborne home of the Dark Angels Space Marines. For all Vashtorr's cunning and might, the Dark Angels...
25,500 руб
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Vashtorr the Arkifane, daemon demigod of the soul forges, has fixed his gaze upon the Rock. Somewhere deep within the spacefaring battle station and fortress-monastery of the Dark Angels lies a prize that the Arkifane will spend countless lives to seize. Gathering a terrifying Balefleet around...
6,750 руб
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Like the questing tendrils of some impossibly vast monster, the Tyranid hive fleets push deeper into the galaxy with every passing day. For every swarm destroyed by desperate defenders, another three drift into the light of beleaguered stars, ready to do battle. The Tyranids cannot be bought...
15,000 руб
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Strike Force Agastus makes planetfall. In the company of a Brutalis Dreadnought, squads of heavily armed Desolation Marines rain down volleys of explosive ordnance across the battlefield, guided by a skilled Primaris Lieutenant as they pulverise even the toughest of foes in the Emperor's name....
23,250 руб
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Captain of the White Consuls Chapter, Vitrian Messinius is a veteran warrior and one of Guilliman's most trusted advisors. His power fist is an ancient relic of masterful craft and rare potency, gifted to him by the Avenging Son himself for honourable service. Few are as loyal to the Imperial...
6,630 руб
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Aegis Defence Lines are barricades comprising crenellated armoured panels that link together in a solid shield-wall. Thanks to their simple design they can be built and deployed at great speed, and are thus ideal for establishing defensive perimeters before more permanent structures can be...
9,750 руб
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The ranks of the Astra Militarum feature countless regiments drawn from the planet of Cadia – or mustered in the gate world's fallen image. These born soldiers are held by many as the ideal Imperial troops – from freshly-conscripted cadets to seasoned Shock Troops and established Veterans, the...
4,200 руб
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Rough Riders are potent cavalry troops fielded by the Astra Militarum – the most famous of which are recruited from the steppes of Attila. Their combat skill and sheer mobility makes these horsemasters a powerful force, whether spearheading an attack or outflanking the foe. When the moment comes...
7,690 руб
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Commissars are ruthless officers embedded throughout the Astra Militarum, charged with maintaining the morale, discipline, and loyalty of their regiment. With the power to summarily execute any soldier found wanting in their duties, they are feared, brooding figures. A Commissar's devotion to...
4,730 руб
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Cadian Castellans are strategic senior officers, often formally ranked as Captains or Colonels. These authoritative leaders of the Astra Militarum's forces bear a panoply of armaments and insignia that mark their high office, wielding their array of weapons as skilfully as they command the...
4,730 руб
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19,500 руб
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Prepare your boarding patrols and kill teams to step into the labyrinthine passageways of an ancient space hulk with this set of textured and sculpted Citadel bases. These highly-detailed infantry bases are designed to perfectly match  Gallowdark  terrain sets and voidcraft-themed...
4,880 руб
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The xenos mercenaries known as Kroot roam the galaxy in kinbands – family-like clans who live, train, and fight as one. Make your kinband proud with this set of themed Kill Team dice. This set includes 20 six-sided dice measuring 16mm along each edge. They’re cast in an orange and grey...
4,730 руб
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In the hellish close confines of the space hulk  Gallowdark , elite kill teams stalk each other through haunted corridors. Millenia ago, an Imperial Inquisitor and a regiment of loyal Cadian Kasrkin recovered an ancient xenos artefact, but their ship was lost in the warp and fused with the...
5,250 руб
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After thousands of years in the warp, the space hulk  Gallowdark  has emerged into realspace. This colossal, moon-sized derelict is formed from the merged carcasses of countless drifting voidships, and its dark depths hold enormous wealth and terrifying dangers alike for those...
23,400 руб
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Hierotek Circles of the Necron dynasties operate in secret throughout the stars, cold-hearted coteries of android killers acting in service to obsessive Cryptek masters. These ancient Necron techno-sages are driven by ruthless paranoia and amoral curiosity, issuing missions to their underlings...
8,250 руб
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