The Horus Heresy

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Tactical Support Squads replace the utilitarian bolter of their comrades with more specialised weapons, enabling a Legiones Astartes strike force to act with even more versatility and engage a wider range of targets on its own terms. Each of the armaments used by Tactical Support Squads has its...
5,550 руб
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An Age of Darkness has descended upon the galaxy. Horus Lupercal, Warmaster of the Emperor's armies, has turned against his gene-father and sent the Imperium spiralling into bloody civil war. Of the eighteen great Space Marine Legions, finest of all humanity's soldiers, fully half have sided...
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В наличии
A warrior and an artist of great renown, Dominion Zephon's exemplary record was abruptly cut short when he was maimed by a xenos blade during the Great Crusade. No longer able to fight, Zephon solemnly accepted the dubious honour of representing the Blood Angels Legion as part of the Crusader...
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The sons of Dorn are famed for their loyalty, discipline, and methodical approach. In Fafnir Rann, those qualities are coupled with a ruthless and bellicose nature that pushed him to the forefront of the Imperial Fists. His combat prowess is not measured in the Legion’s duelling floors and...
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