The Horus Heresy

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Cerastus Knights are sophisticated and towering war-suits, far more agile than the smaller Questoris class. The Knight Castigator scythes down hordes of lesser foes that might otherwise overwhelm even a Knight through sheer numbers. Capable of obliterating infantry formations in a thunderous...
24,030 руб
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Cerastus Knights are sophisticated and towering war-suits, faster and more agile than the smaller Questoris class. The Knight Acheron is a fearsome sight on the battlefield, a reaper of lives designed not only to destroy, but also to inspire terror. The presence of a Knight Acheron warns the foe...
24,030 руб
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Cerastus Knights are sophisticated and towering war-suits, with speed and agility that far exceeds the lumbering Questoris-class. The Knight Lancer is the most widely-known variant of the Cerastus chassis, held in high esteem by more impetuous House scions. Its protective ion gauntlet and potent...
24,030 руб
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The Armiger Knight is a lighter, more agile cousin to the Questoris Knight, piloted by warriors from outside of the noble Houses, such as retainers and peons who have shown great valour in the service of a Questoris House. They excel at picking off threats from enemies beneath the notice of the...
15,110 руб
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The Knight Questoris is the most prominent variety of Knight Armour on the battlefields of the Horus Heresy, striding forth alongside the Legiones Astartes, Taghmata Omnissiah, and in the great armies of Knight Households. Such was its popularity amongst the noble scions of the Questoris...
29,220 руб
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The Vindicator is a dedicated siege tank, deployed by the Legiones Astartes to breach enemy fortifications and destroy the heaviest enemy vehicles. Slow, ponderous, but heavily armoured, these tanks rumble into range before unleashing a devastating salvo of demolisher shells or piercing bursts...
8,530 руб
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The Sicaran is among the most advanced of the armoured vehicles fielded by the Legiones Astartes, a fast-moving destroyer tank with a number of variants favoured throughout the Legions. The Sicaran Venator replaces the standard turret-mounted cannon with a powerful neutron laser that can slice...
10,080 руб
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The Cerberus is a rare variant of the Spartan chassis that uses its massive hull to mount a prototype neutron laser projector, as well as the sizable arc-reactors and radiation shielding needed to operate the weapon. The neutron laser is poorly understood by the adepts of the Mechanicum, but...
13,950 руб
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The Typhon is named for the ‘Great Beast’ of Terran myth, and lives up to its namesake in sheer brutal strength. Sharing a basic chassis with the Spartan Assault Tank, this heavy tank serves as a mobile gun-platform with enough power to operate a single massive piece of siege artillery – the...
13,950 руб
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Rugged and well-suited to high-intensity operations, the Scorpius missile tank is favoured across the Legiones Astartes as a source of manoeuvrable artillery support. Often collectively referred to as 'Whirlwinds', tanks mounted with multi-missile launcher systems are a vital part of any...
8,530 руб
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Tactical Squads are the mainstay of the Space Marine Legions, highly versatile infantry units that can attack or defend at will, assault heavily fortified positions, and take and hold strategic objectives – or simply slaughter the enemy – in almost any terrain or situation. All 18 Legions make...
9,690 руб
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Outside the loyalist Space Marine Legions and the Cult Mechanicum, the Emperor wields forces which are loyal only to him. The Legio Custodes guard the Emperor's person, while the Sisters of Silence stand watch over the Black Ships. The Solar Auxilia are the elite spearhead of the Imperial Army,...
7,940 руб
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The Predator is perhaps the best known and most widespread variant of the basic Rhino chassis, equipped with superior armour protection and firepower, but sacrificing the Rhino’s troop transport capacity entirely. The Predator Support Tank is designed to field a wide variety of armament...
8,530 руб
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The Land Raider is regarded by many as the finest armoured fighting vehicle of its class in the Imperium’s arsenal, and is the mainstay battle tank of the Space Marine Legions. It is a phenomenally powerful war machine, its multi-layered composite armour and reinforced hull all but impervious to...
10,850 руб
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The battles of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy are rife with swift Reactions, mighty Warlords, and forbidden Psychic Powers. This handy deck of reference cards makes it easy to keep track of new rules and mechanics, so you can focus on your strategy. These cards will ensure you can take full...
2,440 руб
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Heavy Support Squads provide the Legiones Astartes with mobile, infantry-portable firepower sufficient to bring down hordes of enemy troops or smash armoured vehicles apart with withering hails of fire, combining devastating armaments with all the flexibility of a footsoldier. Volkite culverins...
5,740 руб
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Heavy Support Squads provide the Legiones Astartes with mobile, infantry-portable firepower sufficient to bring down hordes of enemy troops or smash armoured vehicles apart with withering hails of fire, combining devastating armaments with all the flexibility of a footsoldier. Heavy flamers...
5,740 руб
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The Predator is perhaps the best known and most widespread variant of the basic Rhino chassis. Augmented with superior armour and firepower, it entirely sacrifices the Rhino’s troop transport capacity in favour of ammunition and generators for its formidable weapon systems. The result is an...
8,530 руб
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Heavily-armed and impressively armoured, the Leviathan Siege Dreadnought is an alternative development of the highly successful Contemptor design. These rare and mighty engines are prized by Astartes commanders, recognised as savagely powerful siege and hunter-killer units capable of bearing...
4,530 руб
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Heavily-armed and impressively armoured, the Leviathan Siege Dreadnought is an alternative development of the highly successful Contemptor design. These rare and mighty engines are prized by Astartes commanders, recognised as savagely powerful siege and hunter-killer units capable of bearing...
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