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The Angel’s Tears serve the Blood Angels in place of the more common Destroyers of other Legions. They take to the field of war only at the direct command of Sanguinius himself, serving as his agents on those rare occasions when the Great Angel deems an enemy worthy only of annihilation....
14,140 руб
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The Dark Angels were the first of the Emperor's Space Marine Legions, and in their earliest incarnation they fought as the personal army of the Master of Humanity. Unyielding, technologically capable, ruthless and insular, the Dark Angels was a powerful and highly independent legion at the...
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The Emperor's Children have always strived to be exemplars above all others in the arts of war – paragons of martial virtue and excellence, scorning those who did not meet their own, perhaps unattainable, standards. This led them to seek perfection in war as a fluid, lightning-quick force whose...
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A bolt of lightning in clear skies, a sudden gale from an unexpected quarter – the White Scars are war's sudden and merciless onslaught. Swift action alongside a joy for the rush of combat and clash of blades are the hallmarks of their battles, tempered by a quiet, hidden wisdom that few...
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Even on a world as violent as Necromunda, the crimes of the Eightfold Harvest Lord have turned the stomachs of hardened Enforcers and jaded Guilders. Its arrival always precedes the spreading of starvation, madness and cannibalism throughout the underhive. Wrapped in fluttering strips of human...
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The fast and heavily armed Sabre can be equipped with a range of weaponry, allowing it to take on any threat that presents itself. The standard weapon of the Sabre Strike Tank, the Snub Autocannon is a versatile weapon, able to take out both infantry and medium armour. This highly detailed...
3,800 руб
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The fast and heavily armed Sabre can be equipped with a range of weaponry, allowing it to take on any threat that presents itself. Turn your Sabre Strike Tank into a devastating anti-armour machine with a Neutron Blaster. This highly detailed resin kit makes one Neutron Blaster,...
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The fast and heavily armed Sabre can be equipped with a range of weaponry, allowing it to take on any threat that presents itself. Turn your Sabre Strike Tank into a lethal anti-infantry machine with the Volkite Saker, a weapon that explosively turns organic matter into ash and flame....
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Fast, rugged and heavily armed, the Sabre serves the Space Marines as a strike tank, attacking key enemy targets and destroying them long before they can pose a threat. The speed of these vehicles allows them to evade any counter-attack and reform to strike at the vulnerable flanks of the enemy...
14,630 руб
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Even within a Legion whose skills in the arts of orbital strike and shock assault are legendary, the Dawnbreaker Cohorts stand apart. Chosen from amongst the most experience and daring of the Legion's assault squads, they have one purpose in battle, to sunder the enemy's lines and tear the...
15,800 руб
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Warlord Battle Titans stride over the battlefields of the Imperium, their thunderous tread heralding the destruction of the enemies of Mankind. A mainstay of the Collegia Titanica, Warlord Battle Titans are among the largest and most powerful war machines ever devised by the Mechanicum. Paired...
4,880 руб
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Warlord Battle Titans stride over the battlefields of the Imperium, their thunderous tread heralding the destruction of the enemies of Mankind. A mainstay of the Collegia Titanica, Warlord Battle Titans are among the largest and most powerful war machines ever devised by the Mechanicum. The...
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Warlord Battle Titans stride over the battlefields of the Imperium, their thunderous tread heralding the destruction of the enemies of Mankind. A mainstay of the Collegia Titanica, Warlord Battle Titans are among the largest and most powerful war machines ever devised by the Mechanicum. Equip...
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Lay waste to large enemy units with the Volkite Falconet Battery. With the application of extreme heat it causes the flesh of its targets to explosively burst into ash and flame, laying waste to enemy hordes. This highly detailed 10-part resin kit builds two seperate Volkite Falconet...
5,850 руб
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urn your Deredeo Dreadnought into the ideal anti-aircraft platform with the Boreas Air Defence Missiles. They can target a separate unit from the Deredeo's main weapons and can even ignore intervening obstacles if the enemy is outside the bearer's line of sight. This highly detailed...
4,680 руб
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Created in limited numbers in the latter days of the Great Crusade, the Leviathan Pattern Siege Dreadnought was developed in secret on Terra, away from the pervasive oculars of the Mechanicum. Its massive frame incorporates hybridised technologies, some dating back into the dim past of...
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Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Space Marine Legions, second only to the god-like Primarchs in martial skill and generalship. This is just as true in the I Legion, where these lords of the Imperium hold the power of life and death over whole worlds. This...
6,730 руб
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With few heavy tanks capable of keeping pace with the more fleet Brotherhood’s bike-mounted warriors, the White Scars turned to the Kyzagan Assault Speeder to provide them with a mobile yet hard-hitting support vehicle. Such agile craft were in high demand among the White Scars, as they...
18,140 руб
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The vulcan mega-bolter is the largest variant of the trusty boltgun weaponry used across the Imperium. It consists of twin-linked weapons, each with five barrels and capable of loosing 300 high-calibre explosive rounds per second. While these shells aren't powerful enough to penetrate Titan...
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The crushing force projected by a graviton pulsar is capable of crumpling power armour or ripping the treads from a tank. While able to cause great destruction, such weapons are more often employed to disable and impede rather than destroy, fired to halt the advance of war machines so that...
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