Age of Sigmar

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Freeguild Fusiliers are disciplined gunners, trained to plant their heavy pavise shields in the ground and form a defensive line that is effectively a fortress battlement brought to the field. From this position, ranked Fusiliers can unleash continuous volleys of fire, their sturdy fusil-cannons...
7,360 руб
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Belthanos, the First Thorn of Kurnoth, leads the eternal hunt that keeps his master’s spirit in bloom. Cloaked in evergreen and riding atop a Carnelian Greatspite made of pure life magic, he chases down those who would harm Ghyran so that his howling Revenant Seeker and Kurnoth Hunter followers...
19,380 руб

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Ionus Cryptborn is a living legend who descends like a silent shadow over the most beleaguered battlefields on the back of his terrifying Draconith, Cthorak. Accompanying him into battle are his Stormwing – a pair of mighty Stormdrake Guard who ride their own impressive Draconith mounts. When a...
20,150 руб
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From scions of the Dark Gods to marauding orruk warlords, threats to Sigmar’s people lurk in every corner of the realms. Neave Blacktalon, the God-King’s foremost assassin, is tasked with puting down these fell champions. In battle, Neave travels upon winds of magic to unleash storms of...
9,690 руб
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The Twin-Tailed Crusade continues to wind its way across the realms, but there are many who wish to see it fall. As the Aqshian expedition flees the ruins of Trucebreak, its soldiers find themselves hemmed in on all sides. The Goretide, legendary warriors of Khorne, have returned to the Great...
6,360 руб
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Ironweld Great Cannons are massive artillery pieces, which act as the roaring bastions of a Castelite formation. Protected by thick oaken gun-shields affixed to the cannon's fore, the crew tirelessly load, fire, and reload their weapon to ensure a relentless barrage of firepower upon the enemy....
6,820 руб
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Freeguild Steelhelms are the rank and file defenders of the Cities of Sigmar, and the determined heart of the Dawnbringer Crusades – ordinary men and women, tasked with battling all manner of nightmares. These weatherbeaten soldiers may be individually outmatched by the myriad threats arrayed...
6,820 руб

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The battlefield shakes under the heavy hooves of the Freeguild Cavaliers as they make their charge. No idle jousters these – theirs is a war of grinding, brutal attrition where man and steed alike are expected to fight for hours at a time without rest. This multipart plastic kit builds five...
8,530 руб
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Fusil-Majors borne into battle by Ogor Warhulks forming the mobile watchtowers of a Castelite formation, using their lumbering vantage points to spy weaknesses in the enemy line and direct the fire of friendly forces. The obvious threat posed by a massive ogor carrier is usually enough to make...
6,820 руб
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Freeguild Command Corps are groups of experts, champions, and other aides-de-camp, called upon by their Freeguild Marshal to offer battlefield advice and assistance. These specialist soldiers range from towering Arch-Knight champions to priestly Soul Shepherds, from vital War Surgeons to...
6,820 руб
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Freeguild Cavalier-Marshals command their Free City's forces from horseback, and are nigh-unstoppable on the charge. They galloping hard into the enemy, seeking the perfect moment to collapse their battleline in a single decisive attack. Though they often carry the weight of a Dawnbringer...
7,360 руб
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Pontifex Zenestra is the revered leader of the Cult of the Wheel – one of the more influential Sigmarite faiths found throughout the Free Cities. As the Matriarch gives her inspiring battlefield sermons, the raw celestial power of the God-King crackles out from her sacred palanquin to incinerate...
8,530 руб
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First Marshal Tahlia Vedra, named the Lioness of the Parch by her loyal soldiers, is the foremost tactical mind of Hammerhal Aqsha, and an inspiration to Dawnbringer Crusades across the Mortal Realms. Once a skilled mercenary warrior, Tahlia rose up the ranks of the Freeguild through quick...
19,380 руб
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The Cities of Sigmar are embattled metropolises founded by free mortals across every one of the realms. These disparate alliances of humans, duardin, aelves, and even ogors battle not only to survive, but to muster grand expeditions and establish new strongholds in Sigmar’s name. They fight with...
6,590 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 25.02.2025

Devastating earthquakes have rived the Gnarlwood, and now something stirs deep below the forest’s surface. These tremors have wrought terrible damage across the Sundered Scales. Still, they have also uncovered many strange relics – some of Seraphon origin and others of an even more mysterious...
13,950 руб
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Vulkyn Flameseekers are master beast-tamers who worship the Ur-Salamander, Vulcatrix. These fiery duardin zealots scour the realms for Magmadroth eggs and traces of sacred fire, striking out into the wilderness for months at a time, wielding fyresteel weapons that can excavate hardened rock as...
7,360 руб
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Kruleboyz Monsta-killaz are sadistic, underhanded hunters from the Beast-breaka tribes. Masters of the sudden ambush and the devious ruse, these orruks eagerly employ every kunnin’ trick in the book to capture their quarry and defeat those who would stand in their way. This multipart plastic...
7,360 руб
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The Gnarlwood has been riven by a series of devastating earthquakes, as something stirs deep below the forest’s surface. These tremors have wrought terrible damage across the Sundered Scales, but they have also unearthed many strange relics – and drawn in Gorger Mawpacks of feral ogors, who hope...
17,050 руб
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The ice-coated tunnels of Deathgorge contain untold treasures frozen within their walls. Brave the Everwinter's curse and battle rival warbands to claim them! The ultimate competitive miniatures game brings the action to the frozen continent of Bjarl, in the Warhammer Underworlds: Deathgorge...
12,400 руб
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Exsanguinate your opponents on every turn with this Vampire Team Dice Set, decorated with blood-red swirls and bronze-coloured ink. Each six-sided dice in this set features the winged skull symbol of the Vampire Team in place of the 6 pips, so you can put the frighteners up your opposition....
3,170 руб
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