Age of Sigmar

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Saurus Astrolith Bearers are warriors marked by destiny, spawned with a natural instinct for tracking down and unearthing the relics of lost gods. The astroliths they carry are conduits for the power of Azyr, coiling serpentine totems enveloping a floating orb of celestite. Seraphon in the...
5,250 руб
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Scar-Veterans are champions among the Seraphon, marked for command by battle-tested skill and sheer ferocity. Many Scar-Veterans choose to fight from atop a savage, blood-frenzied aggradon, the better to traverse the battlefield and carve through enemy ranks. These swift-moving champions excel...
7,130 руб
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Skink Starseers sit at the apex of the skink priesthood, festooned with astromantic tools that aid them in deciphering the portents of the heavens. Starseers are the most puissant Seraphon wizards after the Slann Starmasters themselves, with celestial blessings that allow them to gaze into the...
7,130 руб
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Slann Starmasters are amongst the greatest wizards in all the realms, ancient beings created to serve the unfathomable Old Ones. It is their cold and distant intellect that guides the Seraphon to carry out the Great Plan, deciphered from glimpses of a grand cosmic equation. A Starmaster may...
10,500 руб
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The Seraphon strive tirelessly to advance the Great Plan of the Old Ones, returning true order and balance to realms tainted by the Ruinous Powers. Guided by ancient amphibian mages who shape reality itself with unfathomable magics, their armies see cold-blooded saurians and ferocious reptilian...
6,380 руб
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The Claws of Karanak venerate the Flesh Hounds of Khorne, becoming bloodthirsty hunters who pursue craven prey in the Blood God's name. These predator-cults fight like packs of wild animals, taking on the aspect of daemonic beasts as they hack foes to shreds in horrific displays of brutality....
7,690 руб
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The Askurgan Trueblades are an order of vampiric warrior-monks who seek to master their bloody curse. Dedicated to self-discipline and martial excellence, these Soulblight vampires seek out the mightiest beasts across the realms to test their skills and slake their thirst – for Askurgans disdain...
7,690 руб
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In the terrible and voracious depths of the Gnarlwood, warbands battle over ancient Realmshaper Engines – strange stone ziggurats that imbue the forest with cosmic energies. To meddle with these arcane constructs could unleash catastrophe far beyond the Ravening Ruin, but the deranged ghouls of...
21,750 руб
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Magic courses through the root-lined halls of the Wyrdhollow, deep beneath the carnivorous Gnarlwood forest. The hellish creatures that make up Ephilim's Pandaemonium seek to harness these arcane energies, and only Domitan's Stormcoven of knightly war-mages stands in their way. Fight through the...
12,000 руб
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Maneaters are swaggering ogor mercenaries who have travelled the realms, killing, eating, and looting from all manner of foes. Wielding a variety of esoteric weapons stolen from distant lands, they cut an imposing sight as they carve their way across the battlefield. This multipart resin kit...
15,600 руб
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When the earth shakes to the thunder of Mega-Gargant footfalls, their lesser brethren muster for war. Still gigantic by the standards of mere mortals, Mancrusher Gargants are inspired to overwhelming and violent purpose by their towering brethren, transformed from aimless nomads and indulgent...
10,730 руб
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Pay homage to your noble vampire bloodline with a set of grim Soulblight Gravelords-themed dice. These dice are cast in jet black with blood-red markings, featuring the blood dragon motif of the Soulblight Gravelords in place of the 6. Contents: – 20x 16mm round-cornered black dice with...
4,880 руб
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The Reptilian Children of The Old Ones Have Descended to Destroy Chaos The Seraphon strive tirelessly to advance the Great Plan of the Old Ones, returning true order and balance to realms tainted by the Dark Gods. Guided by ancient amphibian mages who shape reality itself with their magics, the...
25,500 руб
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The Ossiarch Bonereapers are masters of war, disciplined legions of bone-constructs who slaughter the living with clinical efficiency. Created to serve as the foremost warriors of Nagash, tyrannical god of the dead, they are creatures of magically sculpted bone and cruelly spliced souls,...
6,380 руб
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The Soulblight Gravelords march to war with swarming undead hordes under the command of immortal vampires. They desire nothing less than the subjugation of all living creatures in the Mortal Realms – and this set of handy cards will help them achieve it. You’ll find warscrolls for each and every...
4,350 руб
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The vampiric nobles of the Soulblight Gravelords build deathly empires to serve their every desire, enthralling mortals and raising the dead to fight wars of conquest. These immortal aristocrats constantly push to expand their holdings, for they will never be satisfied until the Mortal Realms...
16,500 руб
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Wight Kings are ancient rulers, resurrected by foul necromantic magic. Some of these Deathrattle monarchs take to battle atop ancient skeletal steeds, clad in rusted barding. These mounted warrior-lords typically ride at the very forefront of the undead advance, stampeding the enemy into dust...
5,100 руб
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Ivya Volga is a loner amongst the Vyrkos dynasty, spurning the company of her vampiric kin in favour of her loyal swarm of bat familiars. She ranges far and wide across the realms, testing her strength against the most ferocious creatures she can find and feasting on their magic-infused blood....
4,730 руб
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The elite legions of Nagash, known as Ossiarch Bonereapers, are crafted from the fused remains and souls of the slain, rendered unto the Great Necromancer upon death. This set of essential cards will aid you in claiming the bone-tithe, with warscroll cards for every nightmarish unit, Endless...
4,350 руб
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The Ossiarch Bonereapers are one of the Great Necromancer Nagash’s greatest achievements – an elite army of soldiers, crafted from the bones and souls of the dead. These terrible constructs are efficient, loyal, and inexorable, and they grow stronger with every enemy army they defeat,...
16,500 руб
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