Protectorate of Menoth

По цене

Протекторат Менот

Верные послушники Создателя Людей, Мениты работают вместе что бы победить самых сильных оппонентов, не позволяя ни чему встать у себя на пути. Поодиночке слабее, они более чем любая другая фракция ценят синергию и сплочённость и этим создают безудержную силу. Каждый падший в битве Менит лишь вдохновляет своих соратников сражаться еще доблестней до тех пор пока все Железные Королевства не покорятся Закону Менота

Протекторат в ближнем бою. Благословенны дешевыми и эффективными войсками, Протекторат получил смесь быстрых защитников и сильных Рыцарей. Более того, при поддержке Choir их ворджеки бьются с яростью не виданной у других.

Протекторат в дальнем бою предпочитает количество качеству и с упором на зональный обстрел, а не на точность. Протекторат не выбирает цель - за него это делает вера. Кому нужен прицел, если фанатичные войска сами жаждут мученичества и не обращают внимания на выстрелы, даже на свои.

Магия Протектората. Заклинания Протектората сосредоточены на защите и улучшении собственной армии. Они укрывают от магии и могут воздать божественную кару тем кто дерзнет напасть на такой отряд. В наступлении их благословения воодушевляют священные войска в то время как на врага обрушивается священный огонь. Некоторые воркастеры могут даже собирать жизненные силы павших войск что б нанести еще одну последнюю атаку по врагу

Ворджеки Протектората. Тяжелые ворджеки протектората имеют среднюю броню и относительно медлительны. Однако их легкие ворджеки определенно лучшие в игре. Они служат многим ролям от проводников магии до телохранителей воркастера. Хотя ворджеки Протектората могут казаться посредственными Choir может сделать их намного сильнее и защитить от дальних атак и магии.

PIP 32124
Privateer Press Warmachine Protectorate: Exemplar Warder Elias Gade Solo A decorated war hero of the Exemplar errants, Warder Elias Gade leads his team of pious knights on crucial missions into enemy territory. Operating far from the Protectorate of Menoth, Gade relies on a lifetime...
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PIP 32034
Великий Экземплар Креосс (Grand Exemplar Kreoss - Epic Protectorate Warcaster) - брат любому, кто держит оружие во славу Менота! И мертвых, и живых, и нерождённых видит он с высоты своего положения в иерархии Protectorate of Menoth – и нет такого, кто избежал бы его сурового взгляда. Каждая...
2,560 руб
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PIP 32040
Once a woman of naked ambition, Feora has been humbled and exalted by travails in the besieged city of Sul. She has rallied her followers in the defense of sacred sites and leads them to feats of bravery and sacrifice as they fight to forestall Cygnar's invasion. Filled with righteous power,...
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Великий Инспектор Севериус (Grand Scrutator Severius - Protectorate Warcaster) уже давно расстался не только с пламенем юности – но и с силой зрелости. Глубокий старик, на закате своей жизни достигший высот в иерархии Protectorate of Menoth, Севериус не стремиться демонстрировать свою верность...
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PIP 32081
The primary function of the Revenger is to channel a warcaster’s divine power, which protects the faithful and consumes heretics in the cleansing fires of Menoth’s wrath. These warjacks are critical to the Lawgiver’s crusades, and their armament is designed to keep the Revenger...
2,700 руб
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2,700 руб
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PIP 32024
2,840 руб
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PIP 32033
Убеждающий Menoth (Testament of Menoth - Protectorate Epic High Reclaimer Warcaster) сам решает, кому жить, и кому умирать под небом Menoth. Его таланты чудовищны, он преступил сотни запретов в своих изысканиях – но Menoth простит это своенравное чадо, ведь никто не принес Protectorate...
2,840 руб
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Each 2016 Faction Deck contains updated and redesigned stat cards for every model released before June 1, 2016 for the new edition of the WARMACHINE tabletop miniatures game. FEATURES: The Faction Decks contain cards for all of a player’s faction’s miniatures that were released before June 1,...
2,840 руб
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Resin and Metal
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PIP 32096
The unwavering Temple Flameguard comprises the Protectorate of Menoth’s much-vaunted last line of defense. This blazing tide of devoted warriors washes over their foes, swiftly striking down those who dare to oppose the divine will of the Creator.
3,180 руб
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PIP 32049
Severius' voice has always resonated with sacred power, and he demonstrates a strength and surety that belies his age. Those who attend him can see and hear the power of unchecked divinity conveyed through his words and deeds. He has vowed to make it his life's work to unite the Menites of...
3,410 руб
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PIP 32066
Ranking errants, veterans of countless crusades and incursions are chosen to lead their brother-knights in their battles abroad. Pure in heart and thought, they are trusted to carry out their holy mission no matter the bloody price. Accompanied by the battle standard of the Order of Exemplar,...
3,550 руб
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PIP Code 32103
Anson Durst is the rock on which the enemies of the Protectorate break, a bulwark to the faithful who weathers tides of violence to keep blameless Menites safe. He earned his epithet fighting alongside the theocracy’s defenders to repel wave after wave of invading soldiers. Countless times he...
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PIP 32110
релиз 24 мая Faith alone is insufficient to protect the faithful. Thus, the Devout was built to guard the Protectorate’s leaders from heretics and engraved with holy inscriptions to protect its controller from accursed magic. The Dervish, on the other hand, is a divinely inspired weapon...
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Cinerator officers lead their brethren knights to the sound of ceaseless praise to the Creator of Man. These prayers are drawn from passages of the Litany of Fire, which extorts the faithful to shun impure acts and can itself unravel the spells of enemy sorcerers. These cinerators urge their...
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PIP 32056
Visgoth Rhoven’s leadership and prayers both support and inspire the faithful around him as he presses the attack against the enemies of Menoth. His tireless honor guard accompany him everywhere. These veteran exemplars bear consecrated halberds and rarely take to the battlefield, but the stakes...
3,830 руб
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PIP 32022
4,260 руб
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PIP 32053
Blessing of Vengeance has served for three decades as a direct conduit for the divine prayers of destruction and conversion. Zealots whisper that this 'jack can see straight into men’s souls. The eyes of this 'jack glow with fervor when it beholds enemies blasted to ash or lit afire by the holy...
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4,260 руб
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PIP 32087
4,540 руб
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PIP 32046
The Daughters are virtually all widows of fallen Menite soldiers. Possessing peerless grace, they become blurs of fluid motion in battle as they strike with synchronized precision. Their origins shrouded in mystery, the Daughters of the Flame have become a surgical tool for removing threats to...
4,690 руб
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PIP 32035
4,970 руб
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4,970 руб
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PIP 32061_c
4,970 руб
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PIP 32061_v
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PIP 32070_c
The Reckoner was heralded as the first warjack entirely of Menite design. It lights the way for the faithful with its cannon as it charges across the battlefield and then smashes anything still standing with its club. Based on the same design, the Castigator brings Menoth’s Fury to its...
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PIP 32070_r
The Reckoner was heralded as the first warjack entirely of Menite design. It lights the way for the faithful with its cannon as it charges across the battlefield and then smashes anything still standing with its club. Based on the same design, the Castigator brings Menoth’s Fury to its...
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PIP 32070_s
The Reckoner was heralded as the first warjack entirely of Menite design. It lights the way for the faithful with its cannon as it charges across the battlefield and then smashes anything still standing with its club. Based on the same design, the Castigator brings Menoth’s Fury to its...
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PIP 32082
United by shared faith and a deep fraternal bond, the Knights Exemplar are the embodiment of absolute obedience and are ready and eager to shed blood in Menoth’s name. For each brother who falls in battle, his comrades are invigorated by his sacrifice and become ever more resolute and...
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PIP 32089
Bestowed the ancient title of Intercessor reserved for the faith’s greatest champion, Mikael Kreoss has complete authority over the Protectorate’s armies and speaks with the voice of Hierarch Severius himself. Intercessor Kreoss leads his men from atop his great steed alongside a...
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PIP 1084
FEATURES: Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command is the first WARMACHINE Force book for the new edition, and it provides the foundation every Protectorate player needs. It features a complete listing of all current warcasters and warjacks released to date, in addition to two new...
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PIP 32126
This is the newest version of the Protectorate warcaster Feora featured in Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command . FEATURES: The latest incarnation of this player-favorite warcaster, Feora, the Conquering Flame excels at bringing the flames of the Creator straight to her...
4,970 руб
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PIP 32031
Предвестник Menoth (Harbinger of Menoth - Protectorate Warcaster) – могущественная заклинательница, в которой живет негасимая частица души самого Menoth. Нет битвы, в которой Предвестник будет вынуждена забыть о своем даре – и в атаке, и в обороне ее чары дарят верным детям Menoth великие...
5,400 руб
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PIP 32054
The epitome of his order, High Exemplar Sarvan Gravus shirks from no order, no matter how bloody, and has shattered the weak flesh of Devourer worshipers, Cygnaran soldiers, and every other enemy of his faith. Men decades his junior struggle to match his energy as Gravus rides with his Venger...
5,400 руб
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WARMACHINE Battlegroup Starter Boxes are the ideal way to get started collecting a WARMACHINE Army. FEATURES: For veteran players, each box contains a brand new, exclusive warcaster. For new players, each box contains a core rules digest, an in-depth tutorial, and a full battlegroup—everything...
5,680 руб
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PIP 32128
Champions of the Order of the Wall inspire their fellow paladins to push past their limits even as they ride down enemies of the faith. Hails of gunfire rebound harmlessly off the heavy shields of these master horsemen as they charge across the field, utterly decimating anything unlucky...
5,680 руб
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Menoth is known by many names—the Lawgiver, the Lawbringer, the Creator of Man, the Hunter of the Wurm, Wallmaker, the Masked Giant. In the last few decades, Menoth has returned in force to Immoren, revealing his anger over neglect and igniting the fires of zealotry. Now Menoth has sent...
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PIP 32059
Emboldened from the wounds inflicted by the impure, Exemplar Cinerators move ahead of their brothers in arms, the Bastions, to breach enemy ranks with flame and steel. Cinerators channel the agony of their wounds into holy rage and are armed with ancient blades and shields passed down from...
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PIP 32101
6,390 руб
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PIP 1085
FEATURES: Forces of WARMACHINE: Protectorate of Menoth Command is the first WARMACHINE Force book for the new edition, and it provides the foundation every Protectorate player needs. It features a complete listing of all current warcasters and warjacks released to date, in addition to two new...
6,390 руб
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PIP 32062
Да сокрушит ваш гнев еретиков и неверных! Божественная сила в полной мере воплощена в этой беттлгруппе Protectorate of Menoth (Protectorate of Menoth Battlegroup), и возглавляет ее несокрушимую мощь никто иной, как Варкастер Высший Экземплар Креосс (Warcaster High Kreoss Exemplar)....
7,100 руб
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PIP 32088
7,100 руб
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PIP 32095
In years when the Protectorate pretended not to possess a standing army, no able-bodied Menite would refuse a call to arms, and the faithful continue to join the crusade even now that the need for secrecy has passed. Armed with their unshakable belief and devastating firebombs, these holy...
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PIP 32100
Brave citizen-soldiers of the Protectorate, deliverers fire their deadly Skyhammer rockets in coordinated volleys. The shrapnel-filled explosions that ensue indiscriminately shred troop formations, punishing non-believers with the hand of judgment.
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PIP 32052
Those who have stood before this aureate Crusader say its eyes carry a weight of presence more akin to a zealot than a soulless construct. Those who have fought alongside this peerless machine describe its dedication and loyalty as if speaking of another soldier of the faith. Its fervent wrath...
7,380 руб
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PIP 32071
8,520 руб
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A sanctified instrument of divine wrath, the Avatar of Menoth is a warjack guided by the Creator’s will alone. In its right hand the Avatar wields a Sulese blade named Burning Wrath that is wreathed with holy flames. In its left hand it bears the Divine Shield, consecrated to turn away blades,...
9,230 руб
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PIP 32097
Model Count: 10 SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 32097 contains the same Mk II stat card as PIP 32029. The models in this box represent the same figures in the game. PIP 32097 replaces PIP 32029 and PIP 32030 by offering their contents in a complete unit. The replaced PIPs will no longer be available from...
10,650 руб
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PIP 32099
Perhaps no man so perfectly expresses the spirit of the Great Crusade as Servath Reznik, a living weapon of his faith. For Reznik the world is a crucible of flame, and humanity stands at the precipice of annihilation. He is a furious legacy of the ancient world, a pitiless instrument of...
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PIP 32093
The powerful and relentless Exemplar vengers stand among the deadliest warriors of the Protectorate. They ride into battle on war-bred Idrian stallions to disintegrate enemy lines with their lances before drawing blades to finish any left standing. Vengers are fueled by their faith, and their...
12,780 руб
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PIP 32108
The consecrated colossals of the Protectorate of Menoth are towering masterpieces of faith and war. The Revelator strips away the obscuring magic of profane casters and scorches the earth to leave nothing but ashes behind, while the Judicator fills the sky with screaming rockets to rain...
15,620 руб
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PIP 32050
The Judicator channels Menoth's wrath by delivering the punishment of fire unto heathens. It can unleash withering barrages of rockets while bathing the unfaithful in great gouts of holy flame. Its cortex is linked to a blessed reliquary containing the interred remains of an honored priest...
19,170 руб
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