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PIP 33055
The posture of the hulking Juggernaut called Beast - 09 conveys animal menace, and its frame quivers with the raw power of its oversized boilers. When it breaks through the trees with the splintered crack of exploded timber, its prey already knows that a monster approaches. The 'jack only...
9,630 руб
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PIP 33056
All Berserkers have the roughened look of decades of service, but Drago stands out even among such company. While it has a cortex as old and unstable as any Berserker's, the passing of long years has removed many of the limited restraints that once held the machine back in battle. Mechaniks keep...
7,000 руб
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PIP 33057
No Doom Reaver can match the horror of Fenris. He rides to war atop a nightmarish steed wielding a pair of fellblades and spurs other Doom Reavers to even greater acts of savagery. Few men have the courage to stand before this terror, and trophies from those who try now decorate Fenris' belt....
7,880 руб
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PIP 33058
Some men are simply too dangerous to let live, or at least to let free. A hunter of nearly inhuman skill from the north of Khador, Yuri has left a staggering trail of bodies behind him. The leaders of Khador have played on Yuri's patriotism and offered him amnesty in exchange for turning his...
2,630 руб
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PIP 33059
Comprised of Kapitan Joreslev Volkov, Lieutenant Moskor Kolsk and Sergeant Kartov Yarovich, the Greatbears of the Gallowswood are the last three survivors of a now legendary iron fang company. The Greatbears have fought in nearly every major battle and border skirmish for the last fifteen years,...
6,650 руб
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PIP 33062
Grim masters of elemental cold, the icy stares of the Koldun Lords seem almost to freeze the blood of those they gaze upon. Koldun Lords often obscure themselves and the warjacks under their control in a mist filled with churning snow and capable of freezing solid any foolish enough to approach...
2,280 руб
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PIP 33098
The kayazy, merchant-princes of the new Khadoran Empire, have long employed bands of skilled and ruthless bladesmen to settle scores. Now these private soldiers go south to protect their masters' investment in the war. With a swift dueling style honed on the pitiless streets, these casual...
8,750 руб
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PIP 32062
Да сокрушит ваш гнев еретиков и неверных! Божественная сила в полной мере воплощена в этой беттлгруппе Protectorate of Menoth (Protectorate of Menoth Battlegroup), и возглавляет ее несокрушимую мощь никто иной, как Варкастер Высший Экземплар Креосс (Warcaster High Kreoss Exemplar)....
8,750 руб
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PIP 32001
Великий Инспектор Севериус (Grand Scrutator Severius - Protectorate Warcaster) уже давно расстался не только с пламенем юности – но и с силой зрелости. Глубокий старик, на закате своей жизни достигший высот в иерархии Protectorate of Menoth, Севериус не стремиться демонстрировать свою верность...
2,280 руб
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PIP 32002
1,300 руб
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PIP 32003
700 руб
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PIP 32004
Wielding a halberd and the impenetrable Repulser shield, the Revenger is also equipped with a spell- channeling arc node, making it effective in close combat or providing magical support across the battlefield.
800 руб
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pip 32006
400 руб
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PIP 32007
1,300 руб
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PIP 32008
800 руб
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2,100 руб
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PIP 32017
1,800 руб
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PIP 32019
950 руб
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PIP 32020
Великий Экземплар Креосс (High Exemplar Kreoss – Protectorate Warcaster) предпочитает лично сражаться с врагами, ведь лишь так он может сохранить жизни своих бойцов во имя Менота. Он способен на великие свершения во имя веры и Протектората, а жуткий боевой цеп в его руке отправляет еретиков и...
2,100 руб
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PIP 32022
5,250 руб
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