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PIP 35047
The Retribution of Scyrah has no greater champion than Vyros of House Nyarr. The leader of the Dawnguard rides to war astride his powerful warhorse Solarys, his hunting hawk circling overhead. Through her eyes he sees the battlefield unobstructed, allowing Vyros to direct his army rapidly to...
5,400 руб
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PIP 32090
Such is the power of faith in an Exemplar bastion seneschal that his presence allows brother bastions to endure impossible punishment while firmly holding the line against the Creator’s enemies. Exemplar bastion seneschals are uniquely entrusted with the command of the Protectorate’s warjacks in...
3,550 руб
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PIP 31101
Armed with the mighty nexus blade, the Stormblade infantry captain is a fearsome warrior and peerless leader. A master of the storm knight's tactics, the captain drills his men until they can perform unstoppable charges and precisely maneuver through and around their peers.
2,270 руб
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PIP 33091
Veteran Iron Fangs are brutal and skilled personal combatants. They move between regiments and units coordinating the assaults of subordinate Iron Fangs, lend their tactical prowess where needed, and stand ready to support their brothers with great axe and warjack.
2,700 руб
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PIP 41094
The raw might of a naval ironhull now walks the lands as the Galleon. The colossal fires a rolling broadside before reaching out with its enormous cargo claw to toss warjacks like rag dolls. It can also use its massive trident to reel in foes and finish them off at close range with a series of...
19,170 руб
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PIP 35055
The Chimera has an unsettling appearance as its active power field makes its form blur and fade. Once it nears the enemy, a Chimera becomes a delivery device for its warcaster’s most powerful arcane powers, channeled across its arc node. The Chimera will strike and kill with its scything...
2,700 руб
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PIP 35057
Грифон (Griffon - Retribution Light Myrmidon) обладает зализанными, аэродинамичными формами и высокой скоростью передвижения. Вооружен Грифон алебардой и простым металлическим щитом, что способствует простому выводу – ему не место в линейном сражении. И вправду, варкастеры Retribution of...
2,700 руб
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PIP 33076
Some Greylord neophytes with the proper aptitude are chosen to serve as outriders and act as messengers and scouts for the order. When called to action, these young mounted Greylords race across the battlefield to unleash devastating spells on Khador’s foes. They wield the icy winds of the north...
3,810 руб
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PIP 35051
Mage hunter infiltrators specialize in hunting and killing enemy arcanists. At home in any environment, they take advantage of their surroundings to close on their target in silence, their blades slicing through arcane wards with practiced ease. From out of the darkness they strike, quickly and...
7,100 руб
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PIP 31077
Tempest Blazers are the cavalry of the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest. From atop their mounts these pistol-attuned sorcerer-soldiers harry enemy formations with arcane firepower. Even at full gallop Tempest Blazers wield their magelock pistols with deadly accuracy and imbue their rune...
8,520 руб
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PIP 35053
UNLEASH THE POWER OF ELVEN VENGEANCE! The Retribution of Scyrah has risen out of the secluded elven nation of Ios to eliminate the human sorcery that threatens to destroy their gods. Kaelyssa, Night’s Whisper stalks her enemies with her myrmidons at her side, shrouding them in shadows...
7,100 руб
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PIP 31097
Stormblades are ready to face insurmountable odds and wield the most advanced mechanika Cygnar has to offer. These heavily armored soldiers are each handpicked to become knights of storm. Supplementing ancient martial tradition with state-of-the-art weaponry, in combat Stormblades are surrounded...
6,390 руб
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PIP 33086
The Winter Guard make up the majority of the Khadoran military and are found at the core of every garrison and combat force. Their weaponry is practical and places little strain on the Khadoran treasury when produced in bulk. Their short?ranged blunderbusses fire a heavy slug that packs a...
7,100 руб
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PIP 32089
Bestowed the ancient title of Intercessor reserved for the faith’s greatest champion, Mikael Kreoss has complete authority over the Protectorate’s armies and speaks with the voice of Hierarch Severius himself. Intercessor Kreoss leads his men from atop his great steed alongside a...
4,970 руб
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PIP 32050
The Judicator channels Menoth's wrath by delivering the punishment of fire unto heathens. It can unleash withering barrages of rockets while bathing the unfaithful in great gouts of holy flame. Its cortex is linked to a blessed reliquary containing the interred remains of an honored priest...
19,170 руб
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PIP 35023
1,420 руб
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PIP Code 41090
800 руб
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PIP 41019
1,600 руб
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PIP 41013
1,400 руб
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PIP 32082
United by shared faith and a deep fraternal bond, the Knights Exemplar are the embodiment of absolute obedience and are ready and eager to shed blood in Menoth’s name. For each brother who falls in battle, his comrades are invigorated by his sacrifice and become ever more resolute and...
4,970 руб
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PIP 31093
Sebastian Nemo’s myriad innovations—from the storm chamber to the modern colossal—have given Cygnar a crucial technological edge over its enemies. Promoted to the rank of Artificer General, Nemo now holds authority over all Cygnar’s military industry, and he wields his...
3,120 руб
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PIP 31005
Fast, nimble, and equipped with the repeating dual cannon, the Charger is a favorite with Cygnar commanders who favor the advantage of range. Its powerful cannon can be easily augmented by the will of its commanding warcaster, and it carries a brutal battle hammer to smash anyone foolish enough...
680 руб
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PIP 31007
Armed with the formidable Shock Hammer and the long range Heavy Barrel, the Defender brings mobile artillery capabilities to your Cygnar army. Дальнобойная звезда тяжелых варджеков Цигнара, Дефендер (Cygnar Defender Heavy Warjack) создан на основании шасси Айронклад (Cygnar Ironclad chassis)....
1,450 руб
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PIP 31004
Самый массовый и дешёвый в производстве среди тяжелых варджеков Цигнара, Айронклад (Cygnar Ironclad Heavy Warjack), давно играет роль «рабочей лошадки» в армии. Удачная конструкция шасси обеспечивает высокую скорость передвижения, сравнимую с легкими образцами варджеков, а отличные показатели в...
1,300 руб
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