По цене
PIP 33094
For years the Greylords Covenant has plundered crypts and forgotten tombs for ancient secrets and weapons to employ in the name of the Motherland. Aleksandra Zerkova is among the most ambitious and ruthless of these occult researchers. With an unrelenting thirst for knowledge and a willingness...
2,130 руб
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PIP Code 33108
Ruin is a blend of engineering and black magic, an unsettling fusion that has resulted in a malevolently aware machine. Ruin’s scarred chassis is festooned with powerful Orgoth relics that possess a willful hunger to harvest souls and whisper incomprehensibly directly into the warjack’s cortex....
9,230 руб
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PIP Code 33115
Privateer Press Extreme models embody the full-throttle attitude of WARMACHINE and HORDES cranked up another notch. These models represent the ultimate creative vision for the Iron Kingdoms’ most iconic warjacks and warbeasts—taken to the extreme! Designed for the display case, these...
9,370 руб
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PIP Code 33116
Privateer Press Extreme models embody the full-throttle attitude of WARMACHINE and HORDES cranked up another notch. These models represent the ultimate creative vision for the Iron Kingdoms’ most iconic warjacks and warbeasts—taken to the extreme! Designed for the display case, these...
9,230 руб
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PIP Code 32103
Anson Durst is the rock on which the enemies of the Protectorate break, a bulwark to the faithful who weathers tides of violence to keep blameless Menites safe. He earned his epithet fighting alongside the theocracy’s defenders to repel wave after wave of invading soldiers. Countless times he...
3,550 руб
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PIP Code 41123
As a murderous band of mercenaries, Croe’s Cutthroats prefer stealth and guile over confrontations of brute strength. Many of their enemies have fallen to the poisoned weapons utilized by their unseen hands.
8,520 руб
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PIP Code 41122
A crack gun corps from the Rhulic fortress of Hammerfall, this armored phalanx steadily marches forward unleashing volleys of lethal shot. Working in unison, the Hammerfall High Shields form an impenetrable shell that brushes aside enemy fire as they bring their double-barreled war rifles to...
8,800 руб
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PIP 34102
The bloated bodies of bile thralls are walking vessels for volumes of corrosive digestive and decomposition agents, with hoses and tubes leading from their distended mouths and fabricated orifices to crude firing mechanisms. With a lurching spasm, each bile thrall can force a starting volume of...
7,100 руб
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PIP 31111
Having been rebuilt nearly from scratch by Sebastian Nemo after serving years on the front lines as a Stormclad, Dynamo represents a tremendous advancement in voltaic warjack technology. Powered by its galvanic generator, Dynamo is outfitted to render electrical destruction via its devastating...
7,100 руб
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PIP 41104
Wild-eyed sailors tell a tale of the nefarious pirate ship Devil’s Shadow and its mysterious disappearance. Of the ship’s crew, only three souls ever returned, now guided by some unseen evil. This trio disperses as quickly as an ill wind, staying only long enough to form contracts with desperate...
3,980 руб
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PIP 36028
A weapon of unrivaled sophistication, the transfinite emergence projector delivers tremendous but precise destruction. In concert with its orbiting permutation servitors, it can modulate its weaponry for pinpoint accuracy, destructive intensity, or area saturation. The servitors also function as...
9,940 руб
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PIP Code: 35065
Commissioned for Garryth, Blade of Retribution, Moros is a quick and agile myrmidon that strikes using its dual curved blades with the deadliness of an assassin. Its unique power field renders Moros invisible to the naked eye and can be manipulated to lash out and stun potential victims. For...
3,690 руб
В наличии
PIP 34066_c
Корраптор (Порченый, Corruptor Cryx Helljack) очень специфичный некроконструкт на шасси Слейера. Оборудованный двумя орудиями, стреляющими особенно ядовитой взвесью отходов алхимических лабораторий Cryx, Корраптор способен сильно повредить любую, даже тяжело бронированную цель. При...
4,970 руб
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PIP 34066_s
4,970 руб
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PIP 34066_r
Рипер (Жнец, Reaper Cryx Helljack) - жестокий и эффективный аналог тяжелого варджека, созданный, как всегда, не без несколько жуктоватой логики некротехов - оружейников Cryx. Вместо создания классического некроконструкта, вооруженного чем - то острым и тяжелым, создатели Рипера выделили...
4,970 руб
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PIP 33063_c
Khador’s mechaniks build their warjacks to last. The Juggernaut is a hulking mass of plated armor wielding an ice axe that can encase its target in a layer of crippling ice. This sturdy chassis has given rise to other staples like the Destroyer, whose whistling shells arcing overhead...
4,970 руб
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PIP 33063_j
Khador’s mechaniks build their warjacks to last. The Juggernaut is a hulking mass of plated armor wielding an ice axe that can encase its target in a layer of crippling ice. This sturdy chassis has given rise to other staples like the Destroyer, whose whistling shells arcing overhead...
4,970 руб
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PIP 33063_m
Марадер (Мародер, Marauder - Khador Heavy Warjack) – основанный на шасси Джаггернаута тяжелобронированный варджек для взлома первой линии врага. Его чудовищный удар таранными поршнями отбрасывает цель на несколько метров, и не факт, что она сможет пережить этот пинок!
4,970 руб
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PIP 32061_c
4,970 руб
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PIP 32061_v
4,970 руб
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PIP 35007_h
Гидра (Hydra - Retribution Heavy Myrmidon) – эффективный и сложноуничтожаемый тяжелый мирмидонец, мех-магический воин армии Retribution of Scyrah. Дом Шиел вложил в разработку Гидры немало усилий, и шла она с большим трудом. Однако, эльфы Ios всегда славились своей решительностью и...
1,925 руб
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PIP 41085_r
Mercenary warjacks are often drawn from discontinued chassis once produced by kingdom armies. The Mule, a former Cygnaran warjack, wields a massive battle mace and an innovative steam-powered cannon packing enough explosive punch to scatter enemies like leaves. The Nomad, once a Cygnaran...
4,970 руб
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PIP 35034_b
multi-part heavy myrmidon plastic model (PIP 35034)
4,970 руб
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PIP 35034_d
multi-part heavy myrmidon plastic model (PIP 35034)
4,970 руб
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