Privateer Press

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В Warmachine , сама земля содрогается во время жестокой схватки, где шеститонные творения из закалённого железа и стали устремляются одно на другое с разрушительной силой локомотива, где извергающие свинец пушки разрывают броню как плоть, и где бури потаённой магии опаляют ратное поле огнем Армагеддона, так что сами боги страшатся ступить на сию изувеченную землю. Победа за смелыми! Вступай в схватку, если в тебе достаточно метала. Возьмите под контроль коварного ворлока и сокрушите врагов могучими ворбистами, движимых необузданной яростью. В HORDES выживут лишь сильнейшие и искуснейшие, все остальные пойдут на корм для ворбистов. HORDES -дикие места в Железных Королевствах. Игрок управляет загадочными Ворлоками и стаями диких Ворбистов, в битве за территорию и выживание.

PIP 31056
An arcane mechanik of surpassing skill, Arlan Strangewayes has an unshakable confidence in the Cygaran warjacks he commands in battle. He takes each rent in armor, each broken steam pipe, and each severed piston as a personal insult and repairs them in the field with nearly casual ease....
1,990 руб
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PIP 31057
The Black 13th is a well-honed weapon of war sharpened to a razor’s edge by relentless service to the crown. It serves as the elite strike force of the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest. The exact number of men and women serving in this tight knit organization has waxed and waned since...
2,410 руб
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PIP 31058
Battling their way forward despite incoming mortar and rifle fire, Trencher artillery crews haul their cannons into the fray across any terrain. The crews dig hasty positions on high ground, throw up sandbag barricades, and prepare to fire. These cool, professional gunners, chosen as much for...
4,690 руб
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PIP 31059
Офицер и Знаменосец Рыцарей - мечников Cygnar (Cygnar Sword Knight Office & Standard Bearer) значительно повышают шанс на выживание вверенного подразделения Рыцарей - Мечников Cygnar (Cygnar Sword Knights Unit) в бою. И даже больше – сплоченные под знаменем бойцы благодаря...
3,120 руб
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PIP 31061
Bringing a well rounded arsenal of arcane abilities together with deadly accurate magelock pistol fire, Arcane Tempest captains and their teams are highly prized for their versatile fire support. Research has demonstrated that experienced gun mages can prepare warjack ammunition to transmit...
1,140 руб
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PIP 42013
A Cygnaran order dedicated to the warrior philosophies of the god Morrow, the Precursor Knights are sworn to honorable combat and dedicated to protecting the innocent. The prayers of these righteous soldiers can knit flesh and protect them from malignant magic as they shield the helpless,...
9,940 руб
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PIP 33064
Crush All Beneath Your Iron Might! Khador’s powerful warjacks epitomize the national ideals of strength and resilience and are as relentless in battle as the frigid winters of their homeland. Under the icy gaze of Kommander Sorscha, the magical ice axe of the Juggernaut chews through iron...
7,100 руб
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PIP 33001
Бутчер оф Хардов (Orsus Zoktavir - The Butcher of Khardov - Khador Warcaster) – это два с лишним метра мышц, ярости и превосходного владения топором. Броня этого неистового варкастера в прямом смысле соответствует броне варджека, так как состоит из частей корпуса этих боевых машин. Говорят,...
550 руб
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PIP 33013
Владимир, Дарк Принц оф Умбрей (Владимир, Тёмный Принц Умбрии, Vladimir Tzepesci, Dark Prince of Umbrey - Khador Warcaster) – это исторический реликт давно ушедших времен, когда от правителя требовались в первую очередь стальная воля да крепкий меч в умелых руках. Сейчас этому варкастеру...
1,560 руб
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PIP 33014
2,840 руб
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PIP 33016
Менхантер (Manhunter - Khador Solo) – это суровый профессионал своего дела, овладевший всеми тонкостями своего жестокого ремесла. Вооружённый двумя топорами, которыми владеет просто бесподобно, этот скрытный и быстрый боец стремится максимально близко подобраться к противнику. Способный...
1,420 руб
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PIP 33017
4,690 руб
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PIP 33090
Отряды Айрон Фанг Пикименов (Пикинёров Железного Клыка, Iron Fang Pikemen - Khador Unit) – это одни из лучших защитных отрядов Железный Королевств (Iron Kingdoms) ! Традиционно они выполняют роль наковальни в любом тактическом плане военачальников Khador (в том редком случае, когда требуется...
4,675 руб
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PIP 33084
Мановары - шоктруперы (Солдаты - Штурмовики, Man-O-War Shocktroopers - Khador Unit) – это элита войск Khador. Самая лучшая броня, которую только смогли придумать в оружейных мастерских, самые прочные щиты с встроенными пушками для сокрушающего выстрела по противнику перед атакой,...
6,390 руб
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PIP 33021
Коммандер Сорша Кратикофф (Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff - Khador Warcaster) – толковый офицер вооруженных сил королевства Khador. Её коронный прием – сковать противника ледяными оковами и за счет этого развернуть свои отряды максимально эффективно. Не являясь приверженцем ведения...
1,140 руб
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PIP 33022
Комендант Ируск (или Каомандант Ируск, Kommandant Irusk - Khador Warcaster), автор книги «Как полностью покорить врага», объемистого труда по военной тактике и организации войны, широко известного в Железных Королевствах (Iron Kingdoms). Командант Ируск предпочитает аккуратные, филигранно...
360 руб
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PIP 33023
Кодиак, или же «Бурый Медведь» (Kodiak - Khador Heavy Warjack) – очень хитроумно сконструированный для нужд 5 - го Пограничного Легиона (5th Border Legion) шустрый варджек ближнего боя. С учетом особенностей службы (большие пространства для патрулирования, наличие лесов,...
4,260 руб
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PIP 33024
Мановар Ковник (Солдат Ковник, Man-O-War Kovnik - Khador Solo) – настоящий пример для подражания в вооружённых силах Khador! Он – лучший среди всех штурмовиков Севера, непревзойдённый боец, умелый лидер, находчивый контроллер варджека и совершенно бесстрашный! В своей...
2,840 руб
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PIP 33025
Тройка Грейлордов (The Greylord Ternion - Khador Unit) – могущественный магический специальный отряд Вооруженных Сил Снежной Родины, опора высокомобильных боевых соединений и воплощение тактики сокрушительного огневого (хотя правильнее сказать – «ледяного») превосходства, в чем - то...
2,560 руб
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PIP 33026
2,275 руб
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PIP 33027
Какими отличными и дисциплинированными воинами ни являются Пикинёры Железного Клыка (Iron Fang Pikemen), но с Офицером и Знаменосцем (Iron Fang Pikemen Officer & Standard - Khador Unit Attachment) эти солдаты преображаются, в них появляется помимо стойкости нечто большее – гордость! Ведомые...
1,100 руб
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PIP 33028
Берсеркер (Berserker - Khador Heavy Warjack) – «самый легкий тяжелый варджек» в мире Железных Королевств (Iron Kingdoms). Это один из первых серийно выпускаемых варджеков Khador, непрерывно модифицируемая и постоянно находящаяся в стадии всевозможных испытаний модель....
4,260 руб
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PIP 33029
2,840 руб
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PIP 33032
Карчев зе Террибл, или Карчев Ужасный (Karchev the Terrible - Khador Warcaster) – грозный воин, у которого в жизни нету страсти превыше наслаждения рукопашным боем… если это можно так назвать. Человек - машина, огромный тяжелый варджек Khador – только вместо кортекса и хитрой машинерии внутри...
7,100 руб
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PIP 33035
Не каждый день, увы, армии Khador блистают неостановимой мощью... Владимир Цепеш, Тёмный чемпион (или Дарк Чемпион) не смог достойно погибнуть в бою в один из таких воистину печальных для заснеженной Родины дней. Его, раненного и утратившего смысл жизни, нашла после битвы с мерзеннейшими...
2,840 руб
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PIP 33036
Бегемот. Чудище. Исполин. Это все об уникальном тяжелом варджеке Бегемот (Behemoth – Khador Character Heavy Warjack), существование которого вынуждает всех соседей Khador мечтать о каком - нибудь супероружии. Две бомбарды. Два кортекса (основной и артиллерийский). Два кулака с кумулятивными...
8,520 руб
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PIP 33039
Спригган (Пробойник, Spriggan - Khador Heavy Warjack) – попытка создать кавалерию без лошадей и с гранатометами. Похожий на сурового рыцаря, Спригган закован в крепкую броню и сражается массивным и чудовищно мощным копьем, с разбегу вгоняя его в тело врага. Крепкий щит защитит от обстрела и в...
1,300 руб
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PIP 33040
Владимир, Дарк Принц оф Умбрей (Владимир, Тёмный Принц Умбрии, Vladimir Tzepesci, Dark Prince of Umbrey - Khador Warcaster) – это исторический реликт давно ушедших времен, когда от правителя требовались в первую очередь стальная воля да крепкий меч в умелых руках. Сейчас этому варкастеру Khador...
550 руб
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PIP 33041
When offered a promotion to kommander after a lifetime of service, Jozef Grigorovich flatly refused. Kovnik was the highest rank he could attain and still march into battle side by side with his brothers and sisters of the Winter Guard. Even Kommanant Irusk praises his tactical cunning, but the...
1,560 руб
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PIP 33042
Any who thought time might mellow the rage of Orsus Zoktavir have been disabused of that notion. He is incapable of restraint away from the battlefield, never at peace with himself, and at home only amid the chaos and bloodshed of war. Constant battles against the Motherland's enemies have...
3,270 руб
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PIP 33043
Serving as the forward fighting arm of an Iron Fang contingent, Iron Fang Uhlans are often the first to ride into the enemy. These mounted Iron Fangs fluidly ride together and meld classical horselord cavalry tactics with the shoulder-to-shoulder fighting formations customary of Iron Fang...
3,300 руб
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PIP 33044
Serving as the forward fighting arm of an Iron Fang contingent, Iron Fang Uhlans are often the first to ride into the enemy. These mounted Iron Fangs fluidly ride together and meld classical horselord cavalry tactics with the shoulder-to-shoulder fighting formations customary of Iron Fang...
2,840 руб
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PIP 33097
Only the most powerful Man-O-War soldiers—gifted with uhlan blood and born and raised in the saddle—may petition to become drakhuns. Each one trains his powerful Karpathan destrier to be as much a weapon as the mechanikal axe and cannon he bears into battle. Uniting the ancient...
6,390 руб
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PIP 33046
Armed with the most advanced weapons and equipment, Assault Kommandos are the finest light infantry the Motherland has to offer. These elite soldiers can ignore most of the hazards of modern war and blend canny marksmanship and determination with methodical ruthlessness.
1,200 руб
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PIP Code 33047
Armed with the most advanced weapons and equipment, Assault Kommandos are the finest light infantry the Motherland has to offer. These elite soldiers can ignore most of the hazards of modern war and blend canny marksmanship and determination with methodical ruthlessness.
400 руб
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1,850 руб
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PIP 33051
The field gun is a marvel of modern munitions. Its shells are able to penetrate the thickest armor, and they are capable of wrecking whole sections of a warjack with a single shot. Fielded in numbers, these weapons have proven to be a devastating surprise for more than one enemy commander....
3,550 руб
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PIP 33052
Intimidate the enemies of the Motherland with renewed style with the female Manhunter Variant. Менхантер (Manhunter - Khador Solo) – это суровый профессионал своего дела, овладевший всеми тонкостями своего жестокого ремесла. Вооружённый двумя топорами, которыми владеет просто...
1,280 руб
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PIP 33053
The greatest military genius of the age, Gurvaldt Irusk draws on decades of experience and his intuitive grasp of battle to direct his soldiers with the precision of perfect gears in a vast machine. Recent defeats have sharpened his focus and Irusk has returned to the front determined to redeem...
2,840 руб
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PIP 33054
Few people in the Khadoran Empire have more drive than Aleksandra. Most of her peers see her intensity and zeal for the occult as unsettling. She employs soldiers and warjacks with equal dispassion, and most who come to know her deem her heartless and cruel. Certainly she has the will and the...
1,560 руб
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PIP 33055
The posture of the hulking Juggernaut called Beast - 09 conveys animal menace, and its frame quivers with the raw power of its oversized boilers. When it breaks through the trees with the splintered crack of exploded timber, its prey already knows that a monster approaches. The 'jack only...
7,810 руб
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PIP 33056
All Berserkers have the roughened look of decades of service, but Drago stands out even among such company. While it has a cortex as old and unstable as any Berserker's, the passing of long years has removed many of the limited restraints that once held the machine back in battle. Mechaniks keep...
5,680 руб
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PIP 33057
No Doom Reaver can match the horror of Fenris. He rides to war atop a nightmarish steed wielding a pair of fellblades and spurs other Doom Reavers to even greater acts of savagery. Few men have the courage to stand before this terror, and trophies from those who try now decorate Fenris' belt....
6,390 руб
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PIP 33058
Some men are simply too dangerous to let live, or at least to let free. A hunter of nearly inhuman skill from the north of Khador, Yuri has left a staggering trail of bodies behind him. The leaders of Khador have played on Yuri's patriotism and offered him amnesty in exchange for turning his...
2,130 руб
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PIP 33059
Comprised of Kapitan Joreslev Volkov, Lieutenant Moskor Kolsk and Sergeant Kartov Yarovich, the Greatbears of the Gallowswood are the last three survivors of a now legendary iron fang company. The Greatbears have fought in nearly every major battle and border skirmish for the last fifteen years,...
5,400 руб
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PIP 33062
Grim masters of elemental cold, the icy stares of the Koldun Lords seem almost to freeze the blood of those they gaze upon. Koldun Lords often obscure themselves and the warjacks under their control in a mist filled with churning snow and capable of freezing solid any foolish enough to approach...
1,850 руб
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PIP 33098
The kayazy, merchant-princes of the new Khadoran Empire, have long employed bands of skilled and ruthless bladesmen to settle scores. Now these private soldiers go south to protect their masters' investment in the war. With a swift dueling style honed on the pitiless streets, these casual...
7,100 руб
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PIP 32062
Да сокрушит ваш гнев еретиков и неверных! Божественная сила в полной мере воплощена в этой беттлгруппе Protectorate of Menoth (Protectorate of Menoth Battlegroup), и возглавляет ее несокрушимую мощь никто иной, как Варкастер Высший Экземплар Креосс (Warcaster High Kreoss Exemplar)....
7,100 руб
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PIP 32001
Великий Инспектор Севериус (Grand Scrutator Severius - Protectorate Warcaster) уже давно расстался не только с пламенем юности – но и с силой зрелости. Глубокий старик, на закате своей жизни достигший высот в иерархии Protectorate of Menoth, Севериус не стремиться демонстрировать свою верность...
1,850 руб
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PIP 32002
1,300 руб
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PIP 32003
700 руб
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PIP 32004
Wielding a halberd and the impenetrable Repulser shield, the Revenger is also equipped with a spell- channeling arc node, making it effective in close combat or providing magical support across the battlefield.
800 руб
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pip 32006
400 руб
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PIP 32007
1,300 руб
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PIP 32008
800 руб
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1,700 руб
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PIP 32017
1,800 руб
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PIP 32019
950 руб
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PIP 32020
Великий Экземплар Креосс (High Exemplar Kreoss – Protectorate Warcaster) предпочитает лично сражаться с врагами, ведь лишь так он может сохранить жизни своих бойцов во имя Менота. Он способен на великие свершения во имя веры и Протектората, а жуткий боевой цеп в его руке отправляет еретиков и...
1,700 руб
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PIP 32022
4,260 руб
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PIP 32023
1,700 руб
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PIP 32024
2,840 руб
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PIP 32025
1,260 руб
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PIP 32026
2,840 руб
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PIP 32027
2,410 руб
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PIP 32028
A living pillar of faith, this holy knight feels the demise of every Menite like a blade cutting his flesh, fueling his otherworldly resolve and righteous fury. The Exemplar Seneschal is nothing less than a force of nature, wading diligently through the enemy, sowing death as he goes. Those...
2,130 руб
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PIP 32097
Model Count: 10 SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 32097 contains the same Mk II stat card as PIP 32029. The models in this box represent the same figures in the game. PIP 32097 replaces PIP 32029 and PIP 32030 by offering their contents in a complete unit. The replaced PIPs will no longer be available from...
10,650 руб
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PIP 32031
Предвестник Menoth (Harbinger of Menoth - Protectorate Warcaster) – могущественная заклинательница, в которой живет негасимая частица души самого Menoth. Нет битвы, в которой Предвестник будет вынуждена забыть о своем даре – и в атаке, и в обороне ее чары дарят верным детям Menoth великие...
5,400 руб
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PIP 32032
Высший Верный Амон Ад-Раза (High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza - Protectorate Warcaster) безусловно, еретик и подлежит сожжению пред Храмом Menoth – но покуда Protectorate of Menoth нуждается в варджеках, Амон Ад-Раза будет занимать свой пост и вести немилые иерархии боевые машины в бой. Вера в...
1,700 руб
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PIP 32033
Убеждающий Menoth (Testament of Menoth - Protectorate Epic High Reclaimer Warcaster) сам решает, кому жить, и кому умирать под небом Menoth. Его таланты чудовищны, он преступил сотни запретов в своих изысканиях – но Menoth простит это своенравное чадо, ведь никто не принес Protectorate...
2,840 руб
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PIP 32034
Великий Экземплар Креосс (Grand Exemplar Kreoss - Epic Protectorate Warcaster) - брат любому, кто держит оружие во славу Менота! И мертвых, и живых, и нерождённых видит он с высоты своего положения в иерархии Protectorate of Menoth – и нет такого, кто избежал бы его сурового взгляда. Каждая...
2,560 руб
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PIP 32035
4,970 руб
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PIP 32036
1,800 руб
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650 руб
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PIP 32038
1,260 руб
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PIP 32039
Even those who do not favor the Order of the Wall speak with respect of High Paladin Dartan Vilmon. Chosen by the Harbinger by name to accompany and protect her form as she first prepared for war, Dartan embodies the noblest aspects of his faith. The breach of Sul's ancient walls has brought...
2,130 руб
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PIP 32040
Once a woman of naked ambition, Feora has been humbled and exalted by travails in the besieged city of Sul. She has rallied her followers in the defense of sacred sites and leads them to feats of bravery and sacrifice as they fight to forestall Cygnar's invasion. Filled with righteous power,...
2,560 руб
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PIP 32043
Constructed in secret factories, the Dervish uses the Devout chassis for wholly offensive ends. The 'jack's swords may attack separately or in tandem, and it steps around its foes like the most graceful fencer, leaving bloody and grease-slicked wreckage in its wake.
2,410 руб
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PIP 32044
Whether with an enemy's blade or bullet or with the cinerator's fiery touch, a Reclaimer sends the souls of the fallen to the afterlife. The soul energy transferred into him during the exchange can be harnessed to protect him from harm, unleash blasts of spiritual energy, or fuel the divine...
1,420 руб
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PIP 32045
The Covenant of Menoth is a call to war. For two millennia it lay hidden and was studied in secret only by select priests. As the Crusade's flames spread, however, its passages echoed through Immoren once again, strengthening the Lawbringer's loyal warriors and striking down the arcane...
2,410 руб
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PIP 32046
The Daughters are virtually all widows of fallen Menite soldiers. Possessing peerless grace, they become blurs of fluid motion in battle as they strike with synchronized precision. Their origins shrouded in mystery, the Daughters of the Flame have become a surgical tool for removing threats to...
4,690 руб
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PIP 32047
With their martial prowess honed to a razor edge, the officers of the Flameguard have turned their charges from a defensive bulwark into the core of a disciplined army. These preceptors are capable of increasing their unit’s already formidable attacks and are accompanied by zealous standard...
2,840 руб
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PIP 32048
This unique pose of the Paladin of the Order of the Wall is even more dynamic than its predecessor.
1,700 руб
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PIP 32049
Severius' voice has always resonated with sacred power, and he demonstrates a strength and surety that belies his age. Those who attend him can see and hear the power of unchecked divinity conveyed through his words and deeds. He has vowed to make it his life's work to unite the Menites of...
3,410 руб
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PIP 32051
The High Executioner Servath Reznik stalks the lands beyond the Protectorate of Menoth to carry out sentences of death on those guilty of sacrilege, sorcery, or religious treason against the Creator of Man. The borders of mortal nations mean nothing to Reznik, his warjacks, and his devoted...
2,560 руб
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PIP 32052
Those who have stood before this aureate Crusader say its eyes carry a weight of presence more akin to a zealot than a soulless construct. Those who have fought alongside this peerless machine describe its dedication and loyalty as if speaking of another soldier of the faith. Its fervent wrath...
7,380 руб
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PIP 32053
Blessing of Vengeance has served for three decades as a direct conduit for the divine prayers of destruction and conversion. Zealots whisper that this 'jack can see straight into men’s souls. The eyes of this 'jack glow with fervor when it beholds enemies blasted to ash or lit afire by the holy...
4,260 руб
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PIP 32054
The epitome of his order, High Exemplar Sarvan Gravus shirks from no order, no matter how bloody, and has shattered the weak flesh of Devourer worshipers, Cygnaran soldiers, and every other enemy of his faith. Men decades his junior struggle to match his energy as Gravus rides with his Venger...
5,400 руб
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PIP 32055
The unclean sorcerous technology of warjacks is forbidden to most who serve the Protectorate, but the ruling Synod has sanctioned the collection of wizards and mechaniks known as the Vassals to sully their souls with the power necessary to construct the weapons of modern war. Mostly captured...
1,140 руб
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PIP 32056
Visgoth Rhoven’s leadership and prayers both support and inspire the faithful around him as he presses the attack against the enemies of Menoth. His tireless honor guard accompany him everywhere. These veteran exemplars bear consecrated halberds and rarely take to the battlefield, but the stakes...
3,830 руб
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PIP 32058
These exemplars learn to fight within the impossibly heavy bastion armor. The bond each Exemplar Bastion shares with his brothers in arms grants him their strength even as injuries wear them down. Their enduring resilience causes enemies of Menoth to despair as the bastions take up their...
7,100 руб
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PIP 32060
Disdaining weapons and wearing little armor, these expert pugilists effortlessly evade rifle fire, deflect enemy blades, and counterattack with a series of rapid kicks and punches. By the time a monk reaches the vaunted rank of allegiant, he has fused his faith with unwavering discipline and...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41001
She's a ranged combat solo of extreme quality; she brings good damage output, board control, and utility. Her Disruptor Bolt ends games if you get it on an enemy caster, and also keeps warjacks in check. Death Bolt is a handy finishing move that also lets her kill high ARM infantry despite her...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41107
Led by the legendary Trollkin fell caller Greygore Boomhowler, this mercenary company can match lead and steel with any regiment of soldiers in the Iron Kingdoms. The brutal combination of Greygore’s devastatingly ear-splitting cries and the natural resilience and tenacity of his Trollkin...
9,940 руб
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PIP 41005
3,270 руб
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PIP 41007
4,260 руб
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PIP 41008
The Talon is a black market favorite among mercenaries with enough gold and influence to acquire them. The few moments the Talon's stun lance can provide may be all that is needed to land the critical blow and turn the tide of battle.
2,410 руб
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PIP 41009
Another of Magnus the Traitor's creations, the Renegade is his idea of the perfect support warjack. With the obliterator rocket able to destroy targets at long range, the shredder's ability to tear enemies apart in melee, and an arc node that allows Magnus the ability of slinging spells...
2,270 руб
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1,140 руб
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PIP 41016
2,840 руб
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PIP 41018
1,420 руб
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PIP 41020
3,270 руб
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PIP 41021
1,080 руб
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PIP 41022
630 руб
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2,340 руб
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PIP 41025
Without a Korune to swear loyalty too, many young Ogrun look towards the battlefields of man to showcase their martial abilities and draw the attention of a worthy lord. Hiring themselves to individuals, those lucky enough to broker a deal and fall under a Bokur's protection soon discover it is...
3,270 руб
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PIP 41026
2,340 руб
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PIP 41033
Magnus has proven to be more than simply a one-man army with a grudge against the nation he once served. He has become a singular lord and master of the arts of war. He relies on no nation's backing, and he carves his legend across western Immoren with blood and blade. He is ruthless in his...
2,410 руб
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PIP 41034
1,420 руб
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PIP 41035
Durgen Madhammer feeds on the ferocity of explosive violence and has a compulsion for obliteration that borders upon sadistic. He has combined his impressive arcane skill and mastery of steam craft with demolitions, elemental magic, and mechanikal know-how to become a legendary mercenary...
1,850 руб
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PIP 41036
The Blaster's Rhulic ruggedness and durability make it both a brutal and economic weapon of war. Armed with a canister-fed Hail-Shot Cannon, the Blaster answers many of the demands of mercenary commanders and adds an incredible degree of flexibility to Rhulic forces fighting all over western...
2,840 руб
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PIP 41037
Modified from a 'jack designed to crack rock walls and render stone to powder, the Wroughthammer Rockram pulverizes opposing warjacks with equal ease. The tempered ammunition of its Sledge Cannon wrecks 'jacks from the inside out, and the concussive power of its Pulverizer hammer shakes...
4,260 руб
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PIP 41038
Once a respected nautical warcaster for the Mercarian League, Captain Phinneus Shae has turned to piracy aboard the Talion. Shae is wanted but refuses to allow the bounty on his head to get in the way of earning a profit as a sword for hire. His powers over wind and storm serve as well on land...
1,560 руб
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PIP 41039
The Mariner was designed to endure uncertain footing fighting ship-to-ship, a skill just as formidable on dry land. Giving up some armor to move quickly and proving nearly impossible to knock down, the Mariner carries a 'liberated' ship cannon in one hand and a brutal barnacle-encrusted...
4,970 руб
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PIP 41160
Another warjack in Captain Shae's arsenal, the Buccaneer is a nimble and sure-footed combatant. The Buccaneer is a warjack commonly carried on Mercarian League vessels and carries nets capable of entrapping an enemy warjack as easily as smaller prey. It can then close for the kill utilizing its...
2,840 руб
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PIP 41100
Mustered together from disreputable coastal taverns and wharves, the Sea Dogs are motley pirates hungry for spoils. Armed with swords and pistols and barely kept in check by grizzled mates, the Sea Dogs serve any master with sufficient coin. What they lack in training and manners they make up...
7,100 руб
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PIP 41043
A special legacy of Captain Shae's mutiny, the 'Commodore' is a massive royal-weight cannon such as those found only on first-class ships of the line. The cannon is named in sardonic tribute to Shae's former employer whose skeleton can be seen strapped to the cannon's wide barrel. No man and few...
5,400 руб
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PIP 41044
Packing more pistols than a paranoid gun mage, Mr. Walls is never seen without his pet monkey. Serving as Shae's quartermaster for the Sea Dogs, Mr. Walls knows how to motivate the men and inspire them to ferocity. His aim suffers from an old injury that took his eye, but he makes up for it...
550 руб
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PIP 41045
Captain Shae's first mate Hawk is responsible for keeping her Sea Dogs ready for action, and she suffers neither fools nor sloth among the crew. She wields a pair of cutlasses, and few can boast to have lived after standing toe-to-toe with her. Hawk's example fires up the men who go to great...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41047
Doc is both the ship's cook and the ship's surgeon, and he finds his talent with sharpened knives useful in both roles. Doc has an enthusiasm for treating the wounded, but his patients are uneasy, such that often the mere threat of treatment is enough to convince them to fight on.
1,420 руб
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PIP 41048
The Rhulic pirate Lord Joln Rockbottom is Captain Shae's 'Expedition Financier.' He ensures the pirates are well paid and equipped for the bloody work ahead. Coin is not his only weapon, for Lord Rockbottom enjoys employing a fire-belching firearm that has ended the lives of many who...
1,280 руб
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PIP 41049
Any Sea Dog worth his salt can lay claim to an old pistol, but those owning an accurate long rifle are doubly prized for being able to lay down fire at nearly twice the distance. Such shots from atop the crow's nest or the ship's prow have made all the difference by picking off enemy...
850 руб
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PIP 41050
Loud, bombastic, and bigger than life, Bartolo "Broadsides Bart" Montador has used his beloved cannons and warjacks to win fame and admiration with audacity, skill, and charisma. Though jovial and magnanimous, Bart truly is a bloody-minded, ruthless combatant who carries a legitimate...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41110
This bloody Thamarite pirate takes to the battlefield completely free of quaint notions of morality and justice. Surrounded by a worshipful cabal of Sea Dogs who obediently follow her, Fiona rushes into the fray eager to press the attack personally. She has the power to dominate lesser minds...
2,270 руб
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PIP 41052
Dougal has spent a lifetime at sea learning the fine art of naval artillery, defying the odds of accident and combat, and becoming something of a patron saint of gunners. He can land a cannonball on target in even the worst circumstances -- a crucial skill when an entire battle can hinge on a...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41053
Boasting a natural aptitude with machinery and a deadly swing with her 'jack wrench, Dirty Meg fits right in among pirate crews. Her ability to keep everything from warjacks to the ship's boiler in perfect shape makes her invaluable, and her skills controlling 'jacks in combat make her a feared...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41054
Many men have foul tempers, but the term "berserker" is reserved for the likes of Bloody Bradigan. This blood-mad brawler seeks violence as other men hunger for wealth or women. Kept constantly drunk and locked away, Bradigan only finds happiness when he can hammer his chain-wrapped fists...
1,420 руб
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PIP 41055
Consummate professionals, the Iosan spell-caster Lady Aiyana and her gunslinging bodyguard Master Holt add an air of mystery to the Talion. All that is known about them is that she deftly manipulates powerful magic unknown beyond her native land and that he wields his pistols with skill and cool...
2,270 руб
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