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В Warmachine , сама земля содрогается во время жестокой схватки, где шеститонные творения из закалённого железа и стали устремляются одно на другое с разрушительной силой локомотива, где извергающие свинец пушки разрывают броню как плоть, и где бури потаённой магии опаляют ратное поле огнем Армагеддона, так что сами боги страшатся ступить на сию изувеченную землю. Победа за смелыми! Вступай в схватку, если в тебе достаточно метала. Возьмите под контроль коварного ворлока и сокрушите врагов могучими ворбистами, движимых необузданной яростью. В HORDES выживут лишь сильнейшие и искуснейшие, все остальные пойдут на корм для ворбистов. HORDES -дикие места в Железных Королевствах. Игрок управляет загадочными Ворлоками и стаями диких Ворбистов, в битве за территорию и выживание.

PIP 35045
Hypnos, a myrmidon of the most exacting construction, is of the creation of Lord Arcanist Ossyan's own labors. The lord arcanist has forged an insoluble connection with Hypnos, allowing it to draw energy from Ossyan and become an extension of his abilities. In his presence the...
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PIP 35058
Possessing immense arcane ability and a talent for the divinatory arts, Issyria has become one of the greatest military assets of House Nyarr. That she has done so while declining to wield a weapon is all the more remarkable. In combat, Issyria uses her powers to perceive the flow of battle,...
2,270 руб
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PIP 34001
500 руб
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PIP 36010
Iron Mother Directrix leads the Convergence with formidable brilliance, bold certainty, and unshakable conviction. She wields the entire military might of the Convergence, and every element of her army has its role within her plan. While Directrix does not wish to sacrifice her troops or shed...
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PIP 36025
Those priests who dedicate themselves to creating and perfecting the Convergenceт??s weapons of war are known as transverse enumerators. These senior priests have an intimate grasp of design specifications, tolerances, and limitations which allow them to quickly adjust a unitт??s tactics, even...
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PIP 36009
Thanks to the miracle of the clockwork vessel, a member of the Convergence might live a thousand lifetimes upon Caenт??provided his soulт??s essence chamber remains safe from the predations of enemies. It is the enigma foundries that are essential for safeguarding the essence chambers. They are...
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PIP 36012
The primary purpose of a steelsoul protector is to serve as a shield against any harm intended for the priests of Cyriss. The shell of the vessel is engineered to be light enough to allow its bearer to move with startling speed while also being tremendously durable. The vesselт??s frame...
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PIP 34079
Bane riders are chosen from among the most vicious and spiteful of bane spirits, their minds intact enough to be given positions of prominence among the armies of the Dragonfather. Astride their undead mounts, these malicious thralls can become wraith-like to move through trees and buildings...
9,230 руб
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PIP 34002
1,850 руб
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PIP 36014_m
а аЕаЛаИаЗ аПаОаЗаИб?аИаИ аВ аАаПб?аЕаЛаЕ! The arcane displacer drive represented a major breakthrough in vector design. Freed from the hampering influence of gravity, heavy vectors equipped with this technologyт??such as the Conservator, Assimilator, and Modulatorт??gain unparalleled...
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PIP 36014_c
Релиз позиции в апреле! The arcane displacer drive represented a major breakthrough in vector design. Freed from the hampering influence of gravity, heavy vectors equipped with this technology—such as the Conservator, Assimilator, and Modulator—gain unparalleled freedom of...
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PIP 36014_a
Релиз позиции в апреле! he arcane displacer drive represented a major breakthrough in vector design. Freed from the hampering influence of gravity, heavy vectors equipped with this technology—such as the Conservator, Assimilator, and Modulator—gain unparalleled freedom of...
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PIP 36013
а аЕаЛаИаЗ аМаОаДаЕаЛаИ аВ аАаПб?аЕаЛаЕ! Unlike other vectors, whose primary function is to apply destructive force, the Corollary is designed to support its warcaster and allied forces in more complex ways. Its internal compartments house a suite of arcane accumulators that store the...
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PIP 36027
The elimination servitor operates by one directive: hunt down and terminate any and all it does not recognize as an ally. Once it has acquired a target, an elimination servitor advances in a series of precise movements intended to bring its spike projector to bear with the greatest efficiency....
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PIP 36022
Frontline shock troopers, eradicators charge into the fray using protean bucklers to protect their advance. In the thick of combat their bucklers transform to release spring-loaded claws. The clockwork shock troopers employ these claws to strike down opponents with surgical precision, using the...
6,390 руб
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PIP 34120
Assembled from a horrific fusion of corpses and machinery scavenged from the battlefield, mechanithralls fill the ranks of the Cryxian army. Their reanimated bodies are augmented with two heavy gauntlets powered by dark energies and steam pressure. These gauntlets greatly enhance their unliving...
11,360 руб
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PIP 34110
Versatile and deadly soldiers among more mindless undead, bane thralls host a darkness that both permeates their being and seeps into the world of the living. This darkness siphons the very light from the air and is utterly inimical to living flesh. The malevolent glimmer in the eyes of these...
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PIP 35060
Companies of riflemen have joined the Retribution in number and serve as the long-reaching line for the army abroad. They wield heavy rifles capable of delivering punishing firepower against the human armies that so greatly outnumber them. Every rifleman is trained to take careful aim and regard...
7,100 руб
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PIP 35062
Exemplifying both leadership and combat prowess, thanes are veterans of Ios’ houseguard forces. They have a remarkable capacity for rallying their forces even in the face of certain defeat, being themselves conditioned through training and experience to operate beyond fear. They are...
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PIP 41105
The mechanik known as Raluk Moorclaw has a knack for fixing complex machinery, but his heart hungers for combat. His appetite for violence led him to embrace the life of a mercenary, where he applies his mechanikal talents to maintaining and commanding warjacks and willingly throws himself into...
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PIP 36019
Father Lucant has served Cyriss for over two hundred and fifty years and stands as both a prophet and a bastion of the spiritual truths the Convergence holds as incontrovertible. His presence inspires awe in all who have transcended to inhabit clockwork vessels, for it was his work that brought...
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PIP 36018
The Prime Axiom inspires awe and fear among the armies of the Iron Kingdoms. The thrum of energy cycling through it is nearly deafening as the machine hovers over the battlefield. Its multiple weapon systems rip through screening troops, dismantle warjacks, and send servitors deep into the heart...
20,590 руб
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PIP 33096
A number of Winter Guard conscripts have trained to use rifles as part of the ongoing modernization of the Khadoran army. Those selected to join the Rifle Corps receive advanced training with their Blaustavya military firearms. When ordered by their sergeant, a Rifle Corps squad can produce a...
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PIP 35059
The majority of the houseguard are career soldiers who have spent years at drill and formation. Though they are drawn from dozens of lesser Iosan households, all follow an ancient shared tradition and undergo similar disciplined training and drills. At the orders of their superiors, ranks of...
7,100 руб
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PIP 41103
When the wealthiest Rhulic clans need to leverage immense power—whether at a construction site or on the battlefield—they mobilize the Ghordson Earthbreaker. This hulking construct, outfitted with drilling torpedoes and massive steam claws, can level opposing soldiers and warjacks as...
22,010 руб
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PIP 36007
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PIP 36020
6,390 руб
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PIP 32071
8,520 руб
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PIP 41105
2,560 руб
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PIP 35052
825 руб
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PIP 34104
2,410 руб
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PIP 32101
6,390 руб
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