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6,150 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 18.06.2024

Orks love dakka. They also love getting stuck in. What they love best is getting stuck in with lots of dakka and plenty of mates – join the Waaagh! on every roll, using these themed dice! A set of 16 six-sided dice for games of Warhammer 40,000, themed around the Orks. These dice are cast in a...
3,530 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 09.07.2024

Orks go to war with a huge variety of weapons and wargear, loads of bone-rattling war engines of belching smoke, and roaring beasts. No two Ork forces are alike, but all are utterly deadly in their own way. This set of 55 cards will help you keep track of your Ork mobs in your games, with...
3,900 руб
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The Orks love fighting above all else. These brutal and violent aliens roam the galaxy in vast hordes, gleefully piling into battle with a deafening war cry of 'Waaagh!'. Morgrim's Butchas are a ferocious warband of Beast Snaggas, rugged Orks eager to prove their toughness by bringing down the...
19,500 руб
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Ork Meks always manage to accrue a following with promises of big explosions, bigger guns, and proximity to loud engines. When a Big Mek builds a Stompa, they're followed into battle by a band of Ork boyz, knowing it will attract some of the heaviest resistance, and best fightin'. This Orks...
25,500 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 09.07.2024

Orks are brutal and violent aliens who love nothing more than to fight. They are tough, with hulking physiques, thick skulls, and toothy maws. When gathered in an excitable crush of noise and death, Orks become infused with a strange energy that drives them to even greater acts of unrestrained...
7,130 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 18.06.2024

Ufthak Blackhawk faces problems head on with the intention of hitting them hard enough that they go down and stay down – this is the Ork who destroyed a Warlord Titan by driving a Shokkjump Dragsta into it, before killing everyone inside. This multipart plastic kit builds one Ufthak Blackhawk –...
5,250 руб
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The Orks are the most savage and warlike species in the galaxy, and can be found infesting every one of its corners, forever seeking their next big fight. The Beast Snaggas are a particular 'subkultur' of Orks, who shun fancy gadgets in favour of more traditional tools – muscles, choppas, and...
27,000 руб

Оформив заказ сегодня, Вы сможете его получить: 18.06.2024

Celebrate the season of giving with this very generous Red Gobbo, ready to drop some "presents" on his favourite Imperial citizens. Designed as a miniature diorama, fans of all stripes will enjoy this highly collectable Warhammer Commemorative Series model, only available for the 2023 holiday...
4,880 руб
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Boss Snikrot is no mere Ork cutthroat – he is a murderous legend whose obsession with guerilla warfare has seen him hone the kunnin' taktiks of the Blood Axe clan into an almost supernatural mastery of infiltration. Snikrot is an unseen terror, leading his Red Skull Kommandos deep behind enemy...
5,100 руб
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Ork Boyz surge into battle in huge, unruly mobs dotted with crude special weapons and led by foul-tempered Boss Nobz. Most simply stampede towards the enemy lines, relying on their numbers and natural hardiness to carry the charge home. This kit builds 10 Ork Boyz, a surly and belligerent Troops...
6,600 руб
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Any good Ork Hunter knows the safest way to deal with a rampaging Warboss is to hit them with tank-busting artillery from as far away as possible. By donning a piston-driven suit of incredibly durable mega armour, this Warboss makes a mockery of such underhanded enemy tactics, much to the terror...
5,100 руб
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Most Orks take a dim view of muckin’ about in the sky, and would much rather go to war with their feet firmly on the ground. Deffkopta pilots are one of few exceptions, hurtling into the sky to spy out enemy forces for their warband, and give those same enemies a good strafing run or three in...
8,250 руб
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The Orks are the most relentlessly warlike alien race in the galaxy. They are also one of the most numerous and widespread. Always utterly anarchic, the Orks are an omnipresent threat to every race they encounter. Drown your enemies beneath a green tide with a Killdakka Warband. With more Boyz...
24,000 руб
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GW_ 99120103104
4,730 руб
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There are few Orks alive who are tougher or more belligerent than Mozrog Skragbad. A beast hunter of infamy, Mozrog once spent many days in self-imposed exile, hunting the most dangerous beasts he could find. One such monster nearly got the better of him, eating him alive, but Mozrog is nothing...
7,130 руб
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The Painbosses of the Beast Snaggas are battlefield doctors hardened by many brutal conflicts. Augmented with a whole host of cybernetics and armed with a suite of surgical tools and squig-based remedies, they are always on hand to replace a limb with something more suited for heavy-duty...
5,100 руб
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Few sounds are as terrifying as the cacophony of hollering, clattering, and stomping that heralds the arrival of an Ork Kill Rig. Packed with savage Orks and pulled by a colossal tramplasquig, these ramshackle constructions are mobile death platforms, outfitted with all manner of weapons. From...
17,250 руб
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Ork warbosses are usually stationary for only two reasons. One is when they are giving an enemy – or an unlucky grot – a good hiding, and the other is when they are shouting at their Boyz to give the foe a good krumpin'. The Big'ed Bossbunka provides the perfect place to holler from given its...
9,750 руб
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Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems and psychic powers, they're perfect for ensuring you don't forget crucial rules when you need them most. This pack contains 52 datacards, divided as follows: – 7x Core Stratagem cards – 25x Ork...
3,300 руб
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Waaagh! Grab these dice that are specially themed to match your Ork army. There are enough of them to roll for even the most dakka, and your Boyz will be proud to see so much green on the battlefield. Each six-sided, round-cornered die is a dark green colour. The 20 dice in this set each...
3,750 руб
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No two Battlewagons are the same, for the Meks that build them can never resist cobbling on armour plates, ramming spikes, assorted dakka, and random gubbinz. However, all are rugged transport tanks with the capacity to bear a vast number of angry Orks into battle while shrugging off the worst...
14,250 руб
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Bipedal wrecking balls that charge ahead of the Ork lines, Smasha Squigs live in a state of near permanent concussion thanks to their tendency to headbutt everything. Only the surliest and most aggressive Orks can wrangle them towards enemy lines, but the resulting impact of a charging unit of...
8,250 руб
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With his Grabzappa crackling, Zodgrod herds his notorious super runts into battle. This irascible loon is never happier than when wrangling especially large and rowdy foes, usually by peppering them with needles from his Squigstoppa Numba 5, then burying them in a rampaging horde of diminutive...
5,250 руб
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The Beastboss is the overall leader of a Beast Snaggas mob, leading from the front and crushing the choicest prey between the serrated teeth of his Beastclaw. As the foremost authority within the warband, it's his job to interpret the visions of the Wurrboyz and direct the mob towards its next...
5,100 руб
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Many Orks dedicate themselves to the pursuit of one obsession over all others, which for the Beast Snaggas is the thrill of the hunt. Their gnarled and scarred appearance speaks of a lifetime spent wrangling horrific beasts and tackling the largest foes they can find, dragging down their prey...
7,130 руб
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The Orks love nothing more than charging headlong into the fury of combat, bellowing "Waaagh!" at the top of their lungs and letting loose with whatever weapons they can lay their hands on. They live for battle, and their apocalyptic migratory invasions lay waste to whole sub-sectors of the...
18,750 руб
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There are many horrific alien threats to be found among the stars, and the Orks are some of the very greatest among them. Born for battle and possessed of an all-encompassing love for war, the average Ork is a heavily muscled killing machine able to withstand tremendous punishment and heal from...
6,380 руб
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Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is a mighty prophet of the Waaagh!, capable of rousing billions of Orks into a frenzy of conquest and bloodshed. He is the most influential greenskin in the galaxy, and commands billions to war. Lead your Ork army with this incredible centrepiece model. He can be...
9,380 руб
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The Shokkjump Dragsta combines two of the foremost triumphs of the Mekaniak’s art – recklessly fast speedsters and deranged weaponry. It is perhaps unsurprising that it has become one of the most popular forms of transport amongst the Mekboyz of the Kult of Speed. You'll find your opponents...
7,130 руб
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Armed to the grille with guns, blades and greenskins, the Kustom Boosta-blasta is one of the deadliest Ork vehicles around. Ferociously fast, absurdly heavily armed, and boasting the capacity to set things on fire by simply overtaking them, it exemplifies everything the Speed Freeks look for in...
7,130 руб
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Often seen muscling their way through their fellow Speed Freeks as they roar toward the front lines, Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies employ living close-range artillery to wreak havoc amongst the enemy ranks. They launch a variety of...
7,130 руб
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A favourite amongst Speed Freeks and grounded Flyboyz alike, Megatrakk Scrapjets provide rocket-propelled acceleration, impressive firepower and the hilarity of ramming into enemy lines at the helm of what is effectively a gigantic, thrust-driven...
7,130 руб
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Fast-moving fighting platforms, Deffkilla Wartrikes make little concession to armoured protection for their riders. Scythe-wheeled, with an enormous rokkit engine afterburner on the back, these trikes not only move at a frankly vulgar pace but also...
7,130 руб
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The roar of overcharged engines and the crackle of flames herald the arrival of the Boomdakka Snazzwagons. Lightly built speedsters based around looted vehicle frames, Snazzwagons are clad in hastily welded scrap armour. Their drivers go hell for...
7,130 руб
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A huge brute even by ork standards, tall, muscular and imposing, Grukk Face-rippa is an absolutely terrifying sight. Hard as iron, with a fearsome reputation for absolutely stunning violence, many orks consider him blessed by Gork himself. Naturally, such a massive and killy ork draws others to...
6,750 руб
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The strongest and most dangerous Ork Nobz will be chosen by the Warboss to form his bodyguard. These Nobz will be armed and armoured with the best equipment.
4,490 руб
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The Meganobz are the richest and most battle-hardened Nobz around. Clad in Mek-built mega armour (with enough protective plating to turn the wearer into a walking tank), these Nobz can shrug off the hail of bullets that would kill lesser Orks. This multi-part plastic boxed set contains three...
8,250 руб
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7,350 руб
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Painboys are at home amongst the blood and horror of the battlefield, eagerly patching up lost limbs, doing a spot of welding on a broken face or furnishing the Warboss with a brand new flame-throwing arm. They learn their craft through a mixture of instinct, trial and error, and the...
3,750 руб
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Ork Meks are eccentric inventors that possess a natural ability for creating wotzits and fixin' gubbinz. From building deadly dakka from scrap to creating wobbling bubbles of force to protect da boyz from harm, Meks can do it all. This single frame plastic Mek is armed with a kustom mega...
3,900 руб
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Mek Gunz: Kustom Mega-kannon / Traktor Kannon / Smasha Gun / BubblechukkaThis multi-part plastic kit makes one of four possible Mek Gunz and has a six-strong grot crew. It can be assembled as a bubblechukka, a smasha gun, a traktor kannon or a kustom mega-kannon
7,130 руб
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Big Mek’s are obsessed with creating ever larger and more devastating war machines to unleash upon their foes. Their (often calamitous) endeavours have spawned some deadly dakka, one particularly volatile creation is the Shokk Attack Gun. By projecting a narrow force field tunnel through...
5,660 руб
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Behold the Flash Gitz! The richest and most obnoxious of all the Orks. These wanton mercenaries travel the galaxy flaunting their flashy kit and engaging in acts of outrageous piracy. But don’t be fooled by their ostentation. A mob of Gitz are exceptionally skilled at breaking ‘eads and they are...
7,690 руб
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The Gorkanaut possesses all the unsubtle brutality of Gork along with a blocky silhouette that looms menacingly over friend and foe alike. Piloted by an Ork Nob, this hulking orkoid armoured war suit is the epitome of everything an Ork aspires to be: Massive, tough, loud and destructive....
17,250 руб
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Orks love fire and it was therefore inevitable that someday a Mek would think of attaching canisters of volatile promethium to the underside of an Ork Bommer - thus the Burna-Bommer was born. Armed with burna bombs and skorcha rokkits, the Burna-Bommer performs its attack runs at as low an...
10,500 руб
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Вирдбои самые психически мощные из всех Орков и служат своеобразным коллектором психической энергии генерируемой их зеленокожими товарищами. Орки обычно очень буйные и в результате Вирдбои вбирает в себя столько пси энергии, что если он ее не выпустит, результат будет фееричный и фатальный....
4,490 руб
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When a Deff Dread just isn't stompy, shooty or killy enough, a Big Mek feels the urge to build a Stompa. Capable of laying waste to entire armies, a Stompa is a walking, shooting, roaring idol of Gork (or possibly Mork) that's just spoiling for a fight. Especially large Stompas are sometimes...
19,500 руб
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As the leader of the Warband the Warboss gets first pick of any wargear and the best fighters to make up his bodyguard. This tends to make an Ork Warboss even more deadly than he already is. This set contains 1 metal Ork Warboss with Big Choppa.
5,850 руб
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Толпы Гретчинов компенсируют потрясающее отсутствие каких-либо способностей неимоверным количеством. Врождённая трусость и субтильность расы Гретчинов не предрасполагает их к искусству войны, и обычный Грот скорее спрячет голову в оболочку споры, чем примет участие в настоящей битве. Однако есть...
3,080 руб
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Штурмовики - ударные подразделения многих удачливых банд, по мнению разумно мыслящих зеленокожих они слишком эффективны и дисциплинированы. Их позиция, несоответствующая старомодным ценностям анархии и хаоса, проявляется в стремлении быть организованными и исполнительными. Тем не менее, они...
5,100 руб
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Deffkoptas are the lunatic inventions of Meks obsessed with flight. Each Deffkoptra is a one-man attack craft that has a set of whirring rotors mounted above the pilot's head and a jet booster at the rear. Deffkoptas scream across the battlefield their underslung weapons spitting death....
5,070 руб
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Не смотря на то, что Дреды сильно различаются формой и размерами, они всегда олицетворяют три главных идеала Орочьей войны, являясь большими, стрелючими и топтучи-ми. Они с грохотом и лязгом шагают на врага, размахивая руками, в предвкушении скорого кровопролития возбуждённо щёлкая силовыми...
8,290 руб
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Боебанки внешне похожи на своих больших родственников - Смертодредов. По существу они являются такими же металлическими банками на поршневых ногах с установленными на них смертоносными приспособлениями для ближнего боя и тяжёлым стрелковым вооружением. На одной из их рук обычно закрепляются...
7,690 руб
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Капитан Бадрукк - самый известный Орочий Корсар. Легенда среди всех головорезов, Бадрукк вот уже несколько кровавых десятилетий бороздит межзвёздные просторы в своём стальном Кирдык-Крузере «Чёрнозуб». Капитан возглавляет банду свирепых бандитов, известную как Стрелюны Бадрукка, и уже успел...
4,000 руб
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Орки обычно зацикливаются на том, от чего получают наибольшее удовольствие, и объединяются в группы с другими также мыслящими Орками. Танкобои - великолепный пример одной их таких субкультур. Это Парни, испытавшие незабываемые впечатления от прямого попадания во вражеский танк, и громкого и...
6,830 руб
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Самые сильные, свирепые и опасные из всех орков — Нобы, избранные Воеводой в качестве личных телохранителей. Нобы всегда получают лучшее оружие и броню из арсенала орков. Нобы, нечто среднее между сержантом и терминатором космодесанта, но в более легкой броне. Часто отдельных Нобов можно...
5,100 руб
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Байкер всегда относится к своему «скакуну» с большой заботой, ибо боевой байк это не только элемент престижа, но и любимый гоночный болид зеленокожого наездника. Ничто, кроме пикирующей бомбардировки с орочьего бомбардоровщика, не сравнится с дикой скоростью и грохотом мотора орочьего байка,...
6,600 руб
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Тачилы это построенные орочьими инженерами транспортные машины, созданные для того чтобы поскорее доставить зеленокожую пехоту поближе к врагу, где они смогут чинить кровавую баню своими хряпами. Каждое племя и войско обязательно «затюнит» свою тачилу под собственные предпочтения. Клан Гоффов, к...
6,750 руб
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Бойцы — основная пехота орков. Орки крепкие и упрямые войны, которые нападают на врага зеленой волной насилия и жестокости. Бойцы вооруженны примитивными, крупнокалиберными пистолетами и огромными, острыми хряпами ака чоппами — холодным оружием в форме топоров, ножей и мечей. Тактика...
5,250 руб
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Меканики Орков создают все самое смертоносное оружие, которое может попасть в руки к Оркам. Будь это оружие невероятно сложные огнеметы «горелки», или наплечные «пушки смерти» или что-то еще, так или иначе, Меканик никогда не страдает от отсутствия покупателей.Набор содержит достаточно...
5,100 руб
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