Miniature Type
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The Orks love nothing more than charging headlong into the fury of combat, bellowing "Waaagh!" at the top of their lungs and letting loose with whatever weapons they can lay their hands on. They live for battle, and their apocalyptic migratory invasions lay waste to whole sub-sectors of the...
18,750 руб
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There are many horrific alien threats to be found among the stars, and the Orks are some of the very greatest among them. Born for battle and possessed of an all-encompassing love for war, the average Ork is a heavily muscled killing machine able to withstand tremendous punishment and heal from...
6,380 руб
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Внимание! Цена указана ориентировочная, на момент последней закупки. После оформления менеджер свяжется с вами и сообщит корректную стоимость. Срок поставки в среднем около 2 месяцев. Overlords lead the Necron dynasties in battle. Their android minds are tremendously swift, their...
8,780 руб
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Designed to make it easy to distinguish command vehicles in your Chaos Space Marines, Astra Militarum, Aeldari, Space Marines and T’au Empire armies and squadrons, this is a frame of 20 plastic components to add to vehicles – with the added bonus of making them look extra cool. The...
1,950 руб
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The Necrons are amongst the most ancient and powerful races in the galaxy. Armoured bodies of living metal, they advance in inexorable lockstep upon their terrified foes. Their weapons unleash the fundamental energies of the cosmos, even as flickering portals beam Necrons into battle from across...
18,750 руб
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Flayed Ones keen shrill hunting cries as they fall upon the foe, talons flashing. Infected with the gruesome flayer virus, the Flayed Ones attempt to gorge themselves upon the flesh and blood of their butchered foes, gore drizzling through their mechanical forms as they seek to slake a thirst...
6,600 руб
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Chronomancers are Crypteks who harness temporal energies, their aeonstaves and entropic lances slowing down or speeding up weaponised time. Their timesplinter mantles use crystallised moments to confound enemy blows while their chronometrons hasten allies through time itself. ...
5,100 руб
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Lelith Hesperax’s athleticism is far beyond those of other Wyches. She has raised death to a high art, wielding nothing more than simple knives. Gifting her victims with precise wounds in a blur of blade and flesh, she finishes in a bloody finale with a gory flourish.  There are few...
5,250 руб
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Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems, they allow you to dictate the battle with the skill and acuity of Vect himself – or, at the very least, ensure you don't forget to use that crucial Stratagem when you need it most! This pack contains...
3,300 руб
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The Drukhari are a decadent race of alien tormentors and raiders. Once part of a galaxy-spanning empire, the Drukhari now indulge in every macabre passion their supreme intelligence can conceive. They consider themselves superior to the galaxy’s other races and are afflicted by a gnawing...
19,500 руб
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The Drukhari are a decadent race of alien tormentors and raiders. Once part of a galaxy-spanning empire, the Drukhari now indulge in every macabre passion their supreme intelligence can conceive. They consider themselves superior to the galaxy’s other races, and suffer a gnawing sickness of the...
6,380 руб
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Unleash the Drukhari in a merciless realspace raid or burn the xenos invaders with the holy fire of the Adepta Sororitas with the Piety and Pain battlebox. Whether you're looking to battle a friend or get a handy selection of units for your Drukhari and Adepta Sororitas collections, this set is...
21,000 руб
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Across the galaxy, Necrons awaken in their tomb worlds, ready to rise up and reclaim their long-lost empire. Towering metal monstrosities stride to battle alongside calculating Crypteks, leading legions of undying warriors in their final, inevitable conquest. This set provides you with...
19,500 руб
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Psychomancers study the science of fear. They are expert manipulators, conjuring phantasms and temporary hard-light constructs that trigger primal survival instincts in their victims’ minds or overload even the most advanced sensoria. No being is safe from the creeping tendrils of the...
4,730 руб
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Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is a mighty prophet of the Waaagh!, capable of rousing billions of Orks into a frenzy of conquest and bloodshed. He is the most influential greenskin in the galaxy, and commands billions to war. Lead your Ork army with this incredible centrepiece model. He can be...
9,380 руб
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Shards of the Void Dragon fill the air around them with a searing scream of distorted static. With a gesture they can unmake the war engines of the lesser races, dragging the resultant disintegrating matter into themselves like the gravity well of a black hole and using it to replenish their...
15,380 руб
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