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The Orks love nothing more than charging headlong into the fury of combat, bellowing "Waaagh!" at the top of their lungs and letting loose with whatever weapons they can lay their hands on. They live for battle, and their apocalyptic migratory invasions lay waste to whole sub-sectors of the...
18,750 руб
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There are many horrific alien threats to be found among the stars, and the Orks are some of the very greatest among them. Born for battle and possessed of an all-encompassing love for war, the average Ork is a heavily muscled killing machine able to withstand tremendous punishment and heal from...
6,380 руб
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Внимание! Цена указана ориентировочная, на момент последней закупки. После оформления менеджер свяжется с вами и сообщит корректную стоимость. Срок поставки в среднем около 2 месяцев. Overlords lead the Necron dynasties in battle. Their android minds are tremendously swift, their...
8,780 руб
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Designed to make it easy to distinguish command vehicles in your Chaos Space Marines, Astra Militarum, Aeldari, Space Marines and T’au Empire armies and squadrons, this is a frame of 20 plastic components to add to vehicles – with the added bonus of making them look extra cool. The...
1,950 руб
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The Necrons are amongst the most ancient and powerful races in the galaxy. Armoured bodies of living metal, they advance in inexorable lockstep upon their terrified foes. Their weapons unleash the fundamental energies of the cosmos, even as flickering portals beam Necrons into battle from across...
18,750 руб
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Flayed Ones keen shrill hunting cries as they fall upon the foe, talons flashing. Infected with the gruesome flayer virus, the Flayed Ones attempt to gorge themselves upon the flesh and blood of their butchered foes, gore drizzling through their mechanical forms as they seek to slake a thirst...
6,600 руб
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Chronomancers are Crypteks who harness temporal energies, their aeonstaves and entropic lances slowing down or speeding up weaponised time. Their timesplinter mantles use crystallised moments to confound enemy blows while their chronometrons hasten allies through time itself. ...
5,100 руб
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Lelith Hesperax’s athleticism is far beyond those of other Wyches. She has raised death to a high art, wielding nothing more than simple knives. Gifting her victims with precise wounds in a blur of blade and flesh, she finishes in a bloody finale with a gory flourish.  There are few...
5,250 руб
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Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems, they allow you to dictate the battle with the skill and acuity of Vect himself – or, at the very least, ensure you don't forget to use that crucial Stratagem when you need it most! This pack contains...
3,300 руб
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The Drukhari are a decadent race of alien tormentors and raiders. Once part of a galaxy-spanning empire, the Drukhari now indulge in every macabre passion their supreme intelligence can conceive. They consider themselves superior to the galaxy’s other races and are afflicted by a gnawing...
19,500 руб
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The Drukhari are a decadent race of alien tormentors and raiders. Once part of a galaxy-spanning empire, the Drukhari now indulge in every macabre passion their supreme intelligence can conceive. They consider themselves superior to the galaxy’s other races, and suffer a gnawing sickness of the...
6,380 руб
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Unleash the Drukhari in a merciless realspace raid or burn the xenos invaders with the holy fire of the Adepta Sororitas with the Piety and Pain battlebox. Whether you're looking to battle a friend or get a handy selection of units for your Drukhari and Adepta Sororitas collections, this set is...
21,000 руб
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Across the galaxy, Necrons awaken in their tomb worlds, ready to rise up and reclaim their long-lost empire. Towering metal monstrosities stride to battle alongside calculating Crypteks, leading legions of undying warriors in their final, inevitable conquest. This set provides you with...
19,500 руб
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Psychomancers study the science of fear. They are expert manipulators, conjuring phantasms and temporary hard-light constructs that trigger primal survival instincts in their victims’ minds or overload even the most advanced sensoria. No being is safe from the creeping tendrils of the...
4,730 руб
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Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka is a mighty prophet of the Waaagh!, capable of rousing billions of Orks into a frenzy of conquest and bloodshed. He is the most influential greenskin in the galaxy, and commands billions to war. Lead your Ork army with this incredible centrepiece model. He can be...
9,380 руб
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Shards of the Void Dragon fill the air around them with a searing scream of distorted static. With a gesture they can unmake the war engines of the lesser races, dragging the resultant disintegrating matter into themselves like the gravity well of a black hole and using it to replenish their...
15,380 руб
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Nothing is so emblematic of Necron implacability as the Monolith. Like all Necron constructs, it is composed of living metal – a complex semi-sentient alloy that ripples and flows to repair damage in a blink of an eye. When combined with the vehicle’s slab-sided armour plates, this makes the...
22,500 руб
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Starsteles were placed upon worlds as territorial markers and silent guardians by jealous Necron nobles. Over the millennia they have become forgotten archaeological curios or feared sources of superstitious rumour about vanishments and strange lights. Now they awaken again as their masters do....
8,250 руб
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Repugnant to other Necrons, Ophydian Destroyers echo elements of servile Canoptek Wraiths and reviled Flayed Ones in their murder-optimised bodies. Tunnelling through solid ferrocrete with frenzied violence and flickers of dimensional displacement, they burst into view to ambush, hack and rend...
7,690 руб
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4,730 руб
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Striding forward in a rush of ungainly steps, their weaponised limbs sweeping in a whirlwind of gore, Skorpekh Destroyers feed their need to kill whenever they are unleashed upon the battlefield. Nothing else can override the hard-wired desire to kill that empowers these deranged Necrons....
7,690 руб
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Necron Warriors form the majority of a tomb world's nigh-inexhaustible armies. They are a corps of fleshless mechanoids, ranged in their millions against the vital races of the galaxy. Ancient limbs are corroded with age, yet the strength of their metal sinews has not faded, nor has the...
6,150 руб
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Canoptek Doomstalkers stride with eerie grace. Whether prowling their masters’ armouries as tireless sentinels or providing mobile fire support to the Necron legions, the Doomstalkers annihilate all those who dare stand against them with searing shots from their doomsday blasters. Need...
6,150 руб
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The Destroyer Cults think nothing of sacrificing their physical forms to optimise themselves for slaughter. Lokhust Heavy Destroyers skim to battle upon repulsor-sled bodies, their upper limbs bound into gauss destructors or enmitic exterminators with which they decimate their foes with...
4,730 руб
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The Silent King rides to war aboard his Dais of Dominion, flanked by the phaerons of his Triarch and orbited by crackling noctilith Menhirs. He unleashes god-like powers of annihilation upon his dismayed foes, even as his absolute authority radiates out to empower the Necron legions and drive...
20,250 руб
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Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems, C'tan Powers, and Necron Command Protocols, they'll allow you to dictate the battle with the skill and acuity of the most practiced Phaeron – or, at the very least, ensure you don't forget to use that...
3,300 руб
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The Necrons are a deathless race of alien androids, rulers of the galaxy in a long-forgotten era. Now, having slumbered in stasis for millennia, they are rising up to conquer it again. Clad in self-repairing bodies of living metal and wielding weapons that harness the most devastating energies...
6,380 руб
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Enter the thrilling world of tabletop gaming in the 41st Millennium with the Elite Edition – a set designed to introduce you to the Warhammer 40,000 hobby. Inside this jam-packed box, you’ll find the makings of two armies plus rules for gaming with them – ideal for kicking off your hobby,...
12,000 руб
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Illuminor Szeras labours to unravel the mysteries of life, for he fears that he would be a poor sort of god without the secrets of life at his fingertips. Szeras has been on the brink of understanding for many centuries, yet somehow final comprehension always escapes him. Though this is his...
7,130 руб
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The Incubi are an order of Drukhari that hone themselves for war and war alone. Warriors of the highest calibre, they dedicate themselves to the perfection of the killing strike. Despite the Incubi’s monk-like asceticism, no shred of virtue exists in their bloodstained souls, for though they...
7,690 руб
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In Drazhar, the Incubi ideal of violent perfection is exquisitely personified. His every strike exemplifies the tenets of his order, and each life he claims serves as a gruesome liturgy for his dark brethren. Those Incubi who fight in the presence of Drazhar set aside their deep-seated jealousy...
5,250 руб
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Howling Banshees are swift and athletic troops who are famously deadly in hand-to-hand fighting, and are renowned for their ability to strike down the foe before they can so much as raise a weapon to defend themselves. They are a predominantly female Aspect and what these fierce warriors lack in...
7,690 руб
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Jain Zar is the most active of all the Phoenix Lords in the war against the forces of the Great Enemy. To watch her in combat is to watch an exquisite dance, amidst leg sweeps, dodging twists and graceful pirouettes, the glowing polearm scythes and darts until only Jain Zair is left standing....
5,250 руб
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To the oppressed masses of a Genestealer Cult, the Kelermorph is a figure of folk legend, a revolutionary hero battling the uncaring cruelty of authoritarian rule. To the enemy he is a figure of dread, a hated anarch who seeks to tear down the foundations of civilisation. In reality the...
3,750 руб
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The Genestealer Cults are insidious, secretive organisations that take root in the underground of Imperial worlds. At the culmination of a plan often many generations in the making, the cultists and those under their sway will rise up as one to overthrow the surface dwellers and welcome the...
12,750 руб
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O’Shaserra, Commander Shadowsun, is a superlative warrior and a masterful tactician. She leaps around the battlefield in her XV22 battlesuit, using its advanced targeting systems and sophisticated cloaking technology to identify her prey and stalk them unseen. With her wide array of deadly...
6,600 руб
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Spiritseers are those upon the Witch Path who are called to commune with the dead – a chilling concept, even amongst the Asuryani. Although their main task is to shepherd wraithbone constructs to battle, a Spiritseer can also use their psychic abilities to aid the greater Asuryani warhost. By...
3,750 руб
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The Shokkjump Dragsta combines two of the foremost triumphs of the Mekaniak’s art – recklessly fast speedsters and deranged weaponry. It is perhaps unsurprising that it has become one of the most popular forms of transport amongst the Mekboyz of the Kult of Speed. You'll find your opponents...
7,130 руб
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Armed to the grille with guns, blades and greenskins, the Kustom Boosta-blasta is one of the deadliest Ork vehicles around. Ferociously fast, absurdly heavily armed, and boasting the capacity to set things on fire by simply overtaking them, it exemplifies everything the Speed Freeks look for in...
7,130 руб
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Misshapen, lumpen and inhumanly strong, the Aberrants are the repugnant offshoots of the brood cycle. Though dim-witted, their instinctive need to defend their broodkin makes them valuable assets to the cult. With heavy industrial tools raised, they cause impressive carnage with only their brute...
5,250 руб
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A champion amongst the mutant aberrants of the cult, the Abominant is a misshapen wrecking ball of muscle and chitin that wields a heavy bludgeoning instrument as if it weighs no more than a switch of willow. Only when the roaring, demented brute crushes all before it in a spasmodic frenzy,...
3,750 руб
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A master of gene-manipulation and bio-alchemy, the Biophagus is responsible for industrialising the process of indoctrination and infection. They concoct devious new contaminants that infect their victims with xenos genetics, morphing their body and mind, and rendering them susceptible to the...
3,750 руб
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Achilles Ridgerunners range into deadly frontier environments, their pilots scanning for promising resource deposits and communicating their location back to base. Though well equipped to engage enemy scouts and outriders, the...
7,130 руб
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Plan your day of ascension and manage your insurrection with these handy reference cards! This pack contains 36 Tactical Objective cards, 7 psychic power cards, and 28 Stratagem cards. Each set is great for quickly referring to your rules, making sure you’ll pick the right Stratagem or psychic...
2,100 руб
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Nexoses act as each Genestealer Cult’s central nervous system. They are granted psychometric powers that allow them to absorb the memories and consciousness of indoctrinated organisms, processing that sensory data into a steady stream of strategic instructions and deployment orders. The...
3,750 руб
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Sanctuses are the favoured blades of their Patriarch, assassins whose task it is to eliminate any who oppose the cultists’ ascension to glory. Like creeping shadows they slip into the most heavily guarded facilities, seeking out their targets and eliminating them with merciless precision....
3,750 руб
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The Clamavus is an information assassin supreme, seeding audio-viruses into the planetary vox network and dismantling communications. It is their role to create an aura of fear and confusion that their kin can exploit. The Clamavus is an Elites choice for your Genestealer Cults army. You'll...
3,750 руб
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Maguses are psychically gifted and possessed of a supernatural charisma. Their control of the hybrids around them is total. As a prophet of their Patriarch, the word of a Magus is law, and their telepathic abilities are more than powerful enough to enforce it. A Magus is a vital psychic...
3,750 руб
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Stoic and inhumanly patient, the Locus can go from sombre stillness to a blur of motion in an eye-blink. This sudden eruption of violence is as startling as it is deadly. Like a Lictor jumping from the shadows, the Locus makes a lightning-fast decapitating strike, their twin sabres flashing...
3,750 руб
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he Jackal Alphus is the undisputed leader of their pack. Not only are they the deadliest and fastest of their kin, they possess nerves of steel and a mind so focused that those of the Ordo Xenos who have seen them work have compared them to...
5,250 руб
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Atalan Jackals are fourth generation Neophytes who form the outriders of their gene-sect. They roam the corners of the host planet in search of new regions for their cult to infest. Atalan Jackals provide fast-moving firepower...
7,690 руб
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Crypteks are a core element of Necron armies, harnessing ancient technologies to support their comrades and incinerating enemies in searing beams of light. They are masters of dimensional dissonance, singularity manipulation, atomic transmutation, elemental transmogrification and countless other...
4,730 руб
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Often seen muscling their way through their fellow Speed Freeks as they roar toward the front lines, Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies employ living close-range artillery to wreak havoc amongst the enemy ranks. They launch a variety of...
7,130 руб
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A favourite amongst Speed Freeks and grounded Flyboyz alike, Megatrakk Scrapjets provide rocket-propelled acceleration, impressive firepower and the hilarity of ramming into enemy lines at the helm of what is effectively a gigantic, thrust-driven...
7,130 руб
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Fast-moving fighting platforms, Deffkilla Wartrikes make little concession to armoured protection for their riders. Scythe-wheeled, with an enormous rokkit engine afterburner on the back, these trikes not only move at a frankly vulgar pace but also...
7,130 руб
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The roar of overcharged engines and the crackle of flames herald the arrival of the Boomdakka Snazzwagons. Lightly built speedsters based around looted vehicle frames, Snazzwagons are clad in hastily welded scrap armour. Their drivers go hell for...
7,130 руб
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T'au Sniper Drone Teams are the ultimate anti-infantry weapon in the T'au arsenal. Each drone is equipped with a Rail Rifle that can fire a high velocity projectile at such extraordinary speed that it will punch clean through the armour of almost any adversary. The resultant mess is enough...
6,440 руб
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A galactic tapestry of shimmering strands used by the Aeldari to traverse the stars without risking the dread realm of the warp, the webway once spanned the galaxy, even stretching out into the empty void beyond. These days...
9,750 руб
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Eldrad Ulthran was once chief amongst the Farseers of Ulthw?. Eldrad has lived for over ten thousand years, and has successfully guided his people along the twisting paths of fate since the Fall, and throughout the rise of the Imperium. Time and time again, Eldrad has averted...
4,730 руб
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1,950 руб
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By the time a Genestealer Cult launches its insurrection, its Neophyte Hybrids make up a horde of thousands. Weathered and toughened by a life of hard labour, each cultist features the inhuman reactions and strength their alien genes gift them. These third and fourth generation hybrids can pass...
5,250 руб
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The Patriarch and his Broodcoven dominate the minds and hearts of the cultists in their thrall. Masters of psychic and physical power, they muster and command the actions of the cult’s many generations to ensure their targets are torn down in short order. Every word spoken by the Magus or Primus...
8,250 руб
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Hoisting the sacred banner of his cult above the frenzied anarchy of their insurgency, the Acolyte Iconward is a focus both religious and military. Some Iconwards have spent centuries preparing for their incursion, and releasing this anticipation brings an infectious rush that inspires brood...
4,390 руб
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Built to withstand the pressures and challenges of underground mining, the Goliath Rockgrinder is a devastating piece of equipment when turned to aggression. Surging forward into the massed ranks of the enemy, servo-mounted weaponry seeking and destroying priority targets, the Rockgrinder drives...
8,180 руб
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