Armies of Imperium

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Sly Marbo is a natural born survivor, a veritable one-man army, a loner who sticks to the shadows. Few have seen his face and none have heard him speak. Marbo silently acknowledges orders with a slight nod before vanishing in search of the foe. Marbo kills with mechanical efficiency, striking...
4,580 руб
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Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl was already old at the dawn of the Imperium, over ten thousand years ago. During that span of ages the Tech-Priest has served as a Forge Lord, a Lexico Arcanus and a renowned Magos Biologis. On the battlefield Cawl is a force to be reckoned with,...
7,690 руб
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This pack of plastic components can be used to upgrade a variety of Primaris Space Marines with iconography and details specific to the heroic Ultramarines Chapter. 20 components in total are included: - 5 Ultramarines Mk X power armour shoulder pads, for use with Hellblasters and...
2,880 руб
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The swiftest of the Primaris battle-brothers, Inceptors fill the role of spearhead troops. They hit the enemy in one sudden and overwhelming blow, leaving them reeling as follow-up waves of Space Marines drive home the attack. Equipped with jump packs and reinforced armour,...
7,130 руб
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A strong core of reliable and adaptable warriors that can lay down fire while advancing or holding down terrain is an invaluable aid to any tactician. In the case of strike forces...
7,690 руб
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Imperial observers have likened the fire of a Hellblaster Squad to the incinerating power of a stellar flare. Bolt after bolt of plasma sears across the battlefield; those caught in the Hellblasters’ sights are swiftly...
7,690 руб
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The Repulsor armoured transport is a deadly combination of manoeuvrability and raw brute force. Due to the turbine array at its rear, it has tremendous motive power, held aloft by powerful anti-gravitic generators. The Repulsor is so heavily armed and armoured that is doesn’t...
10,880 руб
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The spiritual leaders of their Chapters, Chaplains are awe-inspiring warrior priests who administer rites, preserve rituals and perform ancient ceremonies of initiation, vindications and redemption that are as important to a Space Marine Chapter as its roll of honour or skill at arms....
4,880 руб
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Amongst the most honoured Space Marines of a Chapter are its Apothecaries. It is their role to to mind the physical well-being of their battle-brothers – this is seen most obviously on the battlefield, where an Apothecary serves as an emergency medic. Their most important duty, though,...
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Redemptor Dreadnoughts are giant war machines that crush bone and splinter skulls as they bludgeon through enemy ranks. Taller, broader and more cunningly wrought than the Dreadnoughts of traditional design,...
9,380 руб
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All Space Marines are experts of the rapid strike, but Reivers take these skills to the next level. They are specially trained and equipped to launch brutally effective and unexpected assaults. They do this with a sudden fury and shocking violence, for the Reivers fulfil the role of...
7,690 руб
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Clad in heavy Gravis armour, Aggressor Squads advance on the foe as walking fortresses of ceramite. More mobile than some other Space Marines, they’re better able to negotiate rough ground, making them versatile troops; while they are often employed in specific circumstances or on...
7,130 руб
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Eyes blazing and fists crackling with roiling energies, Space Marine Librarians stride into battle to destroy their foes. Some hurl blasts of warp-force that crush their victims to paste, while others twist the flow of time itself or revitalise...
4,880 руб
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Space Marine Captains are both superlative warriors and strategically gifted commanders who lead Space Marine companies into battle. Those Primaris Captains who favour Mk X Tacticus armour are amongst the most...
5,100 руб
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Cleansing flame is the principal weapon of the Silent Sisterhood’s Witchseeker Squads, for in the hostile galaxy of the 41st Millennium there exist entities that can shrug storms of bullets – yet wither and shrink to nothing under the onslaught of holy promethium. The Witchseekers’ prey is...
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Bright and resplendent in gleaming gold, the Adeptus Custodes stride into war with the confidence their imposing stature gives them. Bullets and shrapnel ricochet from gilded breastplates – these warriors are armoured with the finest wargear, carrying the blessing of the Emperor himself. With...
7,690 руб
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This pack contains 1 Imperial Guard Tank Accessory frame.
2,580 руб
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The elite amongst the elite, carefully selected and recruited for their exceptional abilities, the Deathwatch are a thin black line, a sentinel that stands between the Imperium and alien threats unimaginable. Always outnumbered – such is the staggering scale of the hordes they face – this noble...
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Canoness Veridyan is a veteran of countless battles, a shining beacon of purity and dedication. In battle, she is a shining beacon, leading her Order into battle without fear of death or damnation, her blade tearing through those who stand before her with calculated precision. Under her command,...
4,580 руб
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